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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I’ve been here for a while now (June, 2010), but wanted to make it official...

I’m a convert to the wonderful world of Apple... and here's my story:

It all started about 2 and a half years ago. After years of using a BlackBerry, I got my first iPhone (iPhone 4) in June, 2010. I got my first iPad (original iPad) in August, 2010 and purchased my first Mac (MacBook Pro) in September, 2010. In a matter of three months and a few days, I have made the switch. Completely. Totally. From “hater” to “fanboy”. I’ve upgraded all of my devices once or twice since then... currently rocking an iPhone 5, iPad Mini and a retina MBP. (I have 6 grown kids and lots of grandkids, so all my stuff gets passed down - nothing goes to waste!)

I was quite active on the AT&T User Forum (username: Fonejunkie) for a number of years - even though I no longer visit that forum, I have friends that I met there that I still text with from time to time. I also spent several years hanging out at BlackBerry Forums where I met several folks who hang out around here (username: Fonejunkie) ... and I’m active on Twitter...

I’ve learned a lot hanging out here, and met some really great people... and though I’ve gotten quite busy with family and work, I still try to get here at least once a day to check in.


New member
Jan 10, 2013
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I just Joined today and it seems there is a lot of cool people out here, and in regards to the post, well i which i could do that super conversion too :)

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