I cannot access my iTunes's Apps on a new PC. They are being deleted when syncing.


Dec 21, 2008
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I have upgraded my PC and wants to sync my Iphone on the new PC.

I have Copied the content of the folder [my Music] > [iTunes] into the same folder in the new PC.

When I review each of the tabs in the device, all the data has been restored except for the apps.

When I tried to sync the iPhone, all the apps were deleted from the iPhone. I have since restored them from the old PC, but I am at a loss to get the applications to list under the [apps] tab.

When I look at the apps library (in iTunes) in the new PC, the apps are listed in B&W without their icon.

How can I get to sync as before without loss of apps?



Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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Do you have a Mobile Applications folder in your music folder? That's what you need to make sure gets copied to your new PC. For some reason I thought it was located somewhere other than the music folder, but I just checked on my mac and it's in Music > iTunes > Mobile Applications. I would double check though. When I got my mac, I had to make sure I copied it all from my PC. Once I did, it worked fine.

If for some reason you can't get it to work... you can individually download them onto your new PC. iTunes will not charge you for it. They will give you the "Are you sure you want to buy" warning, but after clicking yes, it will tell you you've already purchased it and you can download it for free. If you have LOTS of apps, this can be time consuming though...

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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OH! Hold on. I think I remember!

After copying that folder to your new PC you need to IMPORT that folder into iTunes. Then the apps should show up under your applications tab in iTunes.

I'm almost positive this is what you need to do. Tell me if it works!


Dec 21, 2008
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Hi llofte,

That's a million for the tip. I have now fixed the problem. In fact, this is what you have to do:
1 - Double-click on the B&W application. It will ask" .... would you like to locate the original file?". Click [Yes]
2 - Find the apps in question on your PC and click [open].

Voila, it worked for me.......

Pity I had to do it 122 times!!

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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Hi llofte,

That's a million for the tip. I have now fixed the problem. In fact, this is what you have to do:
1 - Double-click on the B&W application. It will ask" .... would you like to locate the original file?". Click [Yes]
2 - Find the apps in question on your PC and click [open].

Voila, it worked for me.......

Pity I had to do it 122 times!!

Ugh... that sucks! Glad you figured it out though! Is this what you did before seeing my post? Just wanna know if what I said didn't work.


Dec 21, 2008
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I tried what you did, but it told me that the apps were already downloaded and up to date.
I will need to do more homework on backups next time.

