Why are some people viewing the iPhone XR as an illegitimate iPhone?


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Nov 2, 2011
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With the exception of the camera and OLED screen, will it not perform like the other models. People love to complain about battery life and numerous tests thus far shows the battery life of the XR be better than the other iPhone models. Unless you want the OLED screen and a few more photography options, where's the advantage of getting an XS or XS Max. I'm ignoring the size options.

I would think in some ways with the Xr having the same processor (even with 1 gig less ram) that it may run better in the long run being that it is pushing less pixels than the Xs and Xs max. It probably won’t but I believe if it was equally spec’d ram wise it would be faster as newer IOS versions came out. Probably why Apple didn’t make it equal ram. I think the different would be even bigger if the Xs and Xs max were 2k screens instead of 1080p I’m sure the HDR in the 1080p takes some extra processing power too. I think it’s a little under spec’d than the top of the line because they didn’t want it to shine as much as the “top tier” kinda like how GM cancelled the GNX in the 80s because it was faster than their golden child corvette.
Edit: my theory of this comes from the battery life being so much better even though it has a bigger screen than the Xs. It has to be less taxing on the processor to run less pixels or the battery life wouldn’t show it. Less taxing now “should” equate to less taxing in future iOS iterations. At least I hope lol. We have yet to have the X or Xs long enough to know how long the screens will go before burn in starts happening so we may never find out. Screen burn in won’t be an issue for the Xr so that and the price are the main factors as why I want it over the Xs/Xs max


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Dec 4, 2011
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I like both Android and iOS and this phone is perfect for my purposes. I didn't necessarily want to spend 1000+ for the Xs and Xs Max and I already have a Note 9. Coupled with the T-Mobile deal, it was a no-brainer for me as I didn't expect to get as much for my old 7 Plus.

Alex Rodriguez Jr.

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Mar 22, 2015
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What school? Whose brother? And why am I supposed to know about products, sub-products, trimmings and such?

I shared my view. I never stated anywhere what I do with what device, nor do I have any intention to.

And I never said other iPhones weren’t capable.

You can’t even follow your own argument two posts deep lol. Okay bud.

The Xr is a fine device and will be the best selling device.


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Nov 7, 2012
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In my opinion, the iPhone XR is intended for consumers who want a new quality-built and well-spec'd iPhone without paying a grand for it.

The situation with the iPhone XR reminds me of how people used to view the 16 GB model iPhone as the "cheap model" even though the ONLY difference between the models was the amount of storage. People went out and spent hundreds more just to be able to say they "bought the most expensive model" when all they really bought was additional storage space. Know what I mean?

I know exactly what your trying to convey.

I wouldn’t call it a cheap iPhone either.
The xr still has Face ID, nvme storage, 7nm soc with an 8core npu, 4K @60 fps, true edge to edge flat display without a forehead and chin, Dolby vision capable, and one of the best dual speakers on a phone . The Xr’s hardware still outclasses any 2018 android flagship phone, it costs less to boot and comes in a myriad of colors. Maybe android oems can catch up in 2019, but I highly doubt it.

The lcd display, lack of 3D Touch, and single camera module is inconsequential to 99% of consumers. Most only care about the edge to edge display, Animoji’s, and the pretty colors. There will be a wave of android users switching to apple due to the Xr as well as the Xs/Xs Max in the coming months...just by looking in the forums it has already begun.


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Feb 20, 2016
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I like both Android and iOS and this phone is perfect for my purposes. I didn't necessarily want to spend 1000+ for the Xs and Xs Max and I already have a Note 9. Coupled with the T-Mobile deal, it was a no-brainer for me as I didn't expect to get as much for my old 7 Plus.

Ooh that's a nice combo to have! What color did you get for your Xr?


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Dec 4, 2011
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Ooh that's a nice combo to have! What color did you get for your Xr?

