Can the 16GB iPhone 6 Plus be enough for me?


iMore Question

I am currently an android phone user but this Christmas I will be getting an iPhone 6 plus however I can only afford the 16GB on a 2 year contract. This is what I will probably have:
Few photos+videos (I will have most of them probably on google drive or dropbox)
50+ apps (including jailbreak tweaks).
No music (got an iPod for that)
No films

I really don't think I can afford the 64GB but if the phone becomes unusable with the 16GB then I guess I wouldn't have any other option...


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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Stay away from 16 GB at all possible. This phone you would get for Xmas would highly unlikely ship with an old enough OS to jailbreak.


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Nov 18, 2015
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If you have enough budget, just give up the 16GB iPhone. But as you say, you only can afford 16GB iPhone... So my suggestion is :
don't take videos;
install 50+ apps on 16GB iPhone is impossible;
deleted photos or back up your photos to computer;
clean up cache files daily.
If you don't want to delete any things, you can try iMyfone Space Saver for iPhone to compress your photos and clean up cache files to release more iPhone space. But install 50 apps+ on 16GB iPhone is IMPOSSIBLE, but you can save space as much as possible for more apps. Good luck!


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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The 16Gb is too small for my needs but your mileage may vary. A lot of apps are getting bigger and bigger and you'll soon see your iPhone fill up and that's before any of them store any data.

If you can, get the 64Gb version. if you can only get the 16Gb version then you will have to cut down on the number of apps you want to install (definitely not 50) and store a lot of music and photos in the cloud.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
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I have the 16GB 6+. Had it since a month after it launched. Have about 20 or so apps on it, lots of photos, just a few short videos , 5min is longest one. My storage is showing 8.2GB free storage.
I agree that some apps can be large, mine are not that large. If I was going to do it over I'd pop for the 64 GB just to have a safety buffer. The extra cash would be worth the peace of mind. I'm fine with it the way it is . YMMV.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2013
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Everyone is different. Some people can get by just fine with 16GB though. Personally I could not. I once bought the 16GB original iPad mini and regretted it. I wished that I had just paid a bit extra and got the 32GB. Now I only buy 128GB iPads and iPhones.

Op have you ever used an iPhone before? What storage did you get? Have you ever used a 16GB phone before?

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