Goodbye Apple Watch - Why I Sold It...


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Oct 24, 2012
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Has anyone used an android wear watch? I go back and forth from my nexus 6 and iphone 6 plus but since I've had the apple watch for the last two months I've only used my iPhone. The apple watch isn't perfect but it is night and day better than what android has to offer. I am in sales and service and the watch is so helpful with my work flow now I just can't imagine not having a smart watch. I haven't worn a watch in 10 years and now feel like I I'm lost if I leave the house without my watch. It is pricey but for me, worth every dime.

I feel the same. Have a Moto 360 and I liked it but after a while it just became a fixture on my nightstand. Android wear is not intuitive at all. It is pretty much a mess. While there is room for improvement and added features, for a first gen product Apple got it right.

sam smith15

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Aug 17, 2015
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If the watch is comfortable to you, you are happy to have that watch as it is helping you to play music in the car, picking phone calls then why to sell watch and if that very Apple time piece 's mine i will never sell that.....


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2013
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I just got it. I think I went too small so I'm either going to return it completely or exchange for the bigger size. Decisions..


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Mar 24, 2013
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I think something that should get more attention is the fact that it has 6gb of storage and you can sync up to 2gb of music or 250 songs. These are independent from your iPhone and will play through bluetooth. Its nice to know that I can add songs to the watch and save space/battery life from streaming on my iPhone. Even better is that podcasts could possibly be synced and played on the Apple watch.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2013
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I'm pretty sure I'm going to sell my apple watch. As time has gone on I find that I only use the activity app, timer, and notifications. Also more and more I find myself opting to not wear it in favor of one of my other nice non smart watches. Even just today I realized I never open apps on it. I hate the app bubbles and its such a pain to organize them that I just never look at the apps.

I got an Amazon Echo for my house a few months back and it does some hands free things that I like. Plus Alexa is more responsive then Hey Siri is. Sometimes Hey Siri never activates and it's always when my hands are messy and I'm trying to set a timer while cooking.

I think I'll miss the watch a little and it will likely get annoying have to explain to everyone where it went but I'm thinking more and more that I'm going to sell it. Maybe I'll revisit it when the 2nd gen comes out but for right now I think I can live without it.


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Mar 9, 2010
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I love mine, I work in the restaurant industry and I find it much easier to glance at my wrist instead of pulling my phone out (Big no no in the industry) ... Works like a charm, I too have forgotten mine at home, for my use case I actually missed having it.


Jun 13, 2012
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I have to look for a reason not to put my watch on. I enjoy using and wearing it that much.
I enjoy getting my Sports app notifications especially with the NFL starting up.
For me the watch is time and notifications with some light communication and information that's how I'm using it.

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Aug 15, 2012
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I just plan on buying and selling them till it pays for itself. It's just not worth the money at current prices. Trust me, the price will come down soon. I have seen maybe 3 in public since launch day. The kids don't wear them. I live by a major university and visited another one for my daughter and I saw zero apple watches.
You don't even need an appointment anymore at the store. Where I live in Southern California, the Apple Store is selling very few.

It's a nice accessory but not so nice as a must have equipment.

As I said, I have made a few bucks buying and selling them and when the dollars start to add up, I will buy one just because I can.


Jun 13, 2012
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I just plan on buying and selling them till it pays for itself. It's just not worth the money at current prices. Trust me, the price will come down soon. I have seen maybe 3 in public since launch day. The kids don't wear them. I live by a major university and visited another one for my daughter and I saw zero apple watches.
You don't even need an appointment anymore at the store. Where I live in Southern California, the Apple Store is selling very few.

It's a nice accessory but not so nice as a must have equipment.

As I said, I have made a few bucks buying and selling them and when the dollars start to add up, I will buy one just because I can.

Based on your past posts you ain't no psychic or clairvoyant when it comes Apple.

Your predictions

5S ain't much of a upgrade :Wrong

No need to wait in line for the 5S there will be plenty on hand :Wrong

iOS 7. Pass on it stay with iOS 6: Wrong

iOS 8.0 is a waste of time: Wrong

Apple Watch ain't worth it yet :Wrong

Folks would be better off using a Magic 8 Ball than putting stock in one of your post.

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2010
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I just plan on buying and selling them till it pays for itself. It's just not worth the money at current prices. Trust me, the price will come down soon. I have seen maybe 3 in public since launch day. The kids don't wear them. I live by a major university and visited another one for my daughter and I saw zero apple watches.
You don't even need an appointment anymore at the store. Where I live in Southern California, the Apple Store is selling very few.

It's a nice accessory but not so nice as a must have equipment.