Unfortunately they only had black or white in 128gb at the particular store I went to, so I chose black. I kind of wanted blue, to sort of go along with the blue Note 9, but it still looks and feels really premium! I love love love the size of this thing compared to the 7 plus.


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Nov 2, 2011
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I do think it’s kinda funny that people are downing the aluminum sides as “cheap” when iPhones have only had stainless steel for 2 years and all the other previous “premium” iPhones were aluminum body’s and the majority was just fine with that compared to a lot of plastic android phones.


Feb 20, 2014
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You can’t even follow your own argument two posts deep lol. Okay bud.

The Xr is a fine device and will be the best selling device.

So? In my opinion it isn’t as good as an Xs Max. Heck, even the Xs isn’t as good as the Xs Max.
That’s my opinion. Doesn’t make it true, but it is my opinion regardless.


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Dec 4, 2011
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I know exactly what your trying to convey.

I wouldn’t call it a cheap iPhone either.
The xr still has Face ID, nvme storage, 7nm soc with an 8core npu, 4K @60 fps, true edge to edge flat display without a forehead and chin, Dolby vision capable, and one of the best dual speakers on a phone . The Xr’s hardware still outclasses any 2018 android flagship phone, it costs less to boot and comes in a myriad of colors. Maybe android oems can catch up in 2019, but I highly doubt it.

The lcd display, lack of 3D Touch, and single camera module is inconsequential to 99% of consumers. Most only care about the edge to edge display, Animoji’s, and the pretty colors. There will be a wave of android users switching to apple due to the Xr as well as the Xs/Xs Max in the coming months...just by looking in the forums it has already begun.

I agree with almost all that was said; however, I actually don't mind the bezels as it works better with a good protective case and won't easily register false touches on the edges. The one thing that I do miss is force touch as I really liked the actions I could perform on the notifications in the lock screen. I'd give up Animojis for that feature any day.


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Nov 7, 2012
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I agree with almost all that was said; however, I actually don't mind the bezels as it works better with a good protective case and won't easily register false touches on the edges. The one thing that I do miss is force touch as I really liked the actions I could perform on the notifications in the lock screen. I'd give up Animojis for that feature any day.

But that’s a design compromise due to the curved display, which I completely detest due to the glare and false touches associated with it. Regardless Samsung will be getting rid of the forehead and maybe the chin in a couple of months but the note 9 will not be worth much by then. Honestly if I was an avid Samsung user I would have waited a month or two before pulling the trigger on of their flagships, I have never seen a 1000 dollar phone drop in price the way the note 9 has, well maybe the essential phone but that handset took the company down with it, Samsung is still standing due to its other subsidiaries.

I agree regarding 3D Touch, but we are not the 99% I was referring to. We are posting on an Internet forum dedicated to iPhones and tech in general, that would put us squarely in the 1%.


Oct 2, 2013
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For most users, there's not a lot of difference in the screen. Most tech writers who have made comparisons say this:
You are not going to notice any huge difference between the resolutions of Apple’s best-of-class “Liquid Retina” LCD and best-of-class “Super Retina” OLED screens. The iPhone XR’s pixels are too small to be seen individually by the unaided human eye, and though the XS models technically have more pixels, the distinction is arguably meaningless.
There are small differences in brightness and contrast between the OLED and LCD screens, though they will not practically matter for most people. Viewed straight on, the XR’s screen looks just a hint brighter at its peak than the XS and XS Max, but the difference disappears when the screen’s viewed off-angle.
The OLED screens’ blacks are a bit darker than the XR’s, but not in a way that will be noticed by 97 percent of users. Color rendition is for the most part identical, though the XR’s screen appears to have somewhat more saturated reds and yellows.

I'll be making my own comparison next week. But regardless, I'll be getting the Max for the screen size. If the XR came with a 6.5" screen, that's what I'd get.


