Win an iPhone 4S from TiPb!

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Oct 9, 2011
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Why I should win an iPhone

My mom forced me to attend a private school, and as a reward for going, she promised to get me the next version of the iPhone, well now when I talked to her about it, she says we are in debt and cannot afford to spend $200, she said if I pay for the phone, she will pay for the $30 a month data pak... this would really help me out :(

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Agent Y

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Jan 12, 2011
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Being a mac since I was 8 and watching nearly every Steve Jobs announcement since then, it was hard hearing the news of his passing. I think, in my opinion, my dad described it best when he said that it was almost like even though you didn't know him, it was like losing someone you knew that was close to you. Someone you would invite over to your house, have a conversation with, etc. The world has lost a true pioneer in the field of technology and there will never be another Steve Jobs and I know he built Apple to last and I hope they keep his magic. Being a disney nut, I can safely say that Apple was the "disney" of the tech world, because every time I booted up my Mac or went to an Apple store, there was a sort of magic that I felt and that magic stemmed from the genius that was Steve Jobs. Regardless of whether I win this free iPhone or not, I have been waiting to get rid of my Droid X for the longest time and will gladly pay any price for the iPhone 4s, which may have possibly the last thing Steve did oversee/had his input on it. I can't wait to get my hands on the iPhone 4S. 4Steve. There will never be anyone out there who did the things you did, nor would I want there to be. Thanks for all the memories you made for all of us in your keynotes, from the jabs at the competition to the "one more thing," and finally thanks for all the memories you have helped us build using the devices you helped create from movies on iMovie to scrapbooks on iPhoto to creating a machine that just worked when I needed to write that last minute paper for genetics. You will be truly missed and Apple keynotes just aren't the same without you. RIP Steve. 


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Oct 9, 2011
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The iPhone 4S seems like a turely amazing phone. Without the intergration of iOS 5 and iCloud the device wouldn't be anywhere as good as it is. Steve Jobs would have loved to present it to the world but he physically couldn't but nevertheless he still has the respect that he always had; we will miss Steve and this product should be in his honour.


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Oct 9, 2011
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Awesome contest!

My gf has a sprint blackberry tour from 2009 and won't get rid of it! This would be a nice bday gift for her! :)


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Aug 8, 2010
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My wife is still using an antique BB9700, I would love to win one and get her into the world of iOS so she could see how a smartphone is supposed to be.:D

Todd M

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Jul 26, 2010
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My family and I are converting over to Apple products. We first had all SanDisk MP3 players, and then slowly all moved to iPod Touches and Nanos. Now we all have Android devices and would love to be able to move stuff over to iPhones for all of us. This would be a great step for us to do this!
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