Despite what you might think, this topic is not about Rene's tan.
I was wondering if anyone here knew what skin he's got sticked on his iPhone in the first look video for the 2008 round robin. Not that it's particularly good looking, but I geus there's different ones available aswell.
I was planning on getting something like those DomeSkins to set my iPhone apart from all the others, but honestly, all those skins are pretty damn ugly and the fact you create an edge around the screen means you'll gather dust there, etc.
So if anyone got any other suggestions feel free to give them, but until then I'll just try and find out what Rene's got.
I was wondering if anyone here knew what skin he's got sticked on his iPhone in the first look video for the 2008 round robin. Not that it's particularly good looking, but I geus there's different ones available aswell.
I was planning on getting something like those DomeSkins to set my iPhone apart from all the others, but honestly, all those skins are pretty damn ugly and the fact you create an edge around the screen means you'll gather dust there, etc.
So if anyone got any other suggestions feel free to give them, but until then I'll just try and find out what Rene's got.