Intro: Leanna Lofte

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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Hi everyone! I'm Leanna Lofte, the Photography and App editor here at iMore.

I've been an iPhone user since a month or two after the iPhone 2G was released. The funny part is that when it first released, I visited the Apple Store in San Francisco and although I thought the iPhone was neat, I still exclaimed "who would need all of this on a PHONE?" I was a Motorola Razr user at the time. The more I stared at and read about it on Apple's website, though, the more I liked it. I ended up telling my dad about it and how cool I though it was and being the awesomely cool dad that he is, he surprised me with one -- an 8 GB model even!

Around the time of the release of the iPhone 3G, I stumbled upon iMore (then it was The iPhone Blog), and started reading the forums and articles and slowly started participating in conversations and got to know the Rene and Jeremy on Twitter. My involvement with iMore slowly evolved into me being a moderator, to a forum app reviewer, to a writer, then an editor. I've been on the writing staff for just over 3 years and have loved every minute of it.

In the "real world" I am an adjunct math instructor at community colleges in the Monterey Bay of California, as is my husband. We got our BA's in mathematics at Sonoma State University in California in 2008 and our MS degrees in mathematics at the University of Denver in 2010. We have a two year old daughter, Lila, and a second baby girl who is due to make her entrance into the world in less than 4 short weeks. I will actually be taking the spring semester off from teaching (at least) since the semester begins just 5 days after my due date (Jan 17).

As if two part-time jobs wasn't enough, I am also a photographer when I have the time. I specialize in photographing newborns, but also do many families and older babies. I shoot with a Nikon D800 and use a Sigma 50mm f/1.4 lens.

I also have a miniature schnauzer named Ally and a yorkie named Epsilon.

I'm a pretty busy lady, but love hearing from readers and answer questions. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter @llofte or shoot me an email

See ya around! <3


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2011
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Hi everyone! I'm Leanna Lofte, the Photography and App editor here at iMore.

I've been an iPhone user since a month or two after the iPhone 2G was released. The funny part is that when it first released, I visited the Apple Store in San Francisco and although I thought the iPhone was neat, I still exclaimed "who would need all of this on a PHONE?" I was a Motorola Razr user at the time. The more I stared at and read about it on Apple's website, though, the more I liked it. I ended up telling my dad about it and how cool I though it was and being the awesomely cool dad that he is, he surprised me with one -- an 8 GB model even!

Around the time of the release of the iPhone 3G, I stumbled upon iMore (then it was The iPhone Blog), and started reading the forums and articles and slowly started participating in conversations and got to know the Rene and Jeremy on Twitter. My involvement with iMore slowly evolved into me being a moderator, to a forum app reviewer, to a writer, then an editor. I've been on the writing staff for just over 3 years and have loved every minute of it.

In the "real world" I am an adjunct math instructor at community colleges in the Monterey Bay of California, as is my husband. We got our BA's in mathematics at Sonoma State University in California in 2008 and our MS degrees in mathematics at the University of Denver in 2010. We have a two year old daughter, Lila, and a second baby girl who is due to make her entrance into the world in less than 4 short weeks. I will actually be taking the spring semester off from teaching (at least) since the semester begins just 5 days after my due date (Jan 17).

As if two part-time jobs wasn't enough, I am also a photographer when I have the time. I specialize in photographing newborns, but also do many families and older babies. I shoot with a Nikon D800 and use a Sigma 50mm f/1.4 lens.

I also have a miniature schnauzer named Ally and a yorkie named Epsilon.

I'm a pretty busy lady, but love hearing from readers and answer questions. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter @llofte or shoot me an email

See ya around! <3

Happy to have met you and benefit from your advice.

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