please HELP: iphone data plan vs. regular data plan


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Jul 13, 2009
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here's the thing:
i have an unlocked iphone w/ $30 data plan thru AT&T. I called and downgrade to $15 data plan and use my sony ericson W510i in a meantime. Plug my SIM card back to my iphone----->>> can't access internet via 3G. It keep saying "COULD NOT ACTIVATE CELLULAR DATA NETWORK: YOU ARE NOT SUBSCRIBED TO A CELLULAR DATA SERVICE".
1. i'm a data service subscriber; just not iphone data service.
2. I was able to surf the net via 3G just fine w/ $30 plan
3. can't surf the net anymore w/ $15 plan except wifi
4. can i disable the whole data service altogether and still get access to wifi w/o any charges?

Thanks for reading and possible responding to my msg!!!


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Mar 8, 2008
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To have the iPhone legit. You must have the iPhone data plan. No way around it. Unless your willing to jailbreak. Which comes with it's own set of risks.


Jul 3, 2009
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Yes, you CAN use $15/month plan on your iPhone (I do!!!)

here's the thing:
i have an unlocked iphone w/ $30 data plan thru AT&T. I called and downgrade to $15 data plan and use my sony ericson W510i in a meantime. Plug my SIM card back to my iphone----->>> can't access internet via 3G. It keep saying "COULD NOT ACTIVATE CELLULAR DATA NETWORK: YOU ARE NOT SUBSCRIBED TO A CELLULAR DATA SERVICE".
1. i'm a data service subscriber; just not iphone data service.
2. I was able to surf the net via 3G just fine w/ $30 plan
3. can't surf the net anymore w/ $15 plan except wifi
4. can i disable the whole data service altogether and still get access to wifi w/o any charges?

Thanks for reading and possible responding to my msg!!!

Yes, it's possible for you to use wifi without getting any charges. ALSO, there is a way for you to be able to use the $15/month plan on your iphone. I know this, because I am currently using the $15/month plan on my brand new 3gs.

I actually found a hack that was really meant for tethering. After I installed that hack, I was able to use the $15/month plan. Prior to installing the hack, I was getting the EXACT same message as you are getting.

You DO NOT need to jailbreak in order to tether.

Here are the instructions on how to install the tethering hack. I have NEVER done anything like this before, and it took me about 2 minutes and everything was perfect. No problems at all with my phone after 2 weeks.

For some reason, this site will not let me post the website because I have only 1 post prior to this one. Too bad for everyone who wants to know how to do this.


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May 7, 2009
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Yes, it's possible for you to use wifi without getting any charges. ALSO, there is a way for you to be able to use the $15/month plan on your iphone. I know this, because I am currently using the $15/month plan on my brand new 3gs.

I actually found a hack that was really meant for tethering. After I installed that hack, I was able to use the $15/month plan. Prior to installing the hack, I was getting the EXACT same message as you are getting.

You DO NOT need to jailbreak in order to tether.

Here are the instructions on how to install the tethering hack. I have NEVER done anything like this before, and it took me about 2 minutes and everything was perfect. No problems at all with my phone after 2 weeks.

For some reason, this site will not let me post the website because I have only 1 post prior to this one. Too bad for everyone who wants to know how to do this.

It is Help.Benm.At?


Jul 3, 2009
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Do a google search on "how to tether iphone without jailbreak" and go into the first site that's listed. Should be something like Engadget. That will give you the instructions on how to load the tethering software AND let you use the $15/month plan on your 3.0 software on #g or 3gs (the previous version didn't prevent you from using the $15/month plan if you had it).


Jul 3, 2009
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Once you perform the hack that I'm talking about, and assuming that you have the #30/month plan, perform the following steps to get the $15/month plan.

1) Take your SIM out of your iPhone.
2) Place your SIM into a CHEAP NON-SMARTPHONE
3) Place a couple of calls (Voicemail works)
4) Wait about 10 minutes
5) Log on to your AT&T account online
6) Your "new" phone should be displayed as your device
7) Change your plan
8) Log off
9) Enjoy!


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Apr 24, 2009
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Please, please, please keep in mind that using unauthorized tethering without a tethering plan or using the $15 a month data plan for your iphone is ILLEGAL and can end your service with AT&T. Not only is it unlawful, it is unethical. It costs AT&T money to maintain and build a network and for you to use these services without paying the proper amount is tantamount to stealing. Not only that, but you are adding strain to the network that may affect the quality of service for other users.

I only say this because I believe it's morally wrong to steal service like this. Kind of like stealing cable. I don't care so much that AT&T is losing money, I care more that it might cause service interruptions for others. Please be mindful of this and use sparingly.


