Incorrect album artwork


Trusted Member
May 6, 2009
I recently bought a new MacBook and when I synced my iPhone it displays the wrong album artwork on my phone. I tried hitting "get album artwork" in iTunes and resyncing...didn't help. The correct artwork shows in iTunes,just not on my iPhone. Any suggestions?:confused:


Well-known member
May 3, 2009
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Are you syncing full albums and getting the bad artwork, or are you syncing just a song or two that shows the bad artwork?


Trusted Member
May 6, 2009
Are you syncing full albums and getting the bad artwork, or are you syncing just a song or two that shows the bad artwork?

Actually,both. I have one full album showing incorrect artwork and a few songs showing incorrect artwork. I know it's really not that much of a big deal since the audio plays...just a little frustrating.


Well-known member
May 3, 2009
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I have had to go through iTunes at least 3 times to change artwork that was incorrect on some albums.

The easiest thing I found to do was to go to a site where they have artwork for albums, I like to use Amazon, as they usually have the artwork I am looking for. Copy the artwork image to the clipboard by right clicking and choosing copy.

Then go into iTunes and view your albums in cover view. Right click on the artwork and choose get info. When the info box opens, it will be for the entire album (or the few songs) and in the Album art box, paste the copied artwork (right click in Windows and choose paste, for a mac, choose the edit function in the menubar, and paste). The checkbox next to the box should fill and then click save. This will change the artwork for all of the songs in the folder at the same time.

One thing I did notice when I was using Windows Media Player (before I bought my Macbook) the album art is saved in the album folders. They are a hidden file.

If you are on a Windows machine, go to folder options and choose the option to view hidden and system files. The artwork files should appear the next time you open the folder that the music files are in. Make sure you are in thumbnail view when in the folder so you can see the artwork. Delete the wrong files (sometimes there are up to 3 or more) and paste the new artwork again, as previously mentioned. This may solve the problem.


Oct 7, 2009
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The easiest thing I found to do was to go to a site where they have artwork for albums, I like to use Amazon, as they usually have the artwork I am looking for. Copy the artwork image to the clipboard by right clicking and choosing copy.

Then go into iTunes and view your albums in cover view. Right click on the artwork and choose get info. When the info box opens, it will be for the entire album (or the few songs) and in the Album art box, paste the copied artwork (right click in Windows and choose paste, for a mac, choose the edit function in the menubar, and paste). The checkbox next to the box should fill and then click save. This will change the artwork for all of the songs in the folder at the same time.

One thing I did notice when I was using Windows Media Player (before I bought my Macbook) the album art is saved in the album folders. They are a hidden file.

If you are on a Windows machine, go to folder options and choose the option to view hidden and system files. The artwork files should appear the next time you open the folder that the music files are in. Make sure you are in thumbnail view when in the folder so you can see the artwork. Delete the wrong files (sometimes there are up to 3 or more) and paste the new artwork again, as previously mentioned. This may solve the problem.

I know this post is older, but I found it by searching and this is exactly what I needed. Just wanted to say THANKS Jevangil!


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2009
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I have had to go through iTunes at least 3 times to change artwork that was incorrect on some albums.

The easiest thing I found to do was to go to a site where they have artwork for albums, I like to use Amazon, as they usually have the artwork I am looking for. Copy the artwork image to the clipboard by right clicking and choosing copy.

Then go into iTunes and view your albums in cover view. Right click on the artwork and choose get info. When the info box opens, it will be for the entire album (or the few songs) and in the Album art box, paste the copied artwork (right click in Windows and choose paste, for a mac, choose the edit function in the menubar, and paste). The checkbox next to the box should fill and then click save. This will change the artwork for all of the songs in the folder at the same time.

One thing I did notice when I was using Windows Media Player (before I bought my Macbook) the album art is saved in the album folders. They are a hidden file.

If you are on a Windows machine, go to folder options and choose the option to view hidden and system files. The artwork files should appear the next time you open the folder that the music files are in. Make sure you are in thumbnail view when in the folder so you can see the artwork. Delete the wrong files (sometimes there are up to 3 or more) and paste the new artwork again, as previously mentioned. This may solve the problem.

16 months after you posted this, it's exactly what I was looking for.
The majority of my albums now have artwork.

Thanks Jevangil.


Trusted Member
May 6, 2009
I'm using Iphone5 and noticed that my artwork in my music files changed after downloading the latest operating system from Apple in my IPhone. When looking through the music albums not all of them was different but several Artwork covers changed. I've searched the Internet and found no answers for why this is happening. It is correct in ITunes music library but when synced to my Iphone several of them change. After beating my head awhile trying to correct it in ITunes I found the problem is in setting in the iPhone. If you go to your phone setting and then in Music, turn off (Group By Album Artist) then all of my art work returned to what it should look like without doing any other steps in my phone or ITunes. I hope this was helpful, Rick H

Good to know, thanks. It's crazy that a thread I made 5 years ago is still finding people. LOLl.


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Sep 23, 2014
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This issue on iphone drove me nuts. I came across a solution that helped get the correct cover art downloaded on my iphone. But looking through the iphone library on the phone some of them are still wrong. First unsync the music on your iphone, go to the phone settings and turn on Airplane Mode. Then resync you library and it will allow the correct cover art to sync correctly. This way it's not using the internet to change the cover art on you library that's wrong. It will sync all you cover art correct, but thumbing through you music on your phone you will se some that still are wrong but when you select that artist and open the song/s list you'll see the correct cover art is synced correctly. Hope that helps, Rick

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