Screen Issues


Jun 22, 2009
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I just had my iphone 3GS replaced b/c of battery issues. The new phone I have is a giving some issues i feel like. When rock the phone back and fort i notice very faint lines across the top of the phone. Something witht he pixels I think. is this normal, should i even be worrieD?


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Oct 27, 2008
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the screens on the phones are horrible its dying. return it yet again. apples remans or exchange phones are garbage in quality.

Allyson Kazmucha

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2009
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the screens on the phones are horrible its dying. return it yet again. apples remans or exchange phones are garbage in quality.

I would have to disagree. Apple refurbs go through a more rigorous testing cycle than new phones do, not to mention the casing and everything cosmetic is completely brand new.

I've had better quality refurbs than originals on more than one occasion.

The screens are far from garbage in quality. As with every product, you will get ones that slip past quality control, doesn't mean all of them are garbage.


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Jul 31, 2009
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Also make sure that they check the water sensors before leaving the store. My wife's came out of the box showing exposure to moisture.


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Oct 27, 2008
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I would have to disagree. Apple refurbs go through a more rigorous testing cycle than new phones do, not to mention the casing and everything cosmetic is completely brand new.

I've had better quality refurbs than originals on more than one occasion.

The screens are far from garbage in quality. As with every product, you will get ones that slip past quality control, doesn't mean all of them are garbage.
lets say this i have never exchanged a phone so many times as i have with an iphone under a year.

the drawback really is i did it through the mail most of the time and going out of my way to travel for 2 hrs to the apple store yields a better result, tho its an inconvenience and imo i should get the same results through the mail as i do through going to the store. which is not the case.

as for build quality sorry its terrible. original iphone purchase, was exchanged for hardware lockups x3 and then the screen died a month later, that lovely dead pixel waterfall was interesting. this is with in first 2 months of purchase of my 3g.
7 months later the screen in a new place gets a water fall dead pixels again. rma through apple, get a refurb the refurb gets every time i wake it up a 168 ip. and it needs to be rebooted for wifi to work, rma this again get a phone that cant even see wifi, i have 2 out of 3 wifi networks on 2.4g this phone cant connect to anything. rma it again! get one with dead screen, goto an apple store finally and this one sorta works for now.

this for a consumer is too much. i personally dont care how much it costs, but a product should work period. this is my first experience with apple and the build quality is junk. my one phone has way too many exchanges.

this phone reminds me of motorola. junk cheap hardware.

my ipod touch has been exchange for screen issues twice, and that thing just hangs out on the coffee table.

imo the stores have a better quaility since the people check them before handing them out unlike through the mail where they just ship a box. but the inconvenience it brings is too much. i should not have to go out of my way over a phone. i should get the same quality through the mail.

i wont get into the new exterior look that paper cut me due to bad mfg and was razor sharp where the bezel and back case attaches.

but there is no way to justify exchange a new product under a year more then once. for a quality product.

Allyson Kazmucha

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2009
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I'm really going to call BS on you getting this many bad phones. Any logical person would have just gotten a different phone or demanded a refund. If it is true, you're the one putting up with it. If you want to make a point, don't use the phone. I've seen several people on other forums, HoFo specifically, who whine and cry and say their screen is yellowish or use a blacklight to inspect a phone for even a hundreth of a mm crack, and that's insane. Nothing is perfect. Yes, there should be a level of quality control but I'm pretty sure Apple meets that.

Seems to me like you're just in here trolling, so please, take it somewhere else. Every electronic device will have a batch of bad ones, but for you to get so many bad ones, I'm not buying it.

lets say this i have never exchanged a phone so many times as i have with an iphone under a year.

the drawback really is i did it through the mail most of the time and going out of my way to travel for 2 hrs to the apple store yields a better result, tho its an inconvenience and imo i should get the same results through the mail as i do through going to the store. which is not the case.

