App Library, nice but . . .


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Nov 4, 2017
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I like the basic concept, which allows for "uninstalling" apps but send them to the library instead of firmly deleting them.

However, my instant wish for the app library:

  • let me rename the categories (don't like having to get into thinking mode when looking for an app..."where on earth could this app be....even can't remember its name correctly..."
  • this will then require to create another "general" library "folder", unchangeable, where all the apps that were removed from a home screen will go
  • this will then require to allow me for moving apps from such a general library folder to another folder of my choice.

But why make it so difficult?
Why not just offering a library where all apps show, and maybe even allow users to create whatever folders they like, within this library?
Oh - understood. This would look too Androidish.
(I have to stop always referring to Android or people will start accusing me of trolling. But believe me, I'm not. I'm a fully fledged Apple user who just wants to benefit from meaningful features that others have enjoyed since years. And which Apple seems to try to avoid under all circumstances).

2nd big app library enhancement request:

allow me to jump there, by just one gesture or button press, from everywhere. Having to scroll rightwards through countless screens is boring. I can't remember exactly....which platform has been allowing that since many years...???


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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Until I can rename and reorganise the folders, both in content and folder priority, it’s a large, unhelpful mess. Honestly I’d far prefer being able to toggle it off completely. In its current format, it’s not even remotely useful for me. I already have all my apps in the folders I want and I know where they are. I can’t see a reason for suddenly switching to an App Library. I think Apple half-assed an Android feature that Google did well.

Honestly the ‘Other’ folder just seems to be an app graveyard of random apps.

The Games folder does not in fact have all my game related apps in it, for some unfathomable reason.

I have a ‘Productivity and Finance’ folder with about fifty apps in it, many of which are neither ‘Productivity’ or ‘Finance’ related in my view.

All my Authenticator apps are split between three different folders.

All my Acting-related apps are split across four folders

It’s just terribly optimised and far more frustrating having to find the app, or search for it, than just opening a folder of my choosing and selecting the app I need.

Good try Apple. 4/10. Could do better. See me after class.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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I guess I'm in the minority here, however I like the App Library. I'm seriously considering hiding a few of my app pages because of the app library to be honest.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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Honestly I was one of the posters that felt the App Library was lacking but since I installed iOS 14, I completely changed my mind.

I really like the App Library. I actually like the fact that it isn’t customizable. Between widgets on the Home Screen, the App Library and enhanced AirPods pairings , iOS 14 is

I totally agree with you. iOS 14 is


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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I guess I'm in the minority here, however I like the App Library. I'm seriously considering hiding a few of my app pages because of the app library to be honest.

Not a all.
I also prefer apples implementation of the App Library, it’s basically Siri suggestion turned up to 11.

I have already hidden a couple of app pages and frankly it is rather refreshing. I suspect they are using machine learning to organize and reorganize the apps based on each individual users app usage.

It’s commendable that apple didn’t just copy the antiquated or prehistoric app drawer concept that was included with Mac OS X or even Mac Os 9 from the 90s.

And for those that prefer such an outdated concept, android is readily available.


Feb 20, 2014
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Until I can rename and reorganise the folders, both in content and folder priority, it’s a large, unhelpful mess. Honestly I’d far prefer being able to toggle it off completely. In its current format, it’s not even remotely useful for me. I already have all my apps in the folders I want and I know where they are. I can’t see a reason for suddenly switching to an App Library. I think Apple half-assed an Android feature that Google did well.

Honestly the ‘Other’ folder just seems to be an app graveyard of random apps.

The Games folder does not in fact have all my game related apps in it, for some unfathomable reason.

I have a ‘Productivity and Finance’ folder with about fifty apps in it, many of which are neither ‘Productivity’ or ‘Finance’ related in my view.

All my Authenticator apps are split between three different folders.

All my Acting-related apps are split across four folders

It’s just terribly optimised and far more frustrating having to find the app, or search for it, than just opening a folder of my choosing and selecting the app I need.

Good try Apple. 4/10. Could do better. See me after class.

You do realize that Apple is not the one organizing those apps in the Library?
It’s the category that the Devs selected for their apps.

You can double check that by searching each app and see what category it’s listed in.

Nice try with your criticism but hopefully better luck next time.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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Do you realize that Apple is not the one organizing those apps in the Library?
It’s the category that the Devs selected for their apps.

You can double check that by searching each app and see what category it’s listed in.

Nice try with your criticism but hopefully better luck next time.

I feel like we’re fighting a lot here. It’s not my intention to rub you up the wrong way as I honestly value your opinions, but your passive aggression is noted and I shall just stfu in future I think.

