Why do you think a lot of windows fans hate apple?


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Jul 24, 2013
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As a Windows Phone user and heavily embedded in the MS ecosystem, I don't hate Apple. In fact, I would be the first to agree that Apple probably has the most beautiful hardware out of the major players. The reason I don't choose Apple is 1) the price. My $700 6 year old 17" Gateway laptop is running very strong. There is nothing then or now that Apple offers that can compete with that. Apple products are premium hardware that I do not find worth it. And that is just my opinion. And 2) I'm not a fan of the design language and UI of iPad/iPhone. It's just not my bag. I like the customization, which Apple doesn't offer.

It does kill me though, going to the comments of an Engadget or The Verge and see the flame wars over tech. It makes me facepalm to read how much tech has become the new religion. "If you don't have what I have then you are the enemy and you should be outcast." It is total idiocy. It's just a COMPUTER, or just a PHONE. Who cares what you use.

I've learned to not read the comments on news articles about tech. They are more heated and are filled with more hate and stupidity than article about politics, the Iraq war, ObamaCare, and abortion.

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Jul 7, 2014
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I don't pay and use a device because of what someone else thinks. I use Apple devices because it works the best for me. If that offends others, maybe they should be asking themselves, why.
I totally agree apple devices just work, and when you sell them to upgrade three or four years later you still get half too two thirds of what you paid for them,


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May 16, 2013
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The odd thing is I actually really like windows PCs, but I'm not really that drawn to windows phone or the surface. I like my iPhone and iPad. However It stinks that I wont get to fully take advantage of continuity unless I also have a Mac of some kind. It's just as far as desktop computers go, I can't see using a Mac mainly because I lose out in gaming and I actually do like microsofts services.
Jan 20, 2014
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The odd thing is I actually really like windows PCs, but I'm not really that drawn to windows phone or the surface. I like my iPhone and iPad. However It stinks that I wont get to fully take advantage of continuity unless I also have a Mac of some kind. It's just as far as desktop computers go, I can't see using a Mac mainly because I lose out in gaming and I actually do like microsofts services.

I really like Windows 7 for my PC. Not so much 8 or 8.1. I tried some of the Lumia phones but I just don't like them. For a phone, I'm very happy with my 5c. I'm also using a Playbook and an iPad for tablets. My Note 3 is my media player and camera (sometimes).

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Mar 11, 2013
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The big kid on the block use to be Microsoft and the hardcore followers remember this and have a hard time facing reality.

I like my PC so I don't have a problem


Oct 2, 2013
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I could not care less what other people use for their computer and phone needs. I do like for family members to use the iPhone so we can FaceTime, iMessage and do AirDrop stuff. But it's not that big a deal to get ugly over. One son uses an S4 and swears by it. Fine with me! One sister uses a Droid. Again, no problem! All my other relatives are normal and use the iPhone. :D

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Jul 26, 2012
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Let’s all sing a rousing chorus of Kumbayah and use what works for you. I used to think Apple/Mac users were arrogant d-bags, but after getting my first iPhone, I was hooked - and started down that slippery slope. For me, Apple/Mac just works. Within a 4 month period, my house switched totally to iPhone, iPad and Macs (Mac Mini, iMac and rMBP). My family is almost all iPhones (13 out of 14 adults - parents, siblings and their spouses), and a lot of the kids have iPods and iPads. But only 6 of us use Macs (at this point). Facetime is one of our primary connectivity methods - which is only possible with iPhone/iPad/iPod/Mac.

Why the vitriol? Ignorance. FUD. Insecurity. Just get what works and then get busy living your life.


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Jul 24, 2013
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Windows have huge market share in PC so their fan should not be worried :)

They only have the market share because of price. It doesn't make economic sense for learning institutions and hospitals(or anywhere that uses a large amount of computers) to buy macs. Macs cost more, and for just using the internet, are over kill. I look at macs as an F-350 King Ranch. It's over kill if you just need a car to get you from point A to B. But if your going to be doing some heavy work, and want a super comfortable "ride", macs are totally unmatched.

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Jan 20, 2014
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I used to hate on Apple because back when I was fully engulfed in droid land I thought they were cult like.

I still kind of think its cult like but I'll drink the kool-aid.

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Apr 14, 2014
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Me? Simple.. I play video games on the PC and they usually aren't on the MAC. I also like building my own gaming PCs.

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Jul 26, 2012
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Me? Simple.. I play video games on the PC and they usually aren't on the MAC. I also like building my own gaming PCs.

Sent from my T-Mobile Note 3 using iMore Forums.

So you hate Apple? (Not trying to start anything, but that’s the title of the thread.)


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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Guys I hate windows because windows doesn't have Storm Raiders, and I play it on my Mac. Kinds the logical used by a post in the thread.

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Trusted Member
Apr 14, 2014
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Guys I hate windows because windows doesn't have Storm Raiders, and I play it on my Mac. Kinds the logical used by a post in the thread.

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I play multiple games that aren't on Apple... Also... I like building my own machines. I didn't say due to one game. The thread is about why do some windows people hate Apple? I don't hate them.. Just saying why I prefer the other.

No reason to go bashing since I don't love Apple the same way you do... :eek:.

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