as for build quality sorry its terrible. original iphone purchase, was exchanged for hardware lockups x3 and then the screen died a month later, that lovely dead pixel waterfall was interesting. this is with in first 2 months of purchase of my 3g.
7 months later the screen in a new place gets a water fall dead pixels again. rma through apple, get a refurb the refurb gets every time i wake it up a 168 ip. and it needs to be rebooted for wifi to work, rma this again get a phone that cant even see wifi, i have 2 out of 3 wifi networks on 2.4g this phone cant connect to anything. rma it again! get one with dead screen, goto an apple store finally and this one sorta works for now.

this for a consumer is too much. i personally dont care how much it costs, but a product should work period. this is my first experience with apple and the build quality is junk. my one phone has way too many exchanges.

this phone reminds me of motorola. junk cheap hardware.

my ipod touch has been exchange for screen issues twice, and that thing just hangs out on the coffee table.

imo the stores have a better quaility since the people check them before handing them out unlike through the mail where they just ship a box. but the inconvenience it brings is too much. i should not have to go out of my way over a phone. i should get the same quality through the mail.

i wont get into the new exterior look that paper cut me due to bad mfg and was razor sharp where the bezel and back case attaches.

but there is no way to justify exchange a new product under a year more then once. for a quality product.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
lets say this i have never exchanged a phone so many times as i have with an iphone under a year.

the drawback really is i did it through the mail most of the time and going out of my way to travel for 2 hrs to the apple store yields a better result, tho its an inconvenience and imo i should get the same results through the mail as i do through going to the store. which is not the case.

as for build quality sorry its terrible. original iphone purchase, was exchanged for hardware lockups x3 and then the screen died a month later, that lovely dead pixel waterfall was interesting. this is with in first 2 months of purchase of my 3g.
7 months later the screen in a new place gets a water fall dead pixels again. rma through apple, get a refurb the refurb gets every time i wake it up a 168 ip. and it needs to be rebooted for wifi to work, rma this again get a phone that cant even see wifi, i have 2 out of 3 wifi networks on 2.4g this phone cant connect to anything. rma it again! get one with dead screen, goto an apple store finally and this one sorta works for now.

this for a consumer is too much. i personally dont care how much it costs, but a product should work period. this is my first experience with apple and the build quality is junk. my one phone has way too many exchanges.

this phone reminds me of motorola. junk cheap hardware.

my ipod touch has been exchange for screen issues twice, and that thing just hangs out on the coffee table.

imo the stores have a better quaility since the people check them before handing them out unlike through the mail where they just ship a box. but the inconvenience it brings is too much. i should not have to go out of my way over a phone. i should get the same quality through the mail.

i wont get into the new exterior look that paper cut me due to bad mfg and was razor sharp where the bezel and back case attaches.

but there is no way to justify exchange a new product under a year more then once. for a quality product.

Can we say really bad luck... It's pretty clear you dislike it very much, if I had that much bad luck I'd probably move along to another device.


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Sep 28, 2009
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@Wabbit: No such bad luck with my 3gs. It's been about 2 months, and I haven't had to return it for a refurb, and it has performed great except for the spotty Yahoo push email notifications, which I have read is a "feature" of the phone. :D

If I had that much trouble with the phone, I would gripe too though, but I haven't experienced those issues. Good luck with your latest refurb.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
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Can we say really bad luck... It's pretty clear you dislike it very much, if I had that much bad luck I'd probably move along to another device.

well the first phone was fine for 3 weeks then i did do the in store exchange which gave me a symptom free phone for 2 weeks at which time the return was past 30 days. so i was stuck with it. the only thing left was to deal with apple.

the real shocking part is i never jail broke any of the phones since i found no need too.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
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@Wabbit: No such bad luck with my 3gs. It's been about 2 months, and I haven't had to return it for a refurb, and it has performed great except for the spotty Yahoo push email notifications, which I have read is a "feature" of the phone. :D

If I had that much trouble with the phone, I would gripe too though, but I haven't experienced those issues. Good luck with your latest refurb.

i just dont see the "quality" that they claim in the devices, its strange they would mail me twice in a row phones that don't work right. and the fix was go out of my way to an apple store. its not like the thing is around the corner for me. like att! hehe

i cant see my self getting a 3gs with lte starting in q1 of 2010 from rumors.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
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I'm really going to call BS on you getting this many bad phones. Any logical person would have just gotten a different phone or demanded a refund. If it is true, you're the one putting up with it. If you want to make a point, don't use the phone. I've seen several people on other forums, HoFo specifically, who whine and cry and say their screen is yellowish or use a blacklight to inspect a phone for even a hundreth of a mm crack, and that's insane. Nothing is perfect. Yes, there should be a level of quality control but I'm pretty sure Apple meets that.

