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itunes 7.4.2 is out


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Oct 26, 2004
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I don't use Itunes on a work computer..lol

I don't think i've rebooted a computer at work unless it crashed. The IT guys update and do that stuff.

Really though, now we're complaining about rebooting doing updates. Geez..


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2004
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cumbersome is not frustrating? Um....okay....

You really don't do much work on a computer, do ya?

none, none at all. pc? never heard of one.

some of you are pretty funny. it's quite apparent the lengths you go to to make yourselves feel above the rest.

Cardfan and I are the minority, and we still use Ouija boards to get our work done. Happy now?

oh, by the way, how's that iPhone treating ya? ooops, i forgot, you don't own one.....


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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WHo even put the word "cumbersome" in this thread?! lmao

I don't knwo but I equate annoying & frustrating to cumbersome and having to do a reboot because Windows Xp and OS X decided there where some vital updates is annoying. Lunux does it w/o the reboot so that's great in my book. And as said the more processes you got going the longer the reboot esp on Windows!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2003
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is restarting/rebooting your computer that cumbersome?

Yes. First, Windows does not shut down easily or reliably. Second, lots of operating system and application state is lost; this information cannot be captured or conserved. Third, it is time consuming, minutes to low tens of minutes.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2000
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Yes. First, Windows does not shut down easily or reliably. Second, lots of operating system and application state is lost; this information cannot be captured or conserved. Third, it is time consuming, minutes to low tens of minutes.
Suggestion: Time to upgrade your Pentium III machine. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2004
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Suggestion: Time to upgrade your Pentium III machine. :rolleyes:

i suppose that is my point. "rebooting" really only takes a couple of minutes at most. at work, yes, i have to close two hand-full's of applications and save them down, and it does take more time. but even then i don't have to reboot but every week at the most. at home it's really a nothing event. a "rebooting" situation is often controlled as opposed to a "crash" that is not. i have maybe one or two apps open at once (lets say outlook and internet explorer). if i want need to reboot because of some program that i've decided to install (or any automatic update prompted event) it takes nothing but a couple of minutes at most to get back to where i was. i don't think it's all that big of a problem, but hey, that's just me.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
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Set up a network and drag and drop your favorite and preferred files, documents and settings to your new computer. Worked for me when they discontinued my favorite transfer software. It's a bit of a pain, but NOT worse than a thousand reboots. Not if you want to get up and running with your familiar items ASAP!

BTW Oalvarez, I had to reboot today due to some other update, but since there were no projects open at the time, it wasn't the hassle it usually is. But often I have to wait until something is finished before I decide to install any updates. Interruption of certain projects is NOT a good thing.


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Jan 29, 2004
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OMG! Is it me, or do any of you see how petty this thread has gotten? I mean :censored: REALLY! Reboots are a fact of computing life.

I dont get it; unless your PC moves with the speed of a snail, how deep can rebooting be? My goodness.... aint none of you performing brain surgery!

Seriously, as far as updates are concerned, ESPECIALLY when you know its a program that requires a restart, STOP updating. If it aint broke, dont fix it. iTunes? Why update every version of iTunes? Cause Jobs says so?


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
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OMG! Is it me, or do any of you see how petty this thread has gotten? I mean :censored: REALLY! Reboots are a fact of computing life.

I dont get it; unless your PC moves with the speed of a snail, how deep can rebooting be? My goodness.... aint none of you performing brain surgery!

Seriously, as far as updates are concerned, ESPECIALLY when you know its a program that requires a restart, STOP updating. If it aint broke, dont fix it. iTunes? Why update every version of iTunes? Cause Jobs says so?

First of all, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!! And when you start editing video and music, photos, and build websites and need to concentrate but get interruptred by too many update request, then get back to me!! Of course those of you who don't do :censored: but surf and check email can reboot without less hassle!

Anyway, iTunes needs to be updated in order to use the iPhone and newer iPods properly now. It's made so any new version of whatever comes out will not work unless you update iTunes.

Other software needs to be updated to add functions and correct bugs. My only complaint was the frequent updates of iTunes. No other software except Kaspersky has done this. And since Kasperky is anti-virus, it needs to be updated for security reasons.


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Jan 29, 2004
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First of all, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!! And when you start editing video and music, photos, and build websites and need to concentrate but get interruptred by too many update request, then get back to me!! Of course those of you who don't do :censored: but surf and check email can reboot without less hassle!

blah blah blah


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
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I think you can always add me to your ignore list if you don't like what I have to say!! I suggest you do so before I really curse your :censored: out!!


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Jan 29, 2004
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I think you can always add me to your ignore list if you don't like what I have to say!! I suggest you do so before I really curse your :censored: out!!

And I suggest you do the same since it was my comment you choose to take so personally. Apparently you seem to have a problem with anyone that voices an opinion different than your own.

Sorry.....I dont always agree with what you have to say; I have that right!

Besides...what fun would ignoring you be? It aint that deep!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2004
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And when you start editing video and music, photos, and build websites and need to concentrate but get interruptred by too many update request, then get back to me!! Of course those of you who don't do :censored: but surf and check email can reboot without less hassle!

Anyway, iTunes needs to be updated in order to use the iPhone and newer iPods properly now. It's made so any new version of whatever comes out will not work unless you update iTunes.

Other software needs to be updated to add functions and correct bugs. My only complaint was the frequent updates of iTunes. No other software except Kaspersky has done this. And since Kasperky is anti-virus, it needs to be updated for security reasons.

can i give you some advice? when an update has become available (i have my windows to check automatically) don't open up all of these applications that you mention. you'll save yourself a great deal of time. iTunes updates are FAR and FEW between so they shouldn't cause you such great consternation. they'll tell you in advance when they are available so you'll be one step ahead of the game once again.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2003
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How is that floppy-based, CP/M machine of yours anyway? ;) I guess you haven't swapped machines much in the last decade have you?
Actually, swapping is so much trouble that I just buy new ones and network them to the old ones. Right now I am running three. The oldest one is running XP but has a few DOS appsl I am running out of space to put them but I would like a new Vista machine.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2003
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And I suggest you do the same since it was my comment you choose to take so personally. Apparently you seem to have a problem with anyone that voices an opinion different than your own......
Not true. I can vouch for the tolerance and manners of the Diva. Perhaps she took offense at your tone rather than your content.


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Jan 29, 2004
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Not true. I can vouch for the tolerance and manners of the Diva. Perhaps she took offense at your tone rather than your content.

You can vouche for whoever you want; I am not here to please her or anyone else. Tone? Thats laughable simply based on how many of you talk to or about each other on this and other forums.