Why are Android users so upset by the 5?

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Apr 3, 2010
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After much debate with GS3 users, I decided to give it a test run. After all, with so many Android users passionately telling me the GS3 puts the iPhone to shame, I thought I should try it out. Had to be good, right?

Wrong. I returned the GS3 after a week and went back to my iPhone. I think the GS3 is a decent device and I probably would think it were pretty good if I hadn't experienced iPhone before. Anyone who tells you Android devices are superior to iPhone either have never owned an iPhone or are in extreme denial. I wanted to love the GS3. I went into it planning on keeping the device, but just couldn't do it. The GS3 may be second best, but it's definitely a distant second to the iPhone. Some of my major complaints are below.

--Screen - I don't care that the GS3 has a large screen, it's a joke compared to iPhone 5. The i5 screen is a real beauty.
--Glitchy - The navigation, scrolling and apps are glitchy on Android. I couldn't handle the flickering. iPhone is just too smooth.
--Apps - The apps look and perform better on iPhone. Period. There are also way more to choose from.
--Camera - iPhone 5 camera takes much better pics than the GS3.
--Battery - The big deal breaker for me was battery. With MINIMAL usage, the GS3 was dead at the end of each day. I found myself turning off as many things as possible (even things I wanted on and had on with my iPhone) just to make it through the work day. And not only did the battery drain super fast, it took forever to charge. The iPhone charges fast, especially the 5 with that lightning port.

That being said, I did prefer the physical look and feel of the GS3 over iPhone. The iPhone internals in the GS3 physical package would be my dream device. However, it's obviously more about what's inside the phone than how it looks for me :)

You should check what you say...I've got both an S3 (personal) and a pos iPhone 5 (work issued) and without a doubt, I'd take my S3 any day as it runs circles around my 5. Yes, I've experienced iOS before as I had an iPhone 4 on my personal line in the past. Yes, I owned both, no I'm not in denial...stop making uneducated generalizations. Second best? Please! Check the global sales numbers.


Sep 13, 2012
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I've got both an S3 (personal) and a pos iPhone 5 (work issued) and without a doubt, I'd take my S3 any day as it runs circles around my 5.

Care to elaborate? I had the S3 for several weeks and aside from some customization advantages, I was blessed with a poorer battery life, very dim screen even at 100%, inability to read the screen in outdoor sunlight, cartoon-like over saturated colors, lag, poorer camera, horrid audio playback from videos recorded, etc. It's all good that you feel the iPhone 5 is a pos. I don't care what you prefer. But I'm very curious what specific ways the S3 runs circles around the 5.


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Oct 6, 2011
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You should check what you say...I've got both an S3 (personal) and a pos iPhone 5 (work issued) and without a doubt, I'd take my S3 any day as it runs circles around my 5. Yes, I've experienced iOS before as I had an iPhone 4 on my personal line in the past. Yes, I owned both, no I'm not in denial...stop making uneducated generalizations. Second best? Please! Check the global sales numbers.

Please post these global numbers you speak of. It's all good you like the s3 but your comment about the iphone5 being a pos is inaccurate. Because from what I've seen the iPhone performs better and battery life is way better on the 5


Sep 7, 2010
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Although you used the word "unquestionable". A general observation from one person out of millions in terms of personal opinion cannot be "unquestionable".

Actually, i used the words "No question", which reflected the observation i made...perhaps "general" was misused, but if we're going to split hairs over trivial BS, my post implies an opinion, and in my opinion, there is no question...so my post was accurate in reflection of my thoughts.


Sep 7, 2010
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You should check what you say...I've got both an S3 (personal) and a pos iPhone 5 (work issued) and without a doubt, I'd take my S3 any day as it runs circles around my 5. Yes, I've experienced iOS before as I had an iPhone 4 on my personal line in the past. Yes, I owned both, no I'm not in denial...stop making uneducated generalizations. Second best? Please! Check the global sales numbers.

Your post screams "I don't own an iPhone 5, but to sound more credible, I'll say i do...". There's nothing wrong with having a preference, but saying one runs circles around the other when you obviously have little to no experience with one of them is a bit assumptive, and given the real world comparisons between the two...it makes it even more obvious from what orifice you're talking out of.


