December 22nd untethered iOS6 / iPhone 5 Jailbreak- hoax or reality?


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Nov 6, 2011
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i am quite impressed with waht this thread has turned into!
this had potential to be a real abuse fest! instead we have a civilized discussion on viable i-infosources
well done everyone


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Jul 21, 2009
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Out of curiosity, what other sites like iMore does everyone else visit? One that may be just as accurate ?

I just wait for twitter to blow up with the JB is out! and then I head to iClarified which has been my number one source for as long as I have been JBing.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Just as an aside: I'm cool with the way things are. If they don't have the talent/time/reader interest for these stories, they should stick to big news. There are plenty of jailbreak-exclusive blogs out there that complement iMore quite well. ;)

I don't think it's a question of talent/time/reader interest. Just look at the forums there are a ton of knowledgable JBers they could tap to write for them. The threads show the interest, I think it's just more of a fact that they are about iDevices news, tips and usage. They cover the JB because when it breaks it is news but like you said there are other sites that are solely focused on JB info, news, tweaks.


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Feb 9, 2010
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As anyone who is interested in a new jailbreak probably knows by now, the developer behind the jailbreak being discussed here is supposed to update his site and his Twitter today with video "proof" of the jailbreak. While most of the iOS community seems to think this is a hoax or worse (possibly a way to get users to download malware) I'd be glad to see a new developer step up to the plate. Unlikely? Sure, but not impossible. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves us otherwise, if only because it feels good to hope again.

I do wish iMore covered these things a bit more often--to me it's not a matter of being "right" or "wrong," it's a matter of reporting interesting news as it arises. They covered iPhone 5 rumors and leaks; to my mind something like this is not so very different. Why not keep your readers informed?


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Oct 7, 2009
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As anyone who is interested in a new jailbreak probably knows by now, the developer behind the jailbreak being discussed here is supposed to update his site and his Twitter today with video "proof" of the jailbreak. While most of the iOS community seems to think this is a hoax or worse (possibly a way to get users to download malware) I'd be glad to see a new developer step up to the plate. Unlikely? Sure, but not impossible. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves us otherwise, if only because it feels good to hope again.

I do wish iMore covered these things a bit more often--to me it's not a matter of being "right" or "wrong," it's a matter of reporting interesting news as it arises. They covered iPhone 5 rumors and leaks; to my mind something like this is not so very different. Why not keep your readers informed?

exactly. nothing wrong with watching how this pans out. worst case scenario everyone goes back their normal lives

it boggles my mind as to why some people are so passionate that this is indeed a fake. i'll laugh my ass off if it is Geohot making a return!


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Oct 29, 2009
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I don't think it'll be legitimate but who knows. He's posting his proof sometime in the next two hours or so. If it is true I'm going to wait a couple days to get it and make sure the braver people still have use of their phones.


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Nov 6, 2011
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whats the spirit of this season about without unbridled optimism???
i am going to completely go against all realistic thoughts and believe that this is indeed true, and safe, and will be offered for free on 12-22-12 as a sort of "yay were all still here gift"


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Oct 7, 2009
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Video 1

idk know what to believe. i just hope its real more so musclenerd and ih8sn0w would shut the hell up

the comments on this video are blowing UP. literally


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Oct 29, 2009
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I don't think it's real. He never shows his computer and the Cydia app looks off center. Also the phone boots straight to home screen without slide to unlock showing up. I'm not saying for sure it's fake but this is my opinion :/ I wish it was real I'm super excited for a jailbreak


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Nov 2, 2011
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I have no clue if it is real or not. His tweets are well..weird I guess?

Shrugs. I'm at work and my computer won't allow me access to see or not lol. Man I wish I were still on an older iOS lol.

BA HA HA! I refreshed my screen. I bet there are thousands of sad, very mad people out there. Gotta love social experiments.


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Nov 2, 2011
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Ha ha I didn't click any links or anything on his site but I told myself I see a Rick Roll or Nyan Cat somewhere in the near future. :) I'm literally laughing out loud.