Jul 3, 2009
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Please, please, please keep in mind that using unauthorized tethering without a tethering plan or using the $15 a month data plan for your iphone is ILLEGAL and can end your service with AT&T. Not only is it unlawful, it is unethical. It costs AT&T money to maintain and build a network and for you to use these services without paying the proper amount is tantamount to stealing. Not only that, but you are adding strain to the network that may affect the quality of service for other users.

I only say this because I believe it's morally wrong to steal service like this. Kind of like stealing cable. I don't care so much that AT&T is losing money, I care more that it might cause service interruptions for others. Please be mindful of this and use sparingly.

Yes, postalUT, I understand what you're saying, however it doesn't cost AT&T any more money to provide data service to my iPhone over any other phone. The ONLY reason they charge more for the iPhone data plan is because they know they can because other people will pay for it. In regards to tethering, how do you feel about your company that is preventing options from being used on the phone when the phone is fully capable of it? When AT&T quits trying to limit the use of MY device, maybe I will be a bit more willing to live up to your ethical standards.


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Mar 8, 2008
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Be careful with this hack. It has bad backlash written all over it!

@ sweetmeat ( I felt silly typing that). Your ethics really should not be based on somone elses actions. Wether you care to admit it or not this not legal. Be careful of luring others to commit the same act. Rarely does one get something for nothing.


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Apr 24, 2009
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Yes, postalUT, I understand what you're saying, however it doesn't cost AT&T any more money to provide data service to my iPhone over any other phone. The ONLY reason they charge more for the iPhone data plan is because they know they can because other people will pay for it. In regards to tethering, how do you feel about your company that is preventing options from being used on the phone when the phone is fully capable of it? When AT&T quits trying to limit the use of MY device, maybe I will be a bit more willing to live up to your ethical standards.

I don't understand your argument. I mean, I can totally see where you're coming from. I wish all our services were cheaper. But somewhere at the AT&T headquarters, they have a team of analysts that decide how much they need to charge for the comapny to remain profitable. iPhone data plans cost the same as using a blackberry or windows mobile phone and we've had those prices for YEARS before the iPhone came along. And it's been shown many times that iPhone users use much more data than any other phone on AT&T's network. And let me tell you something, running a network for 77 million subscribers is not a cheap proposition. More data usage means more towers, more equipment, and more labor to service them to keep the standards of service as high as it can be. All of that costs money. So if iPhone users use more data than any other phone, why shouldn't they be charged more? It's a free market economy meaning that if you don't like what AT&T charges, you are more than welcome to use another phone on another network, or no phone at all and that AT&T is allowed to charge what it needs to remain a profitable company.

As for tethering, I'm in total agreement. I'm a huge fan of the way Rogers does business. You get 6 gb of data a month to use however you please. However, it's a catch 22. With their 3 year contracts and higher data plan rates they make it up in spades. If you do any research relating what the cost of ownership over two years for the iphone on AT&T versus European carriers, you save thousands by being on AT&T. The iPhone data plan is $30 a month and gives you 5 gb a month to use on your device. What's wrong with charging another $30 a month for another 5 Gb you can use on your computer? It goes back to my earlier argument about more data, higher cost. Why haven't they enabled it? More than likely they're waiting on the expansion of the 850 Mhz UMTS band. I honestly couldn't tell you the true reason. And believe me it's not because they are being a-holes. If they could offer another service and get another $30 a month they would. There is some technical limitation. And before you go saying that "They've figured it out in Europe" remember that it costs a lot less to build a quality network in Europe. Not only are they getting more per subscriber in Europe, but they also have less area to cover. This means they can put towers at a much higher density and equipment overhead is much lower because of that density. Not to mention many of the companies that provide network solution equipment are based out of Europe so, again, lower overhead. Yet they charge 1.5 times as much per month as AT&T charges.

I'm always a fan of someone beating the system, but in this case beating the system means STEALING. You can justify it however you like, but using a service without paying for it is illegal. Plain and simple.


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May 3, 2009
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The comparison of our network to Europe's is kind of one sided, as Europe has been investing in their infrastructure for a lot longer than we in the United States have. Asia is the same way. Japan has unbelievable data rates in the 100 megabit ranges because all of their telecom companies agreed to sink millions upon millions into their infrastructure, also.

As for the data plans, the $30 iPhone plan, being pretty much the same as the PDA Data plan for WinMo devices and the Blackberry data plan, use packet data, similar to broadband internet in your house. The packets are bigger and more data is sent and received. The data plans for dumb phones, as they are called, are GPRS type data packets, smaller.

The iPhone, as all smart phones consume large amounts of data when browsing, because they use a browser similar to a desktop/laptop computer. Things like email, messaging, web browsing, soon to be MMS, tethering, all use data fully or to some degree. So you pay for what you use. I am a light user, and can still use upwards of 100 MB per month. Others on here can use lots more (pushing the 5GB limit).

