Contest: Win the brand new iPad Pro from iMore!

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Jul 1, 2015
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I plan to use the iPad Pro to take my work on the road, including use of larger aerial imagery. I also look forward to a larger e-reader for personal stuff than my current iPad Mini. Best of all, Apple Pencil: I look forward to it!

Mac Connolly

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Jun 2, 2013
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As a college student, I carry around up to 10 different notebooks at a time for various classes and labs, but the Pencil support would allow me to finally digitize all of my notes, and consolidate all of those notebooks down to a single device that weighs as much as my laptop. While the Surface, and other devices, support pen input, as well, nothing in my testing has been able to replicate the same feeling of pen/pencil on paper, as well as the iPad Pro did in my brief encounter with it. From everything I read on the subject, this is incredibly exciting to me; to be able to reduce my backpack weight tenfold by replacing my notebooks with a single iPad.


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Nov 18, 2015
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My favorite part about the iPad Pro is the feature to use a stylus. Ever since the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil were introduced at the latest Apple keynote event, I've been extremely curious as to how good the latency and parallax of the Apple Pencil on the iPad Pro would compare to Windows' Surface product line. From my research in in-store testing, article reviews and video reviews, I've come to a conclusion that what will best work for me cause of how much more natural the drawing and writing feels is the iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil.
My Plan for the iPad Pro with Apple Pencil is to go completely digital. As I am currently in college taking multiple math courses and accounting courses as well various other classes such as precision agriculture, I often find myself carrying multiple note books and text books. Since most to all of my classes have powerpoint presentations, it would be so much more simple for me to be able to edit and sketch on the presentations they have given us. It is not my plan to have the iPad Pro replace my 5 year old 13" macbook pro with retina display, but rather help me in replacing all of my physical paper products and also reduce the amount of weight I carry on myself. Of course I am excited with the fact that multitasking comes with ios9 on the iPad Pro, so I also look forward to the ability of having a textbook open with iBooks and also having the Notes application open so that I can follow along with any of my professors when they ask us to open our text book. I can just imagine the amount of hassle I would be relieved from by not having two binders open on top of one another and instead have just one single device in my lap not struggling to keep it in my lap while I write on it. I have been iPadless since when I first bought the first generation iPad. I had the same ambitions for high school with first iPad but was disappointed and had tried my friends' iPads when a new one would come out but decided to stay away cause it did not fill in this one specific purpose I had. The purpose of going completely digital and not having to deal with physical notebooks and textbooks.


Oct 2, 2014
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I plan using this every day for watching videos/movies, listening to music, web browsing, and drawing. It will be so much easier than using a laptop!


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Sep 13, 2012
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I plan to use the iPad Pro to do some graphic editing. My MacBook Air has served me well and it still is, but when it comes to actually drawing with an awesome new "stylus" it will definitely help improve my work!


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Jul 6, 2012
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Since I currently don't have a dependable laptop at the moment, I would use this for my main to triage email, for drawing and sketching, and have a much more reliable surface for my rhythm gaming!


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Apr 14, 2014
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If I win the iPad Pro the first thing I am planning on doing is installing iAWriter. The added real estate of the Pro's screen would be invaluable for doing research and blogging simultaneously.
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