Yet another Apple purchase!


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Mar 15, 2011
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Bit the bullet and ordered an iPad mini LTE model, love the mini not so much liking the fact I was told I could share my phones data plan for $10 a month only to be now told today after trying to set it up on my plan that I would have to downgrade from 6 GB plan for $30 a month to 3 GB a month for the same price so it looks like I will be using hotspot now anyways which means I could have just ordered the wifi only model and saved some cash! I do love this device works awesome just like all my other apple stuff and is going to make an awesome truck mounted GPS. Comparing the speed from my iPad 2 on my wifi shows the 2 around 30 Mbps and the mini getting the full 50 Mbps so the wifi is faster. Just wanted to say I was officially now a member of the mini club! :cool:


Jul 3, 2009
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Bit the bullet and ordered an iPad mini LTE model, love the mini not so much liking the fact I was told I could share my phones data plan for $10 a month only to be now told today after trying to set it up on my plan that I would have to downgrade from 6 GB plan for $30 a month to 3 GB a month for the same price so it looks like I will be using hotspot now anyways which means I could have just ordered the wifi only model and saved some cash! I do love this device works awesome just like all my other apple stuff and is going to make an awesome truck mounted GPS. Comparing the speed from my iPad 2 on my wifi shows the 2 around 30 Mbps and the mini getting the full 50 Mbps so the wifi is faster. Just wanted to say I was officially now a member of the mini club! :cool:
What carrier? I bought an LTE mini and added it to my VZW shared plan for $10 per month with no problem, other than needing to call in for them to provision the device. Apparently there's no way to do it directly from the mini the way you would if you were just creating a new account.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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I'm in Canada with Bell mobility. They told me when I first asked that they would let me add data share with my plan but apparently someone I spoke with was just making stuff up as they require a certain data plan to qualify for sharing. Oh well I have the LTE model now and if I ever need it I will just hook it up on its own data plan I would rather spend an extra $35 a month for another 6 GB plan than drop my phone down to 3!

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