As I said, I have made a few bucks buying and selling them and when the dollars start to add up, I will buy one just because I can.

Yeah, not universally true. I know a few people with them. My wife gets questions about hers almost daily - she works with the public. Lots of people are considering getting one.

And just Saturday one person told my wife it is the hot device for starting college this year. It's an upscale school but still the experience is 100% different from yours. And Apple never drops the latest model prices unless the product line hasn't actually changed in years.

If you are buying and selling them for profit... That right there is proof against a price drop.

Pretty sure your predictions are not based in any kind of universal truth.

Not Quite Right

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May 11, 2013
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I just plan on buying and selling them till it pays for itself. It's just not worth the money at current prices. Trust me, the price will come down soon. I have seen maybe 3 in public since launch day. The kids don't wear them. I live by a major university and visited another one for my daughter and I saw zero apple watches.
You don't even need an appointment anymore at the store. Where I live in Southern California, the Apple Store is selling very few.

It's a nice accessory but not so nice as a must have equipment.

As I said, I have made a few bucks buying and selling them and when the dollars start to add up, I will buy one just because I can.
Riiiiight ...



Well-known member
Oct 26, 2004
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The time for buying and selling was in April. I think you're kind of late with that. Best Buy will have them in all stores soon. Grab a 10% off mover's coupon along with best buy card and save 16%.


Mar 11, 2013
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For those that claim the  watch doesn't do enough are mislead. There's many unused features which is fine because its base function is just being a watch

I can go all day just looking at the time but know that when something important to me arises I won't miss it


Sep 9, 2014
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For those that have sold their watch, did you use a 3rd party place like Glyde? I am looking to sell mine but I can't find a good 3rd party site that buys them.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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I sold mine. I miss the notifications for sure.

I would like Apple to make a round watch. I know its not the most efficient use of screen space, but I really like a round watch face over a square shape.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2008
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I sold mine. I miss the notifications for sure.

I would like Apple to make a round watch. I know its not the most efficient use of screen space, but I really like a round watch face over a square shape.

Maybe I missed it in another post, but I'm curious as to why you sold yours?

Pelle S

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Jul 1, 2015
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I still have it. Pending.. Sorry not natively English but want to explain. Got the steals steel version. Loved it the first months. Using phone less indeed. Bit less social media too. Than went on holidays to Cote D'Azur South of France camping (mostly in gardens of friends with swimming pool / or at sea-side etc so elect. no problem, but still). Charging iPhone was already a problem sometimes, but now two devices in a tent with a charging device just was a bit to much for me. It felt kind of not fitting into the natural surrounding this watch. Beside that the watch someway reacted on the sort of more primitive situation ( the heat maybe? Jumping in and out the pool or in the sea? No problem with the water by the way). I stopped working and could not reset it. Than it worked again but stopped again. Brought it back to Apple but it was OK again they could not find the problem. When not using it i just used a very cheap watch and my phone. I didn't really missed the AppleWatch. Only reason why I would keep is because it's so beautiful. I think the iPhone is some sort of a jewelry thing. It does not go into a very adventurous lifestyle. During holidays I like jumping in the water, play and do some rough things. It is more an urban device that has to taken care of a lot. Gladly most of the time I'm urban so I could keep it for that and enjoy some more of it. Like I said because it's beautiful and yes has some benefits that I didn't miss on holidays. Still don't know if I would miss it in the city. I'm looking for perfection in Apple products (it always was sublime in some way). It was not till so far because of the way it reacted to my way of living. Traveling the world with my powerbook also a sensitive device felt more natural. As a modern electric watch-device it need a way to absorb sunlight and charge. I still have it while installing WatOS 2, but yes, pending. Is it sublime enough for me.
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Sep 22, 2015
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I gave AW second chance but I am thinking about going back to nice mechanical watch. I like some functions but it wasnt something I could not live with. Maybe if I hadnt BT in car, I will use watch for handsfree.

I even manage to get really good battery life, I never had day with less than 50 percent before midnight.

What bothers me more is that I get a lot of looks on my watch and I am hasitating to use it in crowd. It just seems too odd for me. In my country not many people wear smartwatch.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2013
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Now that I've upgraded to a new iPhone 6s Plus and they've added "Hey Siri" I feel less inclined to repurchase an  watch. I am not opposed to the watch but I think I'll hold out and wait for v2. I think I would like it more if it wasn't so dependent on my phone.

For me the  watch duplicates a lot of the functions other pieces of technology I own already do. I got a new car and it has voice commands. I got an Amazon echo...I can ask it the weather or to add things to my shopping list, and then like I said my new iPhone.

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