Win an iPhone 4S from TiPb!

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Sep 1, 2010
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Win an iPhone 4s

I really hope I win this. TiPb has always been a blast to follow from the videos when testing out new cases. I love when u guys tested out cases on sledding down a snowy mountain riding them, classic!
Thanks for the chance guys.


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Oct 7, 2009
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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."

after reading some quotes from Steve Jobs, this one, out of many, has really stuck with me. there are some things i would like to accomplish in my lifetime and this puts it ALL into perspective

read somewhere the other day that his passing what the equivalent to John Lennon's death. i could not disagree anymore and i hope there are more people in my lifetime like him

thanks TiPb for everything!
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Mar 8, 2011
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First of all, Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest. I would certainly welcome an upgrade as I still have a 3GS...

I was trully saddened by the news of Steve's departure. We lost the genius of our generation. I was reading that Jobs was born on the same year, Einstein died, with that logic, this year will see the birth on the next genius... let's hope

Good luck to all


Jun 8, 2011
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Thank you

I'd like to start off by saying I, like most of us here, am a tech geek. I recall using LOGO in kindergarten to program code or at least get those of us interested in such things... further interested. I've owned a computer for as long as I can recall, using both PC's and Mac's through out the years. I call myself a tech geek as until now that is the best way to describe myself.

Throughout the years I have awaited so many different products, never feeling completely satisfied once it was in my clutches. A bit more recently, Web Os really kicked off my smart phone experience. To my dismay it was lacking much. As of late, Android really helped fill the void; however it too feels lacking in many regards. It wasn't until I bought my ipad2 from the Apple store this past May that I truly felt that void coming to a close.

It was then I knew this was the way to go. I wanted to embrace the IOS ecosystem and become part of the Mac world.

I began listening to the tipb pod casts both the ipad and iphone pod casts. Georgia killed me as we both seemed to be following the same link bait claiming the Iphone "5" would have a larger screen and so I began to believe. Georgia I feel your pain; however I am glad it?s finally coming to Sprint and once its in my hands I will be complete! I am on quite a few forum's mostly Android forums... this is my new home!

Lastly, I?d like to say thank you to Steve Job?s as I truly felt a loss for this man. I don?t know of any other CEO?s that have impacted me or others as he has in the tech field. So much so that the Discovery channel will have a special documentary on Steve Job?s called IGenius and will play at 7 / 8 central.
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New member
Sep 1, 2011
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This my sound like im begging but im not ! i dont even expect alot from TipB because most of your users are from the states but I in the otherhand is living in Sweden! Im 18 and im going in highschool :D
Last year, I bought the iPod Touch and started digging into the Apple World and was facinated by it :=) one of the ways was TipB, recommended Apps, rumors and jailbreak stories!!
I dont have a P.C or Mac ! :/ my mom has one... i know it sounds weird! Iphone 4S can literally change my life! I won't need to beg anyone to use the computer especially my mom ! I won't put my hopes high. But cause i am a TipB fan :p i visit this site everyday !! ;)
May 6, 2010
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I have never owned an iPhone but I am sad to see Steve Jobs pass away for all that he has brought to the tech world. His ideas and the way he did things will be missed. It would be nice to own another one of his products. I currently own an iPad 1 and love it! Great product and would love to interact with the iPhone 4s as well!! Thanks for the chance to win TiPb!!


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2011
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I would love to win this via to help me get out of my blackberry and into the apple ecosystem.:D I just can't decide between a Macbook Air or a Macbook Pro with SSD.

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