Elon Musk Twitter deal in 'serious jeopardy' following shock revelation


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Aug 27, 2021
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Putting aside the question of Twitter being something good or not good, is anyone surprised that it has a potentially BIG spam/bot/fake account number? I thought most people assumed this? I assumed Elon Musk must have known too. I think the key point is the actual number. Hypothetically, If Twitter represented it as 5% but it can be shown actually as 15%, that’s awful close to fraud. There better be no manager level emails stating the 5% number is a joke. Elon Musk’s legal team says they’ve requested information 6 weeks ago that has not been provided. If the information requested is regarding fake/spam/bot accounts, this could be ugly for Twitter. OTOH if Twitter has provided the number and it is relatively accurate, or they have good faith metrics, they may have a case against Musk.
From the outside perspective, whatever number Twitter provided better either be fairly accurate or they can show those good faith metrics went into the number they did provide. Regardless, if that number can be shown to be substantially wrong, that is a big deal that could cause big trouble for Twitter.

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