LTE question


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Jan 29, 2011
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Just switched to Verizon from AT&T the LTE service is better where I live.

A few questions .

If my phone says LTE does that mean its full signal ? Other words can it be a weak LTE signal or if it on its on ?

Second with Verizon I realized you can't talk on the phone and surf (bummer) , when I'm in a call the LTE or 3G goes away from my status. Does this mean I will not receive a email while I'm in a call ? On the flip side will I receive a call while surfing the web or reading email ?

Is there an accurate place to find about LTE future service, it's not at my house but 3 miles away. Is there any info on this, I hate calling Verizon, they never have a clue on the phone.

Last when I'm not in LTE it says 3G , is there a non LTE 4G ? 3G is real slow by me.



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Sep 30, 2012
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I thought you can serf the web and talk with Verizon that what they stress to me when they want me to switch from sprint

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Well-known member
May 15, 2012
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Just switched to Verizon from AT&T the LTE service is better where I live.

A few questions .

If my phone says LTE does that mean its full signal ? Other words can it be a weak LTE signal or if it on its on ?

Second with Verizon I realized you can't talk on the phone and surf (bummer) , when I'm in a call the LTE or 3G goes away from my status. Does this mean I will not receive a email while I'm in a call ? On the flip side will I receive a call while surfing the web or reading email ?

Is there an accurate place to find about LTE future service, it's not at my house but 3 miles away. Is there any info on this, I hate calling Verizon, they never have a clue on the phone.

Last when I'm not in LTE it says 3G , is there a non LTE 4G ? 3G is real slow by me.


First off, when "LTE" is in the corner, the bars indicate how strong of a signal you have.

Second, Verizon does NOT support internet over cellular data when you're on call, so yes, you wouldn't receive email while on call.

Third, your best bet on finding out about current and future LTE coverage would be Verizon's website. AT&T has a coverage map and I'm sure Verizon does, too.

And last, to my knowledge, Verizon does not have HSPA+ (which is what AT&T labels as "4G"), therefore if you don't have LTE in a given area, you're going to be on Verizon's 3G or lower.

Hope that I've been of some help.
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Jul 18, 2012
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1. adding on to what exxod said. if you have less bars, the speed may be slower, but still MUCH faster than 3G.

2. your question about receiving a call while using LTE or 3G data. yes calls and texts will still arrive while using data. also if you are on Wi-Fi, you can use data while on the phone.

3 & 4. Confirming what Exxod said, there is no in between speed of 3G or LTE like At&t does. I know it sucks, 3G is really slow. But Verizon is ramping up LTE very quickly. I live in Savannah, GA and when I used to drive on I-16 to Atlanta, I used to not have LTE most of the way till I hit Macon, GA. Now I have it for about half the way, which is a great improvement. And this just happened last week. I went about 3 weeks ago to Atlanta and didn't notice this. As for coverage improvements, Verizon has never been able to tell me when LTE is coming. Best bet to to watch for blog updates when verizon post an update about future LTE coverage expansion. They usually list out the cities that get new coverage or existing cities that get expanded coverage.

- - - Updated - - -

I thought you can serf the web and talk with Verizon that what they stress to me when they want me to switch from sprint

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You can on Android phones because they have a separate 4G radio chip, so calling and LTE surfing can be done at the same time. You can't talk and surf on 3G at the same time though on Android phones.
May be the same for Windows phones as well.
The downside of having a separate radio is that the phone has to be a bit bigger, and you use more power since 2 radios are on instead of just 1 like on an iPhone. My previous Android LTE phone would use a lot of power because of this when compared to my previous 3G only Android phones. (of course android has bad battery life in general!)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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Second, Verizon does NOT support internet when you're on call, so yes, you wouldn't receive email while on call.

Hope that I've been of some help.

It does, depends on the phone. Certain android phones can do it.

You can on Android phones because they have a separate 4G radio chip, so calling and LTE surfing can be done at the same time. You can't talk and surf on 3G at the same time though on Android phones.
May be the same for Windows phones as well.
The downside of having a separate radio is that the phone has to be a bit bigger, and you use more power since 2 radios are on instead of just 1 like on an iPhone. My previous Android LTE phone would use a lot of power because of this when compared to my previous 3G only Android phones. (of course android has bad battery life in general!)

Not necessarily. On older phones maybe, but I know that on the s3 and new razr hd you can talk and surf as long as you have a data signal... Whether it's 3G or 4G. Also, as far as I know, they have combined the 3g/4g radios in the new chips... Much more efficient and no longer a need for two separate radios. Because of this, battery life on android phones has gotten MUCH better.... 11hrs on a charge with my s3 right now and I'm at 74%


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
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It does, depends on the phone. Certain android phones can do it.

Not necessarily. On older phones maybe, but I know that on the s3 and new razr hd you can talk and surf as long as you have a data signal... Whether it's 3G or 4G. Also, as far as I know, they have combined the 3g/4g radios in the new chips... Much more efficient and no longer a need for two separate radios. Because of this, battery life on android phones has gotten MUCH better.... 11hrs on a charge with my s3 right now and I'm at 74%

Correct. On sprint I can voice and data on 3G or LTE on my SG3. On the iPhone 5 I can't..

...on iPhone5/iOS6 via Tapatalk...


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
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S3 is more efficient bc of the S4 processor. It still has separate radios. And switching from sprint to Verizon is a no Brainer... But if your willing I would wait a year or so and see where their LTE and data plans are. I hope they keep unlimited and I ramp up LTE deployment and general coverage.

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
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S3 is more efficient bc of the S4 processor. It still has separate radios. And switching from sprint to Verizon is a no Brainer... But if your willing I would wait a year or so and see where their LTE and data plans are. I hope they keep unlimited and I ramp up LTE deployment and general coverage.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Taken from qualcomm's website:

The dual-core MSM8960 is the world?s first dual-core solution with an integrated multi-mode 3G/LTE modem and was designed to meet the requirements of multi-tasking smartphones and tablets. It will include dual asynchronous CPU cores which can be independently controlled for maximum efficiency. The MSM8960 will also support dual-channel LP DDR memory and will feature the Adreno 225 GPU which delivers eight times the performance of the original Adreno.


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Dec 10, 2010
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Ok, I thought the simultaneous voice and data limitation was on the carriers side. The iPhone 5 does have the capability on LTE but the carriers do not. It is the same as 3G, the type of CDMA they use(either rev A or rev B, I always mix them up) does not allow it, period. Different types of phones may allow simultaneous voice and data over 3G/LTE on Sprint and Verizon but their networks do not. The exception is if you are on wifi.
I am not 100%, but the above is my understanding. I am an AT&T customer so......

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
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I take back what I said about the s3. I thought the s3 used a different chip then the i5. The i5 can support data and calls at the same time if it had an additional antenna. That's what I have heard and I believe that came from ifixit or anandrech

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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