I pay the $30 a month, as I feel I should. Use a smart phone, expect to pay for it.


Jul 3, 2009
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All phones have 5gb limit

Many of you have mentioned that the iphone, or smartphones in general, use more data while browsing the web, which justifies the additional $15/month that must be paid for a smartphone data plan.

If I have a dumbphone with a $15/month data plan and I have a smartphone with a $30/month data plan, I can still only access 5gb/month regardless of the data plan. If I go over that limit with either plan, AT&T will charge me for my overage.

So, smartphones requiring more data does not justify the higher price.

Someone also mentioned that they felt it would be acceptable for AT&T to charge them $30/month for tethering with a limit of 5GB.

If you already are paying $30/month for 5GB of internet usage on your phone that you don't use, why should you have to pay ANYTHING in order to be able to access the SAME data via tethering your phone to your computer? If I want to use 2 GB on my phone and the remaining 3GB via tethering, I should be allowed to do that, free of charge, BECAUSE I have paid for 5GB of data. If I paid seperately for the tethering plan, would I be using different data? Absolutely not. Does it cost AT&T money for the end users to transfer data from their phone to their computer via bluetooth or USB? Absolutely not.

So to summarize:

1) Just because smartphones require more data, that doesn't justify the additional $15/month because the data limits on smartphone and non smartphone plans are the same.
2) Tethering should be no charge, because it doesn't cost AT&T more to bluetooth or USB data to your computer, if you don't exceed your 5GB limit.

Also, AT&T and all other cell companies need to quit crippeling their devices in order to make customers pay for functionality (i.e. Blackberry GPS) that was built into the phone (and paid for when they bought the phone) but removed by the company.


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Mar 8, 2008
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@sweetmeat(lol that's still funny typing that!) all of what you say makes sense. Kind of. I understand you feel your being overcharged. But you solution does not set things right. Best solution? Cancel your plan and find one that makes you happy.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
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Many of you have mentioned that the iphone, or smartphones in general, use more data while browsing the web, which justifies the additional $15/month that must be paid for a smartphone data plan.

If I have a dumbphone with a $15/month data plan and I have a smartphone with a $30/month data plan, I can still only access 5gb/month regardless of the data plan. If I go over that limit with either plan, AT&T will charge me for my overage.

So, smartphones requiring more data does not justify the higher price.

Someone also mentioned that they felt it would be acceptable for AT&T to charge them $30/month for tethering with a limit of 5GB.

If you already are paying $30/month for 5GB of internet usage on your phone that you don't use, why should you have to pay ANYTHING in order to be able to access the SAME data via tethering your phone to your computer? If I want to use 2 GB on my phone and the remaining 3GB via tethering, I should be allowed to do that, free of charge, BECAUSE I have paid for 5GB of data. If I paid seperately for the tethering plan, would I be using different data? Absolutely not. Does it cost AT&T money for the end users to transfer data from their phone to their computer via bluetooth or USB? Absolutely not.

So to summarize:

1) Just because smartphones require more data, that doesn't justify the additional $15/month because the data limits on smartphone and non smartphone plans are the same.
2) Tethering should be no charge, because it doesn't cost AT&T more to bluetooth or USB data to your computer, if you don't exceed your 5GB limit.

Also, AT&T and all other cell companies need to quit crippeling their devices in order to make customers pay for functionality (i.e. Blackberry GPS) that was built into the phone (and paid for when they bought the phone) but removed by the company.

I'm not going to continue discussing your or my opinions on data plan pricing. If you feel you're being overcharged for a service you voluntarily agreed to use (or in your case steal) you are more thna welcom to cancel your contract and not use your iphone on AT&T. Sorry to be snarky, but AT&T is a business not a charity. Perhaps when UNICEF builds their own network you can switch.

As for the last paragraph, I'm not sure what you're talking about. None of our phones have any restrictions on what programs you can use on their phones including blackberries. If you want turn by turn navigation you're more than welcome to pay $100 for a garmin mobile license that's only updated once a year (then you have to pay for updates) and doesn't have all of the most current listings. You can use blackberry gps functionality all you want to whenever you want. You must be confusing us with Verizon who locks all their phones to VZ navigator.

Oh and if you'd like the functionality restored for those devices your also welcome to pay full price for unlocked european versions that are EDGE only. AT&T spends a lot of money making these phones affordable for the average user and do lots of testing to make sure these phones work well on their network, and that they have adequate staff to support you using the device.

This isn't super happy fun land where all the phones and phone service is free without signing a contract and every phone does every single thing you ask including pick up your laundry and babysit your dog. It's the real business world where companies are trying to make money. They do that by offering solid phones and solid service to the people who pay good money for it. If you don't like the prices, DON'T SUBSCRIBE! Until then, you're more than welcome to cheat, lie, and steal in order to get what you think is a fair price for services.

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