
Aug 15, 2012
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I have used Handscent, Chomp, and GO SMS Pro on my Samsung Note 3. I love having SMS customization, but I am having no luck finding such an app on the apple store. I found GO SMS Pro on the Apple Store, paid for it, and then when I clicked on it, it was a blank screen. Does anyone know of a SMS program that can be customized?


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Oct 24, 2013
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I have used Handscent, Chomp, and GO SMS Pro on my Samsung Note 3. I love having SMS customization, but I am having no luck finding such an app on the apple store. I found GO SMS Pro on the Apple Store, paid for it, and then when I clicked on it, it was a blank screen. Does anyone know of a SMS program that can be customized?

I don't think you can change the text platform from Apple without jail breaking. I could be wrong but I don't think so


Aug 15, 2012
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This is what gets me with Apple. I had the 4S years ago, and I had jail broken it so that I can get what I wanted on my phone, which I paid a lot of money for. So, here is what I don't understand, I had a program back then called Handscent SMS on my 4S thanks to Cydia, and it worked flawless. So why are there programs on Cydia that work, but are being kept off the Apple Store, leaving us with a limited selection? It's like we are being held hostage by Apple.


Jul 26, 2012
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This is what gets me with Apple. I had the 4S years ago, and I had jail broken it so that I can get what I wanted on my phone, which I paid a lot of money for. So, here is what I don't understand, I had a program back then called Handscent SMS on my 4S thanks to Cydia, and it worked flawless. So why are there programs on Cydia that work, but are being kept off the Apple Store, leaving us with a limited selection? It's like we are being held hostage by Apple.

In essence, it's because they offer features that Apple does not approve of.

Of course, you're always free to provide feedback to Apple and suggest features for iOS and the core apps. But they will never abandon the walled garden concept.

Sent from my mobile device via Tapatalk 3.2.1 - you know, the version BEFORE they totally borked the app.


Sep 7, 2010
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This is what gets me with Apple. I had the 4S years ago, and I had jail broken it so that I can get what I wanted on my phone, which I paid a lot of money for. So, here is what I don't understand, I had a program back then called Handscent SMS on my 4S thanks to Cydia, and it worked flawless. So why are there programs on Cydia that work, but are being kept off the Apple Store, leaving us with a limited selection? It's like we are being held hostage by Apple.

It's not like that at all actually.

Apple releases a device and an OS with TONS of man hours and development to not only keep it simple and clean, but also optimized and efficient...and the reason? 98% of the user base is completely and totally satisfied with the native messaging app and function.

Could they offer all these customization options? Easily! But it would cause a lot of the wonky issues you find in other OS's, and at the end of the day, like mentioned before, the vast majority of users are not at all interested in that kind of customization ability, and would prefer a clean and no non-sense experience.

This isn't holding YOU have plenty of choice when it comes to a smart phone that fits your needs...and even on the iPhone, you have the ability to jailbreak the device and customize until you're blue in the face. Apple doesn't stop you from doing that...they even continue warrantying the device as long as you return it to an unjailbroken state when you come in for service.

At the end of the day, you're a part of a very VERY small group of people who want these customization abilities in comparison to the rest of the consumer base who want a simple and efficient experience...and because of that, Apple makes a device that covers the spectrum...natively it appeals to the majority, but it still leaves it open to people who want to tinker. Win/Win.

I'm not sure what you're having a hard time understanding...this is an extremely simple concept.


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Mar 25, 2013
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Being held hostage? Uhh
Looks like you're going to have to re-jailbreak.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Aug 15, 2012
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Sean HRCC, I read your response, and you have a valid point, but if someone spends there hard earn money for a product it's theirs to do what they want. If you were to buy a house or a car and told what you could or couldn't do with it, after working hard for it, you would be pissed. It wouldn't sound democratic. I would be highly interested in knowing the number of people that jailbreak their phone so they can enjoy the liberal freedom of having their phone set up the way they choose.


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Oct 3, 2010
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This is what gets me with Apple. I had the 4S years ago, and I had jail broken it so that I can get what I wanted on my phone, which I paid a lot of money for. So, here is what I don't understand, I had a program back then called Handscent SMS on my 4S thanks to Cydia, and it worked flawless. So why are there programs on Cydia that work, but are being kept off the Apple Store, leaving us with a limited selection? It's like we are being held hostage by Apple.

And nobody forced you to buy the phone. There are plenty of other options out there.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Sean HRCC, I read your response, and you have a valid point, but if someone spends there hard earn money for a product it's theirs to do what they want. If you were to buy a house or a car and told what you could or couldn't do with it, after working hard for it, you would be pissed. It wouldn't sound democratic. I would be highly interested in knowing the number of people that jailbreak their phone so they can enjoy the liberal freedom of having their phone set up the way they choose.

