Why is iTunes splitting albums into singles?


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
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So when I add music from the laptops hard drive into iTunes (I usually drag and drop into a playlist then auto full phone from that playlist) but with some albums it puts them on as 30-40 single tracks. Meaning when I browse my albums it makes me scroll through 40 singles for just that album. A real pain. What can I do to stop this from happening? Thanks guys.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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I have to say that I have never dragged and dropped any music from my hard drive to iTunes so I cannot help you with this. Every time I have always added albums to iTunes I have always taken the full CD and let iTunes take the album and place it in my library and auto DL the music art. I have never had a problem doing itthis way. I hope you figure it out as i would be interested myself.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
So when I add music from the laptops hard drive into iTunes (I usually drag and drop into a playlist then auto full phone from that playlist) but with some albums it puts them on as 30-40 single tracks. Meaning when I browse my albums it makes me scroll through 40 singles for just that album. A real pain. What can I do to stop this from happening? Thanks guys.

Check the info. on the songs for each effected album. Chances are some of that data is not matching up properly and is creating your issue. It may be pretty time consuming to fix but worth it if you want a well organized iTunes.


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Jan 14, 2011
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Hello Jeremy first of all, I have not seen you for ages. Good to see you on the forums and don't be a stranger my friend.

Now to the OP while goof advice from Jeremy you might also want to check these settings in iTunes to just make sure your songs on your HD and what you are trying to do are organized properly by settings in iTunes. Good luck. Go under the advanced tab in Preferences and make sure you have the first 2 settings checked.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
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Thanks for the help guys. The albums I am using are not from CDs or iTunes. They have been on my comp for year from when I used to use torrents (I have now seen the error of my ways, don't worry, lol) so maybe this could be why they aren't going in as 1 album?
Thanks again guys.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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You going to have to go thru and tag them with the appropriate metadata for album and artist.

There are paid solutions to help with this such as TuneUp Tagalious but you can do it yourself for free. Select a group of songs from the same album and artist, right click, select get info and fill in the appropriate fields.

A couple of thoughts... First of all, I used TuneUp a few years back and it absolutely wrecked my iTunes library. Mine was out of control and needed help, but IMHO, TuneUp made things worse.

As Karen says, manually tagging the meta data is free (money), but can be expensive (time). As with most issues fixing problems always costs something - time or money. But I digress.

Also, as Karen says, simply editing the meta data (right click, get info, edit, save) is the way to go. The good part is that you can select multiple tracks and edit the common info in one motion (Album title, Artist, Album Artist, CD #, Genre, etc). That makes manual editing somewhat less painful.

Good luck, and happy editing!

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