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Screen resolution


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Apr 2, 2012
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The debs won't have a mutiny they will develop the apps because apples where's the money is. Also the cost of the screen will be driven down to apples liking just based on the shear volume that apple will purchase at so a double resolution iPhone is feasible at its current price point.

Im so tired of people making comments like that. I always find it funny to stop and think were will the devs go if they didnt have ios. Oh if apple changes the screen size then all the devs will leave or get angry blah blah blah. In terms of stability and reliability Apple is #1 hands down. If, wait no excuse me WHEN they change the screen size all the devs are going to moan a bit then they're going to have to buckle down and just work a bit harder end of story...

I'll be a monkeys uncle if in 2013 or beyond that im using a 3.5 inch screen. I love my iphone but not that much an i can certainly do without it.


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Jun 23, 2010
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I'll be a monkeys uncle if in 2013 or beyond that im using a 3.5 inch screen. I love my iphone but not that much an i can certainly do without it.

The 3.5" screen size isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not Apple should increase the resolution of the screen to double what it currently is just because they can.

If there is no perceptible difference, and no real advantage for doing so, why go to the trouble, cost and overall grief? Someone suggest "bragging rights". Sorry, "bragging rights" are way down the list of reasons to do something in this business. It's about selling devices and making money. And doing anything to increase the cost merely for "bragging rights" is pointless.

Phil DeLong

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Jan 18, 2011
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And in the world of technology there is no such thing as overkill if they can do it and keep the power consumption in check then why not they want the highest resolution screen

There is absolutely such a thing as overkill in the world of technology. If you don't believe that you're exactly the kind of consumer these companies thrive on, the kind that will buy in to anything.

ray6712 said:
plus they now own a flash memory maker so that all but eliminates that cost, therefor the price of the handset remains

Even if you own a company, it still costs you money to use their services...
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2011
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There is absolutely such a thing as overkill in the world of technology. If you don't believe that you're exactly the kind of consumer these companies thrive on, the kind that will buy in to anything.

Even if you own a company, it still costs you money to use their services...

I hear you and your stand dead on but for the first time in the iPhones existence Apple has legitimate competition and the competition is pushing really high resolution screens, now Apple knows this and while they as a company usually doesn't make changes just for the sake of making them. Now they doubled the resolution of the Ipad a market they basically own everyone knows this they increased the resolution of the mbp not because the competition is killing them but because they could. Now the Iphone is this companies money maker if your going to blow the competition out of the water and keep your edge and its happening around the same time your making a change to your bread and butters screen size for the first time if they were ever going to change the pixel density on the Iphone it would be now


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2011
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I would not want the resolution doubled with them going to a 4 inch screen the icons text etc would shrink and become almost unusable give me the same dpi on a 4 inch panel


Well-known member
May 2, 2010
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I hear you and your stand dead on but for the first time in the iPhones existence Apple has legitimate competition and the competition is pushing really high resolution screens, now Apple knows this and while they as a company usually doesn't make changes just for the sake of making them. Now they doubled the resolution of the Ipad a market they basically own everyone knows this they increased the resolution of the mbp not because the competition is killing them but because they could. Now the Iphone is this companies money maker if your going to blow the competition out of the water and keep your edge and its happening around the same time your making a change to your bread and butters screen size for the first time if they were ever going to change the pixel density on the Iphone it would be now
Multiple posters have responded with good business and technical reasons why Apple will not double the resolution in the iPhone 5, and yet you keep clinging to the idea. (This is why someone called you "high" earlier in the thread.)


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Jun 23, 2011
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Well I know it's an awful good selling point especially now that they know they would be the first smartphone with resolution higher than any hd tv. And while you have a valid point they didn't have to even increase the resolution of the iPad or the Mac book pro. Yet if you've seen a commercial for either what are the showing as its greatest feature you bet ya those screens so I'll conclude with this, every point made on this thread was valid and I enjoyed it I was just stating where I believe Apple will go based on the simple idea that this iPhone would be more powerful spec wise than even the new IPad.


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Jun 23, 2010
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Well I know it's an awful good selling point especially now that they know they would be the first smartphone with resolution higher than any hd tv. And while you have a valid point they didn't have to even increase the resolution of the iPad or the Mac book pro. Yet if you've seen a commercial for either what are the showing as its greatest feature you bet ya those screens so I'll conclude with this, every point made on this thread was valid and I enjoyed it I was just stating where I believe Apple will go based on the simple idea that this iPhone would be more powerful spec wise than even the new IPad.

Prior to the current release, neither of those product lines had a retina display. The highest resolution iPad was 1024 x 768... and the highest resolution MacBook Pro was 1680 x 1050. The iPhone has been retina for TWO generations (iPhone 4 and 4S). It made sense for those devices to carry a retina display.

I'm going to say it again: "bragging rights" and "because they can" are not valid reasons. It is not happening. The human eye can't detect it, and there is no valid, practical reason for them to even consider it.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2011
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But in all seriousness I'm hoping they use sharps igzo panels for the new iPhone. Is a thinner panel uses 2/3rds less power and is significantly more responsive


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2011
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I'm sticking with my earlier position I truly believe when the iPhone arrives this fall it will feature a much larger screen not just taller but wider as well. My reasoning is simple iOS 6 has auto layout APIs built right in like osx so developers can easily generate their apps to fit the screen of any size. if you don't believe me google iPhone auto layout and see for yourself.


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Jul 3, 2010
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Dream On ~ Steven Tyler

Apple will NOT double the resolution of the iPhone 4/4S for the new phone (iPhone 5?)... Never.Gonna.Happen. Isn't the iPhone retina display already the highest resolution phone on the market?

Actually no (or at least not for long), both Samsung and LG have higher resolution displays with larger screens available with new products rolling out later this year if they are already not out.

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