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Sep 19, 2012
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Actually, i used the words "No question", which reflected the observation i made...perhaps "general" was misused, but if we're going to split hairs over trivial BS, my post implies an opinion, and in my opinion, there is no question...so my post was accurate in reflection of my thoughts.

Both would mean the same thing - and once again, something you admit to being what you yourself have only seen (which would be less than 1% of everything that's happening in the world, and less than 1% of what goes on between apple and android users, unless you listen to every conversation and read every forum that deals with apple and/or android) cannot be said to be what it is with "no question". I'm sure around here it is like that, because this is a forum primarily for Apple products, which would attract mostly Apple users and android trolls (because the majority of android users that are happy with their purchase would stick to a forum with people that thought the same as them, like Apple users), but it cannot be said that it is of "no question."


Sep 7, 2010
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Both would mean the same thing - and once again, something you admit to being what you yourself have only seen (which would be less than 1% of everything that's happening in the world, and less than 1% of what goes on between apple and android users, unless you listen to every conversation and read every forum that deals with apple and/or android) cannot be said to be what it is with "no question". I'm sure around here it is like that, because this is a forum primarily for Apple products, which would attract mostly Apple users and android trolls (because the majority of android users that are happy with their purchase would stick to a forum with people that thought the same as them, like Apple users), but it cannot be said that it is of "no question."

I was told i used words that i didn't, and since they were being anal about it, so was I...i think i made it pretty obvious that it reflected my observation. Within that though, this isn't the sole forum i visit during the day, in fact, it's one of the forums with the least amount of traffic honestly. A good example of where i drew my stance from is Reddit...which probably multiplies the traffic on both the iPhone related sub-reddits and android related subreddits 1,000 fold...and the proof is in the pudding there, you rarely see Android product bashing within the iPhone or Apple sub-reddint (outside the occasional post about a law suit or something)...in the Android sub-reddit, you CONSTANTLY see anti-iPhone and anti-Apple product posts, people echo'ing the same kind of trolling you see here, but on a much more frequent basis. I also don't recall ever saying that it was BASED only on my observation alone...we've had numerous threads on this website ALONE that echo what I'm saying, so that plays into it as well.

If Reddit isn't a good platform to compare this, then NOTHING online is...since the communities of both products are substantial in number and input...

Like i said before, it was my observation...if you don't agree with it, that's fine. Again, there is no question (to me, if that makes you feel better) that the frequency is very lop sided...i didn't think i needed to spell out that my post was a personal observation, but if it helps you sleep at night, you label it however you like.


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Apr 3, 2010
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Care to elaborate? I had the S3 for several weeks and aside from some customization advantages, I was blessed with a poorer battery life, very dim screen even at 100%, inability to read the screen in outdoor sunlight, cartoon-like over saturated colors, lag, poorer camera, horrid audio playback from videos recorded, etc. It's all good that you feel the iPhone 5 is a pos. I don't care what you prefer. But I'm very curious what specific ways the S3 runs circles around the 5.

Funny...My battery life on the S3 is significantly better than my 5. I'm going to say this has to do with the carrier as my S3 is on AT&T, and my 5 is Verizon. I live in a poor Verizon coverage area. And the screen? Really? I beg to differ as my S3 isn't pixilated as my 5.


Sep 13, 2012
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Funny...My battery life on the S3 is significantly better than my 5. I'm going to say this has to do with the carrier as my S3 is on AT&T, and my 5 is Verizon. I live in a poor Verizon coverage area. And the screen? Really? I beg to differ as my S3 isn't pixilated as my 5.

If your iPhone 5 screen is pixelated then one of two things is likely the cause. Either it is a defective unit, or you are viewing it under a high powered microscope lens, which, if that is the case then I suggest not doing so.


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Apr 3, 2010
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Your post screams "I don't own an iPhone 5, but to sound more credible, I'll say i do...". There's nothing wrong with having a preference, but saying one runs circles around the other when you obviously have little to no experience with one of them is a bit assumptive, and given the real world comparisons between the two...it makes it even more obvious from what orifice you're talking out of.

Why don't you come look for yourself. Believe me, if my company didn't require me to be in contact if needed.


Sep 13, 2012
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Why don't you come look for yourself. Believe me, if my company didn't require me to be in contact if needed.

