AirPods Not Displayed in Battery Widget


iPad Champion
Jan 25, 2014
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Thanks for this first answer that went into detail rather than just indicating I might not understand how smart air pods are, compared to other devices.
I think you’re right, they don’t connect to 2 or more devices at a time.
My Bose wireless headset, that I’m using day in day out eg in the gym with my iPad & Netflix, immediately connect to the iPad, when I turn it on. When I forgot to turn off my iPhone which is in the locker room while I exercise, it even connects to the iPhone, despite long distance and doors and exercising machines in between.
I also figured out what you said about keeping the air pod case open next to the device I want them to connect to, however 1. They sometimes still don’t connect without manual intervention and 2nd, and this may sound silly but is true, there seems to be no way to keep the case open, other than holding it in my hand. Whatever way I put it on a table, it will close.
Honestly, I would rather want to turn BT off on my iPad, when somebody else uses it, while I want to listen to music on my iPhone. This happens much less often then myself moving from iPad to iPhone and back. But that seems to be how Apple designed it, and like you said, apparently the air pods are not for me under these circumstances.
I still find it silly how this was implemented. I think my use case (1 Person using 2 devices) is much more likely than the other.

To clarify one point, you don't need to keep the case open. Just when you take the AirPods out, put the case next to the device you want to use until the AirPods connect, then you can close the case.

If I had to guess, I doubt it was a decision to not have the AirPods connect to more than one device; I suspect it was some type of hardware limitation, possibly because of the smaller antenna but more likely to maximize the battery life.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2017
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To clarify one point, you don't need to keep the case open. Just when you take the AirPods out, put the case next to the device you want to use until the AirPods connect, then you can close the case.

If I had to guess, I doubt it was a decision to not have the AirPods connect to more than one device; I suspect it was some type of hardware limitation, possibly because of the smaller antenna but more likely to maximize the battery life.

I know about the case. However, taking them out, putting them into the ears, while trying to keep the case open, is a challenge. At least for me, as on top of all other problems, the air pods have a tendency to fall out of my ears. So for me the whole concept is clumsy, for more than just one reason.


iPad Champion
Jan 25, 2014
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I know about the case. However, taking them out, putting them into the ears, while trying to keep the case open, is a challenge. At least for me, as on top of all other problems, the air pods have a tendency to fall out of my ears. So for me the whole concept is clumsy, for more than just one reason.

I'll admit, the way Apple designed AirPods they aren't for everyone -- if only because one size does not fit all. I do suspect there is an issue with your AirPods (at least based on what I understand), the case should stay open until you push the top to close it. But if they don't fit properly, then it would seem AirPods aren't for you.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2017
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I'll admit, the way Apple designed AirPods they aren't for everyone -- if only because one size does not fit all. I do suspect there is an issue with your AirPods (at least based on what I understand), the case should stay open until you push the top to close it. But if they don't fit properly, then it would seem AirPods aren't for you.

It stays open, as long as I hold it in my hand. As soon as I put it down, it either lies on the back side, ie on the open flap, and and the cases own weight pushes the flap close. Or, if lying on the front side, the flap falls close due to ist own weight. Can't put it down in an upright position due to its round bottom. I don't think it's a problem with my air pods, as this is my 2nd set, and both cases behaved in the same manner.
So if I could put the case next to the iPod or iPad in an upright and opened state, and it would then do its connectivity thing, while I try to put the pods into my ears and make them stay there, this would work much better.

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