iPhone 5C headphone jack noise/fuzzy/static sound when playing music. How can I fix this?


iMore Question

iPhone 5C headphone jack noise/fuzzy/static sound when playing music.

I recently bought an iPhone 5c. When I plug headphones in and play music, there is static/fuzzy sound distortion and can hardly hear the music. I figured that it must be a bad headphone jack so I replaced it, but after replacement there is still a static/fuzzy sound distortion. By the way I tried many different headphones/earphones so I know it isn't the headphones I'm using that's causing the problem. Does anyone know what may be happening or how to fix this issue?


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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Re: iPhone 5C headphone jack noise/fuzzy/static sound when playing music.

Something may be defective on the circuit board before the jack...


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2016
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Re: iPhone 5C headphone jack noise/fuzzy/static sound when playing music.

Welcome to iMore!

It may be tempting to blow into it to clear away dust, but I don't recommend doing that. Your breath will add moisture and may cause any fuzzies in there to get damp and stick. If you purchased the phone new then it should still be under warranty. Make an appointment with Apple at their Genius Bar and they'll help you get it fixed. Even if the phone isn't under warranty, they'll at least be able to give you an estimate on costs to repair it.