You have made it clear that the iphone 5 is a pos, your galaxy s3 runs circles around the iphone 5, the iphone 5 has a weaker battery and is pixelated, and the only reason in this world you even possess it is because your work mandates it. So let me ask you, is there some way we here in the iphone forum can help you? Or is your only purpose to prove the very essence of this thread lol?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2012
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You have made it clear that the iphone 5 is a pos, your galaxy s3 runs circles around the iphone 5, the iphone 5 has a weaker battery and is pixelated, and the only reason in this world you even possess it is because your work mandates it. So let me ask you, is there some way we here in the iphone forum can help you? Or is your only purpose to prove the very essence of this thread lol?

To be honest the iPhone 5 isn't a pos also the iPhones has better battery life than the androids. Trust me I had my iPod Touch for two years and I never had a problem with the battery and in fact I own an iPhone 5 and the battery life is amazing. So do not judge from iPhone and Android.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
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To be honest the iPhone 5 isn't a pos also the iPhones has better battery life than the androids. Trust me I had my iPod Touch for two years and I never had a problem with the battery and in fact I own an iPhone 5 and the battery life is amazing. So do not judge from iPhone and Android.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

You cannot compare an ipod touch to any phone, iphone, android, wp8 or any other when it comes to battery life. The ipod touch will be better no question.

But I do own both ios and android and anyone that says either platform is a pos is a fanboy. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, people have preferences.

Now battery life, there is no question that the iphone 5 has good battery life in general, if the phone is not defective and in a good signal area then the phone will last for a good while. Also the SG3 has pretty good battery life as well, but in my experience it is a little less the iphone 5. Doesn't make it a bad phone by any means, it has its pluses as well.


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Apr 28, 2009
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As far as one bashing the other, you only have to look at the tv commercials produced by the manufacturers. Never has Apple ever compared its devices to anything else. Apple simply states what it can do. Samsung, otoh, is incapable of simply showing what its handset can do without comparing to Apple (two years in a row).

Nuff said.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
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well if you want to dis the Iphone 5 you probably should at least dis it for some of the crap it doesnt do well instead of just being wrong about the gorilla glass 2 [which it does have] and the ppi which at 326ppi for the Iphone is indeed more than the 306ppi that galaxy has


Dec 22, 2012
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Jealousy really. It's utterly annoying how people hate on the apple brand simply because they cannot afford it lol. Comparing their device to someone's apple device makes them feel so ing superior it's comical really. Like, seriously it's a phone get over it!


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Jun 24, 2012
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As far as one bashing the other, you only have to look at the tv commercials produced by the manufacturers. Never has Apple ever compared its devices to anything else. Apple simply states what it can do. Samsung, otoh, is incapable of simply showing what its handset can do without comparing to Apple (two years in a row).

Nuff said.

Not quite true are we forgetting the PC vs. MAC commercials they were really poking fun at PCs but I thought those were hilarious and I do kind of really hate Windows only using right now cause I lost my MacBook in a fire and haven't been able to get one again.

Now on the other hand the Samsung commercials showing the "iSheep" waiting in line are just stupid although I have laughed at them. Samsung is so focused on making fun of iPhone users that they can't really showcase their phone like they could. The main feature they were highlighting and still are is the S-Beam feature which is actually Android Beam rebranded but it's so gimmicky I never even used it when I had my Galaxy Nexus.

Beamed from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


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Apr 28, 2009
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Good point. I'd forgotten those stupid Mac vs. PC commercials back before everyone was more concerned about cell phones.


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Your post screams "I don't own an iPhone 5, but to sound more credible, I'll say i do...". There's nothing wrong with having a preference, but saying one runs circles around the other when you obviously have little to no experience with one of them is a bit assumptive, and given the real world comparisons between the two...it makes it even more obvious from what orifice you're talking out of.

Ive owned both and currently own an iphone 5 and performance was very similar between the two. Battery was a little better on the iphone but with a smaller screen it's expected to have better battery life


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Jealousy really. It's utterly annoying how people hate on the apple brand simply because they cannot afford it lol. Comparing their device to someone's apple device makes them feel so ing superior it's comical really. Like, seriously it's a phone get over it!

I dont think it has anything to do with not being able to afford it. With android devices costing the same as iphone cost isn't really a factor anymore
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