Get iPad 2 Now, or wait for iPad 3 ??


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Jan 4, 2009
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Okay, so I've got some cash from my graduation party, and I am looking to buy an iPad as I enter my 1st year in college. I have an iPhone 4 already, and also a laptop, but don't want to carry that around college due to it's size/carrying (15-inch widescreen). So, the question is, should I go get me an iPad 2 right now before college starts, or wait until October to get the iPad 2 Pro/HD/3 ??

Also, as a side question, what is the market like with the iPad on eBay? How much lower than retail are iPads on eBay? And how much loss do you suffer if/when you want to sell your iPad to get the newest one?

Thanks in advance :)


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Jul 5, 2008
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My graduate student was asking me the same question last week.

I told her that you need to ask yourself 3 questions.

1) Will the iPad 2 do everything I want it to do?

2) Will I be satisfied with having "outdated" technology when the iPad 3 comes out?

3) If the answer the either of those questions is no, will I be satisfied buying an iPad 2, selling it for less than I paid, then buying an iPad 3 a few months later?

Answer those, and it will tell you whether to buy an iPad 2 now, or wait until the next iteration comes out.


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Apr 27, 2011
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Why not wait till October to decide. At least this way you will know what features are going to be on the iPad 3 and will be able to get the iPad 2 a little cheaper should you decide that one would fit your needs.


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Jun 26, 2011
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I just got the iPad 2 in white.

I will still have the fun of it now but if the new one gets announced it will still be a maybe question depending on features.

If it's worth it then I'll upgrade. If not then at least you still have it in the meantime.


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Jan 4, 2009
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Thanks for the responses, Only reason why I don't want to wait until October is because I want to have my iPad before school starts in September...I guess I could wait a month if an iPad 3 comes out, but if it will be an iPad 2 Pro/HD which would cost more than $600-700, then I would be priced out of the market for that, and would get a regular iPad 2. I am currently looking at the Wifi Only models as I can just tether the data from my iPhone to the iPad.

Can someone answer my questions about the iPad market on ebay? If I were to get an iPad 2 right now, how much loss would I have to take if I sold it after the next iPad came out? I'm not too familiar with the iPad market right now...


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Jun 16, 2011
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Personally I do doubt Apple will announce iPad3 this year, but nothing is impossible.

What I can say is I do like my iPad2 now and I dont think I will switch to 3 if it does come out this year.


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Jan 4, 2009
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Personally I do doubt Apple will announce iPad3 this year, but nothing is impossible.

What I can say is I do like my iPad2 now and I dont think I will switch to 3 if it does come out this year.

Yeah, after I did a lot of research on this forum and other Apple product websites, it seems that an iPad 2 HD/Pro will come October, and then a full-fledged iPad 3 in the spring. Still can't make a decision though....


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
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I am in the same boat, and I am leaning toward buying the iPad 2 at the end of next month. Why? If I wait until October, it would probably be November before I got my hands on one and most of the semester would be used up and I'm hoping that I can even find some textbooks for the iPad. If I wait, it'll be too late.

And sure, I'd want the newer, better product, but I see myself able to be content with the abilities of the iPad 2 for the next couple to few years. Just like my laptop, which is my only PC right now... it was GREAT back in 2008 when I bought it... now it's not all that great. (How it survived a fall from my bedloft in my old dorm room amazes me.) But it works for what I use it the most and so I'm still content with it - though i would LOVE a Mac.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2009
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I am in the same boat, and I am leaning toward buying the iPad 2 at the end of next month. Why? If I wait until October, it would probably be November before I got my hands on one and most of the semester would be used up and I'm hoping that I can even find some textbooks for the iPad. If I wait, it'll be too late.

And sure, I'd want the newer, better product, but I see myself able to be content with the abilities of the iPad 2 for the next couple to few years. Just like my laptop, which is my only PC right now... it was GREAT back in 2008 when I bought it... now it's not all that great. (How it survived a fall from my bedloft in my old dorm room amazes me.) But it works for what I use it the most and so I'm still content with it - though i would LOVE a Mac.

Well said. Yeah, I'm in the same boat, and I decided that I'm gonna get the iPad 2. Like you said, by the time I get my hands on the iPad 3, 1st semester of college will be over


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
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If u can hold wait till september till apple at least announce the features. If it comes out in October more than likely they'll have an event to unveil the iPad 3. Not only that you must also ask yourself if the iPad 3 comes out will you have time to wait? In other words will you have time to stand in a line at apple store or wait until your pre order becomes available?


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2011
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Well this probably isn't what you're looking for but if I were you I would just go get a nice backpack with a sleeve for your laptop... its really not worth buying an ipad for school if you already have a laptop IMO.... but if you're set on buying an ipad you should just get the ipad2 now cause I think it'll be a little while before the ipad3 comes out and then when it does you can trade it in and get a discounted ipad3


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2011
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Get the iPad 2. The iPad has a extremely high resale value. At least half of the cost so just sell it and get the new one when it comes out. That's what I'm planning on doing, I bought mine in June right after graduation.

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iPad 2 running iOS 4.3.5
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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2011
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Get the iPad 2. The iPad has a extremely high resale value. At least half of the cost so just sell it and get the new one when it comes out. That's what I'm planning on doing,

I agree. One nice thing about Apple products is the fact that they hold their resale value, so selling them after a few months of ownership is never an issue.


New member
Sep 25, 2011
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Okay, so I've got some cash from my graduation party, and I am looking to buy an iPad as I enter my 1st year in college. I have an iPhone 4 already, and also a laptop, but don't want to carry that around college due to it's size/carrying (15-inch widescreen). So, the question is, should I go get me an iPad 2 right now before college starts, or wait until October to get the iPad 2 Pro/HD/3 ??

Also, as a side question, what is the market like with the iPad on eBay? How much lower than retail are iPads on eBay? And how much loss do you suffer if/when you want to sell your iPad to get the newest one?

Thanks in advance :)

In my opinion you should buy the thing that is recently availabale... If you wait for it's latest version to be come and then it come it's upper version be announced....!


Sep 28, 2011
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Why not wait till October to decide. At least this way you will know what features are going to be on the iPad 3 and will be able to get the iPad 2 a little cheaper should you decide that one would fit your needs.

I agree.

wait for few days and Apple will give all the interesting reports that we all are willing to see soon and i am quite sure that the Apple iPad 3 specs will be unleased that day.

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