Help with Wallpaper


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Aug 31, 2009
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I appologise in advance if this question is kicking about the forum, if it is I must have circled the thread.

I have been away from the iphone gossip for a while now and its taking it's toll i suppose. Anyway, I have a theme called Orbz which the majority of members will be familiar with it. I love the app icons it displays however the dull grey boards behind it doesnt appeal to me at all. I simply want to keep the app icons (Orbz style), but replace the springboard background with a picture I already have in my camera roll. I thought that if I ensured my user background was higher than the orbz theme within Winterboard it will enable me to display my own wallpaper.

Can someone fill me in with my problem, if it can be solved, if we cannot do this now, anything. I've tried my best looking for this answer but I just cannot seem to find it. They are posts, articles suggesting that if I have my user background higher than one of my themes within winterboard it will enable me to display a picture I would like, but I've tried it and no luck.

Any feedback would be highly appreciated !


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May 18, 2010
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IF you are jailbroken you can SSH into your phone and try to rename the wallpaper you want to use to LockBackgroundPortrait.jpg and put it in this folder by sshing:



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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maybe try uninstalling winterboard and then reinstalling it... see where that gets you

pay attention to what exactly is getting deleted though as most times other items go along with it, then reinstall those as well


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Dec 7, 2010
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I came on here today to post this exact question. I am running 4.2.1 teethered jailbreak iPhone 4. If I figure this out I will let you know also. The weird thing is when I open a folder on the iPhone, my camera roll background shows, but as soon as I close the folder out, the theme wallpaper pops back up.
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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Some themes have wallpapers baked in--they only use whatever they came with, and basically overwrite whatever it is that you choose. I remember one of my themes being this way--you could only use the plain background when I got it. The solution for that one at least was to open the html file for the lockscreen and replace a bit of code so that the background image was tied to what your phone was using. This was the piece of code I used:

background-image: url(/private/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/LockBackground.jpg);

Depending on how the theme was written, you might be able to use that to fix yours; just watch the formatting in the html file (spaces, indents, etc) and be sure to respring after you try changing wallpapers. As an aside, I think doing stuff like this is a great way of learning a bit about making custom themes: find one you like, save a copy of it to your desktop, and start trying to make little tweaks to it to see how things work. Good luck!


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2010
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Thanks, I will try this, I am also looking into logging into my iPhone via ssh to fix this. I would like to change my root and mobile password, but when I run MobileTerminal it opens and closes immediatly. It must not be compatible with 4.2.1 Is there any other program i can use to log in and changed these passwords.


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Feb 9, 2010
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I actually don't use MobileTerminal or OpenSSH or anything like that...I just do everything via iPhoneBrowser on my desktop, with a USB connection. I don't know if it makes any real difference, I just never install anything I don't really need ON my phone.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
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Thanks, I will try this, I am also looking into logging into my iPhone via ssh to fix this. I would like to change my root and mobile password, but when I run MobileTerminal it opens and closes immediatly. It must not be compatible with 4.2.1 Is there any other program i can use to log in and changed these passwords.

if i remember correctly the mobile terminal for iOS 4.xx is still in the beta stages?? (anyone?) there is a copy out there, somewhere..

in regards to ssh; i use iPhone Folders via usb connection


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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2010
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if i remember correctly the mobile terminal for iOS 4.xx is still in the beta stages?? (anyone?) there is a copy out there, somewhere..

in regards to ssh; i use iPhone Folders via usb connection

Thanks, I found this repository, added it, and they had the new MobileTerminal. I was able to run Mobile Terminal and change my passwords like I wanted to do. Now got to figure out where the background images are to edit them. you have to put http://www in front of that


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2010
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Ok, I figured the Locked background problem out, at least for me. I am using HDApple theme currently, and the wallpaper.png file must be locked or hardcoded to always show. So I browsed to /var/stash/Themes/"the name of my theme" and replaced wallpaper.png with my camera roll pic. I renamed the camera roll pic to wallpaper.png before replacing it. ( I also made backup copies of all the pics just in case) Hope this helps. Now I am going to start playing with the icon png files to see if I can customize those.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Ok, I figured the Locked background problem out, at least for me. I am using HDApple theme currently, and the wallpaper.png file must be locked or hardcoded to always show. So I browsed to /var/stash/Themes/"the name of my theme" and replaced wallpaper.png with my camera roll pic. I renamed the camera roll pic to wallpaper.png before replacing it. ( I also made backup copies of all the pics just in case) Hope this helps. Now I am going to start playing with the icon png files to see if I can customize those.

The nice thing about doing it the way I described (altering how the theme decides where to look for wallpaper in the first place) is that once you make that change to the code, you can change wallpapers the usual way--you won't have to go into the file system anymore, but can just use the native method of changing wallpaper. Helpful for people who like to change wallpapers often.

But whatever way you do it, it's fun, isn't it?


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Dec 7, 2010
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The nice thing about doing it the way I described (altering how the theme decides where to look for wallpaper in the first place) is that once you make that change to the code, you can change wallpapers the usual way--you won't have to go into the file system anymore, but can just use the native method of changing wallpaper. Helpful for people who like to change wallpapers often.

But whatever way you do it, it's fun, isn't it?

Can you explain in a little more detail how you do it again. I didn't quite follow you the last time, sorry. where exactly do you navigate to enter in the URL?


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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The way I described was used for an html lockscreen...I used Wordpad to open the html file within the theme (usually called LockBackground.html or something like that) and found the section that looked like this:

body {
background-color: #000000;
margin: 0;
padding: 620px 0 0 0;
height: 480px;
width: 320px;
background-image: url(/private/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/LockBackground.jpg);
background-size: 61%;

The background-image url was originally set to url(Private/Background.png) or something similar, which would only give me the background from the theme. Changing it to the mobile/Library one above let me use the regular way of changing backgrounds.

Now depending on how your particular theme is coded, you might not have an html file, or might have to do this in a css file, maybe? Whatever you do, I'd recommend just making a copy of the file first as a backup. Then if you screw it up (I did) you've got the clean copy to use for a second try. I can try to go through it if you can tell me what is in your theme folder.


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Dec 7, 2010
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Now depending on how your particular theme is coded, you might not have an html file, or might have to do this in a css file, maybe? Whatever you do, I'd recommend just making a copy of the file first as a backup. Then if you screw it up (I did) you've got the clean copy to use for a second try. I can try to go through it if you can tell me what is in your theme folder.

Ok, I understand what you are saying now. The bad thing about this particular theme i am using, is it has no html files. Every file i can see are png's.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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This is two months ago but I'm wondering why you guys just don't rename the theme wallpaper and lockscreen that way you can use your own while still having the theme? but then you guys prob do by now.