Ok, so maybe Apple aren’t the ones who decide which category apps are under but I don’t think that invalidates all of my criticism though.

Being able to edit the folders would be a welcome addition and yes, I do feel the App Library isn’t implemented well. This is merely my opinion. Your mileage clearly does vary.


Feb 20, 2014
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I feel like we’re fighting a lot here. It’s not my intention to rub you up the wrong way as I honestly value your opinions, but your passive aggression is noted and I shall just stfu in future I think.

Ok, so maybe Apple aren’t the ones who decide which category apps are under but I don’t think that invalidates all of my criticism though.

Being able to edit the folders would be a welcome addition and yes, I do feel the App Library isn’t implemented well. This is merely my opinion. Your mileage clearly does vary.

You may not be conscious about the way you’re forming your posts, but they feel like a stab and a chop rather than criticism.

In that regard is my reply quite mild actually.

And yes, I do agree that Apple should and could have given us the option to organize it ourselves.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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You may not be conscious about the way you’re forming your posts, but they feel like a stab and a chop rather than criticism.

In that regard is my reply quite mild actually.

And yes, I do agree that Apple should and could have given us the option to organize it ourselves.

I apologize if my posts come across that way; it wasn’t intended. And yes you could have been a lot worse in your response, and I’m glad you weren’t because it would have been a lot harder for me to keep my composure too.

I shall try to be more constructive if I post again.


Feb 20, 2014
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I apologize if my posts come across that way; it wasn’t intended. And yes you could have been a lot worse in your response, and I’m glad you weren’t because it would have been a lot harder for me to keep my composure too.

I shall try to be more constructive if I post again.

Please remember that I react on posts and not on the poster behind it.
Most of the time I’m not even aware who I am replying to. So it’s not personal.

You have a good Sunday now.


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2013
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Ok so here’s my take on the App Library, I quite like the idea, however as others have stated, it would be advantageous to be able to edit the folders.
It makes it very confusing to the user being able to add apps to their own folders if Apple (or the Developers) then add them to different folders in the App Library.

It seems like Apple don’t want users to put apps in their own folders, but simply want them to rely on the App Library for grouping everything, and for us to just put individual apps on each page, but then again if that’s their thinking, why not use the App Library on IPadOS as well?

I do like the search facility in the App Library, very useful if you’ve ‘lost’ an app somewhere!.

All in all, a useful idea, which needed more thought on how the individual would want to use it!


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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I don’t think many seem to grasp the concept of the App Library.

The App Library is completely autonomous.

If a user so desires, one could create folders and rearrange apps all day long on iOS with the Home Screen. A user can have pages and pages of folders, apps, and widgets arranged to said users content on the Home Screen, not the App Library.

The autonomous App Library is a new concept, basically Siri suggestion on steroids. I don’t recall anyone complaining they couldn’t customize Siri suggestion over the last two years, it just worked. Sometimes new concepts can be frighting to a certain type of user.

We have to remember the concept of a phone with only four buttons and a touchscreen frightened so many users when the iPhone debuted. Today iPhones have only three buttons and I don’t think many can fathom going back to a phone with a tiny screen littered with buttons.

I would wager it depends entirely on the capacity of the end user to grasp new concepts, from a touch screen phone to a self-governing App Library. At this stage of machine leading and AI, some will but most won’t. With many here calling for the ability to customize the App Library likened to exBlackberry users trying to espouse the merits of a physical keyboards in 2020. It is rather ridiculous and mildly entertaining to observe.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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Being able to make the App Library personable would be nice, but I still like the concept and to be honest I don't mind the Devs or Apple giving them a category. Just like my app pages I will get use to their placement...eventually. Just one less thing for me to worry about.
Having an opinion or even a strong opinion about something is OK, however if you have no use for the App Library, by all means don't use it. I like it and can see where it will come in handy for my needs and the way I use my Apple products.
No arguing necessary.


Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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Please remember that I react on posts and not on the poster behind it.
Most of the time I’m not even aware who I am replying to. So it’s not personal.

You have a good Sunday now.

If you want an argument I don't mind giving YOU one. If you want to make it personal we can do that to. Ya old fart...LOL


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I guess I'm in the minority here, however I like the App Library. I'm seriously considering hiding a few of my app pages because of the app library to be honest.

Yep. I now have two screens. The first screen contains my mandatory use apps and then I have the App Library. This setup works great for me.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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In regard to categories, when the developers submit an app to be reviewed by Apple, they must select a primary and a secondary app category.

Having said that, Apple uses the categories selected by the developers and places them in the associated folder in the App Library. Take for example, the app called, “Elevate”. Some people view it as a game, however, the developer chose to categorize it as an education app and therefore it is listed in the Education folder in the App Library.


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