Intermittent 4G data issue


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Oct 5, 2010
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For a week or two, my iPhone 5 has been registering full bars with 4G coverage, but I have no data connection. I can't send an iMessage, load my twitter feed, go to a website, nothing. Text messages and phone calls work fine, as does Wi-Fi, it is just 4G data that doesn't work. I scheduled an appointment with the Genius bar this afternoon, but my worry with that is it can be hard to prove it because it doesn't happen all the time, probably only 30% of the time. I've also noticed when this happens that my battery will drain SUPER fast. This morning I went through 10% battery in about a half hour, just being on twitter for maybe 10-15 of those minutes. A few days ago I went through 30%+ in 2 hours with my phone locked and nothing open with the exception of Tweetbot and using it minimally. Is this a known issue? My roommate is also on ATT with a 4S so I know it's not an issue with the network in my area.


Mar 10, 2012
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I've got a similar problem with Telus LTE. Going to Airplane mode usually fixes the problem.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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I have experienced this on occasion too. There is a issue with data intermittently not working. Suppose to be a data fix on iOS 6.0.1 that is in internal testing right now. Getting your iPhone swapped won't fix the issue. Wait for the OS update.


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Oct 5, 2010
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Update: it is now better but is still not gone. If this is a software issue I hope they push out an update soon. This is pretty unacceptable...


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Jul 3, 2010
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Oddly I am having pretty good LTE on my Verizon iPhone 5 but side by side with my 3 month old Verizon iPad 3 LTE is sub par. iPhone 5 LTE 3-4 bars, iPad 3 LTE 1 Bar and drops to 3G 4 Bars. I'm getting the feeling I paid to be a test dummy for Apple on the iPad 3, iPhone 5 LTE is better (for me) andI bet the iPad 4 is better than an iPad 3 LTE.


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Oct 5, 2010
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So a little update on my situation here. I waited for 6.0.1, updated, and had no success. I went to the Apple store, swapped out the phone, and it's STILL doing it. I find it incredibly hard to believe I got a second phone with a bad antenna, and I know ATT's service is just fine at the place I have the main issue with it. Other people on ATT have no problems at all. My only thought left with this is that when I did the DFU and when I got the new phone, I restored from my backup, so if there was some sort of software issue going on it probably got reloaded back onto my phone. Any thoughts with this or suggestions on what else I can do? This is getting incredibly frustrating...


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Jun 1, 2011
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Long shot but have you reset network network settings
If that don't work
Then restore set as new

If that don't work get a new SIM card from att


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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So one last ditch update before I really freak and throw this thing into the street while migrating to a *gasp* Android (I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that). I played around with doing a DFU and then setting up as a new phone and manually installing my apps, no luck (all it did was give me a phone that the push email no longer works on). Got a new SIM, no luck. I've restored the network settings, no luck. I am at an absolute loss here. I don't know what else to do. I have loved Apple since I got my first MacBook Pro but this experience has really put a sour taste in my mouth. This is the worst phone I have ever had, and I don't even understand how that's possible considering the Blackberry's I used to have. If you guys have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them, I really want to make this work, but at this point I'm not holding out hope.


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Oct 5, 2010
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Still hoping for someone to come save me on this. Went to the Apple Store, again. Told them everything I've done, they had no other suggestions for me. Decided to swap it out one more time to be sure I didn't somehow against all odds get a second phone with the same issue. Still having problems. Set it up as a new iPhone, loaded my apps on manually. Is it possible that there could be an app that is somehow interfering with something?

Edit: Also, could it be something on ATT's end, where they have to change some type of obscure setting or something?
Last edited:


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Nov 13, 2012
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Set it up as a new iPhone, loaded my apps on manually. Is it possible that there could be an app that is somehow interfering with something?

Maybe wipe and setup as new again, testing the data issue between app installations so as to monitor before and after each app to try and isolate the app that's causing it


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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6.0.1 did not fix it. I have had 2 different iPhone 5's because of this and it is not fixed in 6.0.1. Matter fact it has gotten worse, it is now an almost daily occurrence and the only thing that fixes it is a hard reset of the phone. Apple support has no idea of the problem or doesn't acknowledge the problem if they know. This is an epic failure on the part of someone and is far worse than the maps debacle or Antennagate. The same thing happens on my daughters and son-in-laws iphone 5 as well as several friends I have in other cities. If 6.1 doesn't fix this problem I am seriously considering eating the fee and getting a Samsung Android phone.


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Sep 7, 2010
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If it is AT&T they have to do it all over. I am in Nashville, but I have friends in Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and Denver with the same problem. I am sure there are other cities too I just don't know anyone there. This has to be an iOS issue.


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Sep 7, 2010
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If it is an app I want to know but I highly doubt it because as a test on the replacement that Apple gave me I set it up as a feature phone and still it locked up on the data.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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So one last ditch update before I really freak and throw this thing into the street while migrating to a *gasp* Android (I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that). I played around with doing a DFU and then setting up as a new phone and manually installing my apps, no luck (all it did was give me a phone that the push email no longer works on). Got a new SIM, no luck. I've restored the network settings, no luck. I am at an absolute loss here. I don't know what else to do. I have loved Apple since I got my first MacBook Pro but this experience has really put a sour taste in my mouth. This is the worst phone I have ever had, and I don't even understand how that's possible considering the Blackberry's I used to have. If you guys have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them, I really want to make this work, but at this point I'm not holding out hope.

Wait for 6.1 it should be out soon. If that doesn't fix it I am considering the same thing and going to a Galaxy SIII. I have the problem daily now and only know it is happening when I haven't gotten email in a few hours. Apple even replaced mine.


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Feb 17, 2011
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I have been dealing with this same kind of issue for over a year, Actually almost 15 months now, since my iPhone 4 got stolen. I even set up a new account, new phone number and new phone and SIM and still have this issue. No one seems to know what the problem is, but I have had double digit replacements on 4s phones, and simply "fry" the phone, bec the phone is looking for something. Eventually it becomes more than a 30% of the time, and becomes permanent, where I can't even get wifi to work.


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Jun 2, 2009
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I'm on AT&T, in So Cal, my wife & I both have iPhones...I've experienced this before ( usually in super crowded areas like sporting events or concerts or casinos ) but it's not often, and when I move out of the area it fixes itself.

Sorry you're having problems.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
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Must be AT&T bc I am on Verizon and have never ever heard of this from anyone. Go ahead and switch to android. Ill sees u back here in 3 months. Save yourself the trouble and stay with apple. Lol I have switched 3 times and each time I was disappointed with android and that what I started out with.

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