Just stop! You knew full well what you were buying when you purchased an iPhone. You clearly are aware of its limitations, and you knew how much it would cost you before you bought it. Yet, despite knowing all of that, you still made the conscious decision to buy it, and now you want to complain about being unable to do certain that things with it? C'mon! Your argument reminds me of people who think that because they are in a "public" place, they are allowed to do whatever they want. You paid for an Apple device, and access to Apple's services, music, videos, App Store and for product support. In other words, you got exactly what you paid for.
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2013
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Sean HRCC, I read your response, and you have a valid point, but if someone spends there hard earn money for a product it's theirs to do what they want. If you were to buy a house or a car and told what you could or couldn't do with it, after working hard for it, you would be pissed. It wouldn't sound democratic. I would be highly interested in knowing the number of people that jailbreak their phone so they can enjoy the liberal freedom of having their phone set up the way they choose.

It's the same thing with a car you can't buy one and start ripping out emission hoses because it robs you of power or buy a house and start tearing walls down without a valet permit


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Sep 12, 2008
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Sean HRCC, I read your response, and you have a valid point, but if someone spends there hard earn money for a product it's theirs to do what they want. If you were to buy a house or a car and told what you could or couldn't do with it, after working hard for it, you would be pissed. It wouldn't sound democratic. I would be highly interested in knowing the number of people that jailbreak their phone so they can enjoy the liberal freedom of having their phone set up the way they choose.


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Oct 24, 2013
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Just stop! You knew full well what you were buying when you purchased an iPhone. You clearly are aware of its limitations, and you knew how much it would cost you before you bought it. Yet, despite knowing all of that, you still made the conscious decision to buy it, and now you want to complain about being unable to do certain that things with it? C'mon! Your argument reminds me of people who think that because they are in a "public" place, they are allowed to do whatever they want. You paid for an Apple device, and access to Apple's services, music, videos, App Store and for product support. In other words, you got exactly what you paid for.



Sep 7, 2010
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Sean HRCC, I read your response, and you have a valid point, but if someone spends there hard earn money for a product it's theirs to do what they want. If you were to buy a house or a car and told what you could or couldn't do with it, after working hard for it, you would be pissed. It wouldn't sound democratic. I would be highly interested in knowing the number of people that jailbreak their phone so they can enjoy the liberal freedom of having their phone set up the way they choose.

But that's just it! You CAN'T do whatever you want with your car or with your home in the real world, because there are regulations, restrictions, laws and rules that have to be followed...all in all, the iPhone is a MORE "liberal" (as you put it) item than either of those two things.

Cars can be modified, houses can be modified, iPhone's can be modified...but ALL of these things require changes to the core function and build of the product...and 9 times out of 10, the original manufacturer of said product would absolutely SCOFF at the idea of doing what people do to the product, because at the end of the day, the product was made with finesse, care and diligent research/development...and it fits the vast majority of consumer needs in native form. How is Apple any different than any other company on the market just because they don't give you free reign to their product in terms of CHANGING IT? They don't WANT you to change it! They WANT you to enjoy the product they created to work optimally for you!

And if that is not enough for you...then you have to make that choice whether to modify it or not. You aren't being held hostage at're actually given a very clear choice, and Apple doesn't even punish you for this by voiding your warranty! They just ask that if you have a problem down the road, remove the modifications you've done so they can make sure it is indeed the hardware that is the problem, and not something you've done yourself through modification. This can be applied to almost ANY product on the market from ANY company!

You're not entitled to anything need to get that through your head. You're also not being prevented from doing what you want in this regard, so why cry about it like you're being caned for even thinking about customizing the iPhone?

And give me a break about spending "hard earned money" and deserving to do whatever you want with the product you bought. How old are you? You sound like a 18 year old who just tasted the real world and complains that the world isn't bending over backwards to make YOU happy.


Jun 13, 2012
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In 2015 I can't understand someone buying a iPhone expecting it to be something that it's not.
8 iPhones later folks still don't have a clue. Or just in denial.
Complaining about iOS/iPhone not being open is so dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Sep 27, 2013
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Back in the Day, I used to jailbreak for BiteSMS for one reason only....Quick Reply. In iOS8, Apple built in quick reply and it works great. No need to jailbreak.



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Sep 19, 2012
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Back in the Day, I used to jailbreak for BiteSMS for one reason only....Quick Reply. In iOS8, Apple built in quick reply and it works great. No need to jailbreak.


Exactly the reason I jailbroke in the past too. Now I have no need for it at all and I couldn't be happier.


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Sep 22, 2014
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Sean HRCC, I read your response, and you have a valid point, but if someone spends there hard earn money for a product it's theirs to do what they want. If you were to buy a house or a car and told what you could or couldn't do with it, after working hard for it, you would be pissed. It wouldn't sound democratic. I would be highly interested in knowing the number of people that jailbreak their phone so they can enjoy the liberal freedom of having their phone set up the way they choose.

Not necessarily true with a car. You can modify a new car, but you will void the warranty by doing so. If you add a performance chip you could potentially cause damage to other components. The manufacturer builds to a certain specification, same as Apple with the iPhone. Maybe not a completely fair comparison, but there are similarities.

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