Shipping my Pre Buying iPhone


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2009
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Hey guys just thought I'd share my story, I hope to be a regular on this community. Alright so yesterday was my Birthday I open my Pre I ordered online and booted it up, it was really awesome and there's things I'll miss :(. Anyway a couple hours after I opened it guess what happened... The Touch Screen broke. Completely unresponsive. I said oh well walked it to my Bell store and guess what they can't service it because there part of a different company were I live and not actually part of bell. Well after 6 hours on the phone talking to atleast 15 different people trying to get a repair I just couldn't. So I'm sending in the waive bill with it to get my full refund tomorrow and pickup the iPhone on rogers. Thanks for making my birthday great bell :mad:


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2009
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yea as imuggle said, it was meant to be haha

Hah that's what I thought. And actually it is bells fault that they won't exchange or repair a defective product because I did buy it from them. It is not however the stores fault it's once again bells fault for having "franchises". They don't have your money they shouldn't have to replace it I would have liked to be told. The whole system they use is messed up. It was just ment to be hopefully going to be with you guys tommorow when I get it.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Isn't Bell and Telus supposed to start selling their iPhones tomorrow, if you get your refund I would wait until their iPhones drop because either the phone or the data plans something is going to become competitive. Bell and Telus want new customers and to take Rogers/Fido customers and Rogers/Fido want to keep their current customers and gain new customers so some enticing will ensue. I'm just sitting on the sidelines waiting to see if Fido data plans become enticing enough for me.

Bell service has always sucked I had phones with them long ago and it sucked then also.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2009
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Isn't Bell and Telus supposed to start selling their iPhones tomorrow, if you get your refund I would wait until their iPhones drop because either the phone or the data plans something is going to become competitive. Bell and Telus want new customers and to take Rogers/Fido customers and Rogers/Fido want to keep their current customers and gain new customers so some enticing will ensue. I'm just sitting on the sidelines waiting to see if Fido data plans become enticing enough for me.

Bell service has always sucked I had phones with them long ago and it sucked then also.
After the way they treated me I can't give them my money got my 3gs here on Rogers and it's actually better. Good thing I see what kind of company they are before beeing locked in with them.

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