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Feb 20, 2016
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I do think it’s kinda funny that people are downing the aluminum sides as “cheap” when iPhones have only had stainless steel for 2 years and all the other previous “premium” iPhones were aluminum body’s and the majority was just fine with that compared to a lot of plastic android phones.

This is such a great point. I forgot about that.


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Sep 12, 2008
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It's not for me and I've said that I don't want an inferior phone to the one I already own (XS Max). But in no way am I insinuating that it's illegitimate. I honestly haven't read anyone point that out here or even a toxic place like reddit.

That said, if it was the only new phone available from Apple in 2018 I'd most likely enjoy the ever living life out of it.


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Jan 15, 2017
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I think all iPhones have great features and benefits. I am still on my 8+ and it’s my 2nd iPhone. I came from Samsung getting the 7+
Then I got the gold 8+ early upgraded for the product red 8+ and love it still. 256 gig
I am not upgrading at this moment in time. I want my iPad Pro paid off and get thru Chanukah and Christmas. I don’t need the latest and greatest. I think my current phone is awesome
I am not interested in reverting back to Samsung. I really like Apple. Updates in timely manner. Love my Mac Pro over windows 10
Have the 9.7 2018 iPad too. Series 3 watch
If I were to upgrade it might be the XR. I can’t in my mind spend 1400 on a phone as much as I think the MaxS is a great device. It’s just too much money in my mind. The XR will suit my needs. If the Max was cheaper that would be great. But I can’t fathom that amount of money for a phone. My iPad Pro cost less!
But those who have it ENJOY it. My brother has it. He watches videos.
We use our phones differently
I am just glad I have a forest phone that works excellently

Mr Segundus

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Apr 24, 2018
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Because when you compare it side-by-side with the display on the iPhone Xs Max, the display on the XR is inferior. It appears grainy and the colors aren't as vibrant. Don't get me wrong, the XR is a great alternative for the budged-minded iPhone fans, but I wouldn't get one, not when there's better out there.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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I do think it’s kinda funny that people are downing the aluminum sides as “cheap” when iPhones have only had stainless steel for 2 years and all the other previous “premium” iPhones were aluminum body’s and the majority was just fine with that compared to a lot of plastic android phones.

Actually the iPhone 4 and 4s were also stainless steel and so were the classic iPods, iPod touch, and the the first generation iPod nano....there was also a titanium PowerBook at one time.


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Nov 2, 2011
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Actually the iPhone 4 and 4s were also stainless steel and so were the classic iPods, iPod touch, and the the first generation iPod nano....there was also a titanium PowerBook at one time.

I didn’t realize the bands on the 4/4s were stainless. Learned something new. Heck I had even changed a screen on one of those way back in the day. My point is though since the 5 aluminum has been fine but now that they went back to stainless aluminum is cheap junk now to the people who only worry about specs. Most spec conscious people won’t keep a phone long enough for either to even matter anyway. I would rather pay less and get more “phone” than have stainless steel any day, but I’m glad it’s offered for the people who care. Choices are always best and competition between companies are always best. Android has made Apple stronger and vise versa. Being that I like Apple (and android as well, literally my whole family has iPhones or I would be on android) I’m glad that the android OEMs have stepped their game up in their flagship and mid range phones making Apple also have to have a “mid range” Xr for people like me that just don’t care to spend $1k plus for a phone. The iPhone 5c was a good exhibit of what Apple used to consider a mid range phone before android OEMs stepped up their game. I feel like Motorola is probably a big reason the Xr is as good as it is. The G6 is an all glass and aluminum phone for less than $300. While the specs aren’t as good as the Xr, the G series phones sell way more for Motorola than any of their other phones because they are good quality for a good budget. Samsung and lg are starting to make better mid range but most are still all plastic and cheaply built. While the Xr is 3x the price of the G6 I still think you get enough of the iPhone X/Xs/Xs max experience that a lot of mid/older flag ship android people would think its a good enough value to maybe jump ship and I think Apple thinks that as well.

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