What do you like (and don't like) about our Best roundups?

Serenity Caldwell

Managing Editor
Sep 12, 2014
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Hey guys,

We want some honest feedback on our best roundups (i.e. best iPad apps, best cases, etc). What's working for you? What's not?

On our side, this is how we prep for articles like this:
- We research a bunch of things in this category (sometimes by soliciting Twitter/forum feedback!)
- We (ideally) test them ourselves; if that's impossible/products are unavailable to test, we reach out to industry experts/source expert reviews elsewhere on the internet
- We collect our top 5-10 picks and post them in an article for your perusal.

For updating older best roundups, we do the following:
- Research to see if there are any new and exciting things out on the market since our last update
- Test the new things and/or source expert opinions
- Weed out any old or outdated picks
- Update the roundup accordingly

Personally, I know that in the past our "weed out the outdated stuff" hasn't been as good as I'd like it to be, and that's something I'm working on changing for our writers. But do you guys have any other feedback you'd like to see? Let us know.


Dec 25, 2011
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Well first off it shouldn't be Best Of, it should be Our Picks or Our Favorites because most of the time by any metric your Best Of's do not include any of the bests. Secondly, you update too often and just repost the originals causing all the old comments, that may no longer even apply, to be reposted as well. I then have to sift through these old comments to find out if there were any new comments for the update. That's about it, Best Of is quite the misnomer and reposting originals is beyond annoying.

Serenity Caldwell

Managing Editor
Sep 12, 2014
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Well first off it shouldn't be Best Of, it should be Our Picks or Our Favorites because most of the time by any metric your Best Of's do not include any of the bests.

What are we missing? I'd love to know specifics so we can make sure to correct it in the future.

Secondly, you update too often and just repost the originals causing all the old comments, that may no longer even apply, to be reposted as well. I then have to sift through these old comments to find out if there were any new comments for the update.

In your opinion, would you prefer for old comments to be wiped, or for new comments to auto-appear at the top?

reposting originals is beyond annoying.

We try to update our big roundups (i.e. best iPad apps) whenever something important comes out that we think is worth adding to the roundup, though I admit we haven't been great in the past about signaling when something was updated or what it was. We've been testing a new update tag for our updated articles —*does that help at all? Best accessories for iPhone 7 | iMore


Dec 25, 2011
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What are we missing? I'd love to know specifics so we can make sure to correct it in the future.

In your opinion, would you prefer for old comments to be wiped, or for new comments to auto-appear at the top?

We try to update our big roundups (i.e. best iPad apps) whenever something important comes out that we think is worth adding to the roundup, though I admit we haven't been great in the past about signaling when something was updated or what it was. We've been testing a new update tag for our updated articles —*does that help at all? Best accessories for iPhone 7 | iMore

1. Missing? The subjectivity in your picks. A best list would be completely objective sticking only to the facts. Missing, what makes it the best? Your opinion and the popularity of an item doesn't make it the best. The iPod was popular for years and was most definitely nowhere near the best. When it comes to other things, best new shows on *X*, basically is just a list of new additions to the service, no details about what makes it the best new shows. Headphones and such, you can't say best in audio period. Audio is entirely subjective. Really, there is never any real reasons given in the best articles as to why you are calling them the best, other than newness and opinion.

2. Comments - I'd rather them be wiped personally. I'd prefer the whole article to be reposted actually. Copy and paste takes seconds, make your changes, post new post. That's how I would prefer it anyway.

3. In the linked article I like how the update is noticeable. However it starts off with, what are the best....our picks....and end with, what are your must haves? Those are three completely differing categories. A best needs standards that must be met. The best may be something nobody likes, however by meeting standards it would be the best. In the case of screen protectors it's always tempered glass, why do I never see the Rhinoshield screen protector? Will a tempered glass screen protector save your phone if you smash it with a hammer? The Rhinoshield will. For that matter, Rhinoshield's cases are rated for 11 foot drop protection though they will protect past that, especially when paired with the protectors. Each is less than the cost of any standard competitor. Your picks, your favorites, may not be the best. They are your choices, what you like. Then you ask what other people like. I'm just saying you can't post a Best post without standards that must be met to be counted as best. Otherwise they are favorites and/or personal picks.


Dec 25, 2011
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I also want to apologize if I come across in a less than friendly manner. That would not be intentional. These types of articles have just always been a pet peeve of mine.


Mar 2, 2016
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While I enjoy your round-ups for the most part, I've gotta give this some more thought to come up with thoughtful response. However, I do agree with metllicamilitia that posting the article fresh, without the previous comments would be preferable. I find that if I start reading through old comments, that I lose interest faster, and may miss some good info farther down in the comments. Also, sometimes I see an old comment of mine, and realize that my opinion may have changed. I think using a word like "re-visited" or "updated" would be good!

And perhaps, when you're coming up with ideas for future roundups, polling the community might be fun, and help you target various topics! Just some thoughts!!! Oh, and, THANKS!


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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2. Comments - I'd rather them be wiped personally. I'd prefer the whole article to be reposted actually. Copy and paste takes seconds, make your changes, post new post. That's how I would prefer it anyway.

I disagree here I think the old comments should be kept, BUT new comments should rise to the top, or find some other way to achieve old comments. Rather than a hard wipe, achieve them, with a link, for old comments click here (or whatever)

I also want to apologize if I come across in a less than friendly manner. That would not be intentional. These types of articles have just always been a pet peeve of mine.

I think you were fine. The whole point of this is that they want honest feed, and you gave that. :)


Trusted Member
May 24, 2014
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Hey Serenity! ^_^

Love theses types of threads. I normally get a little carried away with feedback and end up writing a full fledged legal book haha, but ill do my best to keep this short and to the point. Ill start off with the 'Negatives' which aren't really negatives, more like, things that could improve and then end off on a high note with some positives. :)

  • The Post's Title Name -
    This is where i would agree with @metllicamilitia, i feel when you guys say 'Best Apps', that's a personal view and some people might disagree and argue that others are better. So just changing the title to maybe "iMore's Top Picks For..." or "iMore's Most Recommended For...".
  • Best Free Apps Page -
    So this is mostly got to do with usability. I love that there is a 'Table of contents' at the top of the page which links to various sections in the article since this saves me time scrolling. But if i want to quickly jump to another section i have to scroll all the way to the top to click on the next section. - I wold suggest including a 'Floating table of contents' that stays visible on the page for me to be able to jump to different sections or simply including a link back to the stop of the page so i can click on another link :)
  • Y U No promote the Best Cases For iPhone 7 -
    I'm not sure if others will agree with me, but i would be interested to know what cases the iMore editors use in addition to the ones iMore recommends. If Serenity is using Case 'A', i want to be like her so ill buy that case :p

  • App Sections -
    When browsing all the apps that were chosen by iMore, i love that they are all in categories such as 'Best Mail Apps' or 'Best Apps for Music'. Makes it really easy to find certain apps.
  • Screen shots of the Apps -
    When looking through all the Apps, i do like seeing all the screenshots of the Apps running. Gives me a nice idea of what the App looks like and makes the possibility of me getting it, that much higher!
  • Everything else is great! - Keep up the awesome work guys, Hopefully this helps you guys out in some way. Anything to make my favourite site better.

Additionally @James Falconer, any update on 'What would you like to see from iMore in 2017' thread for iMore swag? Sorry to be a pest, if its being cancelled thats alright :)
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