How to change video (ultra wide-angle lens) aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3 in Iphone11


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Nov 9, 2019
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If it is not to change aspect ratio in normal settigs of Iphone, maybe there is camera apps which have this chettings? I am using moment pro camera-app, but it also using aspect ratio 16:9 and I have not found any way to change it.

From photo this change is easy to make, and 4:3 is default but in video there is almost nothing chettings to change.

I want to change aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3, because 4:3 take much bigger area to video. And this can not help even try to take Outside the Frame after filming, because there is not anything outside frame in when taking video or photo ultra wide-angle lens.

Normal wide-angle lens take bigger are to photo/video when shooting 16:9, but ultra wide-ange lens it is opposite.


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Nov 9, 2019
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Eventually it did not work. It seems that 4:3 videos are not 4K:
467 mb, 4:48 lenght (almost 5 minuts video can't be only 467 mb. Windows did not tell widh and hight of video)

8,18 gb
16:48 lenght
width: 3840
hight: 2160

So 4:3 capture larger area (focal length are smaller), but don't use 4K.
16:9 take video with tiner area (focal length are smaller), and use 4K.


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Feb 16, 2014
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Eventually it did not work. It seems that 4:3 videos are not 4K:
467 mb, 4:48 lenght (almost 5 minuts video can't be only 467 mb. Windows did not tell widh and hight of video)

8,18 gb
16:48 lenght
width: 3840
hight: 2160

So 4:3 capture larger area (focal length are smaller), but don't use 4K.
16:9 take video with tiner area (focal length are smaller), and use 4K.

4K video as defined by Digital Cinema Initiatives has an aspect ratio of 256:135 close to 1.9:1. 4096 pixels x 2160 pixels.

If you want a higher pixel resolution 4:3 digital video, you can, though having a high resolution 4:3 pixel density doesn’t make practical sense, since ordinary 4:3 video as defined by NTSC has 640 pixels x 480 pixels.

Think of aspect ratio this way: 4” wide by 3” high or any multiple of that ratio such as 8”x6”, 16”x12”, 40”x30”, or with pixels: 640 pixels wide x 480 pixels high, 320 pixels x 240 pixels. The higher the pixel count, the higher the resolution, even 4000 pixels x 3000 pixels. In my opinion, for your 4:3 video to be most compatible with as many viewers as possible on as many devices, 4:3 should be 640 pixels x 480 pixels.
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