Seems to me like you're just in here trolling, so please, take it somewhere else. Every electronic device will have a batch of bad ones, but for you to get so many bad ones, I'm not buying it.

dear hypocrite troll

i wasn't going to answer you since you really have a serious problem. but this i think is even funnier. tho its not the iphone it is an apple product thats doa right out of the box.

Core i7 iMacs showing up DOA -- including ours -- Engadget

this made me think of you. since according to you people dont have drawn out problems with apple products.

Allyson Kazmucha

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Apr 5, 2009
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dear hypocrite troll

i wasn't going to answer you since you really have a serious problem. but this i think is even funnier. tho its not the iphone it is an apple product thats doa right out of the box.

Core i7 iMacs showing up DOA -- including ours -- Engadget

this made me think of you. since according to you people dont have drawn out problems with apple products.

lmao...i am far from a hypocrite troll. if you knew me at all, or cared to look around, i not only have an iPhone, I'm an avid Blackberry fan, as well as a Nokia fan. I own a Mac, AND a PC. I just think certain people just complain no matter what. if you aren't one of them, fine, but to get that many bad phones in a row is either exaggerated or maybe you should just look at another device.

thanks for the link but i already read that article. "there's an app for that" :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2008
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lmao...i am far from a hypocrite troll. if you knew me at all, or cared to look around, i not only have an iPhone, I'm an avid Blackberry fan, as well as a Nokia fan. I own a Mac, AND a PC. I just think certain people just complain no matter what. if you aren't one of them, fine, but to get that many bad phones in a row is either exaggerated or maybe you should just look at another device.

thanks for the link but i already read that article. "there's an app for that" :rolleyes:

still trolling gibberish.

you know what people say about opinions.

was it a complaint? i just stated my experience with which was my first iphone purchase. not everyone shares it or does. but when i talk to people in the store since it needs an appointment while i wait. this seems failry common that an iphone does not even live a year.

Allyson Kazmucha

Well-known member
Apr 5, 2009
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still trolling gibberish.

you know what people say about opinions.

was it a complaint? i just stated my experience with which was my first iphone purchase. not everyone shares it or does. but when i talk to people in the store since it needs an appointment while i wait. this seems failry common that an iphone does not even live a year.

I will agree that an iPhone does not live a year. Seems like you have a LOT more problems than common though. That's why I called BS, but if you did, maybe it's time to move to a different phone. That's what I did with the 1st gen iPhone. The closest apple store to me is an hour away and I got tired of going back and forth. So I picked up a Nokia N95 and gave the iPhone a rest, until the 3G came out. I had my 3G exchanged once for hairline cracks. My 3GS, another white one, has cracks but they are literally tiny, I'll wait for them to get bigger then go swap it out.

I'm not saying I have never had issues with Apple products, I've had issues with SEVERAL products, not just apple. My point was nothing is perfect but for someone to have that many issues, normally it's someone being ridiculously picky. Maybe you're not, but if you seriously have that many issues, consider another phone. I have the worst luck in the world with electronics. I've come to that realization. If anyone will get a computer that will spontaneously combust, it would be me, and even I haven't had THAT bad of luck. I have a 24" iMac and it wouldn't boot, they replaced the logic board, then 2 weeks later, THAT logic board died, then after that one got replaced, the guy that fixed it screwed up the mic in the process. I've had my fair share of issues, but I've had far more with PCs than I ever have with Apple products in general. And if I do have a problem, I get much less of a run around with Apple than you do with any PC manufacturer or Best Buy.

Either way, you can think I'm a troll if you want. If being blunt and stating MY opinion makes me a troll, then I guess I'm a troll.

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