Facebook App freezing consistently?


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Nov 30, 2008
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For the past week or two, my facebook app has started freezing for 30-60 seconds every time I launch or return to it. This happens within a few seconds of bringing up the app. It eventually becomes responsive again, and seems to work fine until I switch to another app or return to the homescreen (i.e., it freezes again the next time I return to it). It's still usable, but it really taxes my patience when I have to look up something quickly.

Is anyone else having this problem? A forum search returned nothing, and I can't seem to determine if this is an app problem, a facebook problem, or if it's a symptom of something more serious with my phone itself.

Running the latest app rev on iPhone 4 iOS 4.1


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Apr 3, 2010
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Yes! I have been so frustrated with Facebook! I don't know what's going on with them, but I have had a hard time too.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2008
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As messed up as it sounds, I'm glad you're having problems, too. I was beginning to think it was just me, because I hadn't seen anyone else complaining about it. Glad to know that I'm not alone, haha.


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Nov 30, 2008
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Out of frustration I finally gave up and re-installed the app. More specifically, I deleted the app, quit all other running apps, rebooted the phone, and re-installed facebook. So far it's been way more responsive and hasn't given me the dreaded "freeze on opening" problem. You may want to try it. I'm hoping I found a solution (and hope it's not something I'll have to repeat soon in the future).


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Dec 1, 2010
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Facebook Problem

For the past week or two, my facebook app has started freezing for 30-60 seconds every time I launch or return to it. This happens within a few seconds of bringing up the app. It eventually becomes responsive again, and seems to work fine until I switch to another app or return to the homescreen (i.e., it freezes again the next time I return to it). It's still usable, but it really taxes my patience when I have to look up something quickly.

Is anyone else having this problem? A forum search returned nothing, and I can't seem to determine if this is an app problem, a facebook problem, or if it's a symptom of something more serious with my phone itself.

Running the latest app rev on iPhone 4 iOS 4.1


This might be due to "too much application" running in the background. With multi tasking, pressing the home button can not terminate the running application, it just take you to another task, so that means, the application you just left is still running.

I have the same problem with facebook before and wrote down how I manage it at


just add 3w's as I still can not post a link here

I hope this helps, please tell me if it does. Thanks


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Nov 30, 2008
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Sadly, my proposed solution above of uninstalling/reinstalling the app only worked for a day or so. I wish that @lakaylatta's suggestion would work as advertised, but I already have a habit of killing as many background processes as possible. There have been times where I launched facebook with no other apps running and it still froze on me.

The really strange symptom is this: I recently had a friend borrow my phone at a party, and he logged out of my facebook account and logged in with his own account. It never froze on him. Also, once I logged back in with my own account it was much more responsive (for the rest of the day at least). It's now just as laggy as ever, and I primarily use the mobile website while on the go (not the ideal solution). So I don't know if it something to do with my account or some other cause that I'm not thinking of...


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Feb 13, 2011
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just got a 3g... same problem with facebook

same problem, excepting that I can use the app for about two or three hours, then it freezes completely. does not freeze the phone, I can back out of the app but it's completely unresponsive. left it that way last night, was the same way this morning. repeated uninstalls and reinstalls have only made it worse, it locks more quickly. I really wish the apple programmers didn't write OS's for children.... I run up against things I could easily tweak or fix with a grown-up OS... but apple seems to delight in making things about as complex as a blue plastic box through a square hole. What happens when you have a round peg?

Anyway, using it through the browser is clumsy... the app is awesome when it works, it just doesn't F*****G work... for me.


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Nov 21, 2012
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Same Here I have removed completely and reinstallede worked much better for a day tops and back to crap... It will load up ok if I open someones page or photo it will just lock up/Freeze and I had a different facebook app called facely for iphone and that was working much better that original facebook however now both are doing the same freezing up and slow loads ect. I'm not able to find a fix. This just started happening about afew months ago maybe a bad update??? I will try to download an older version maybe better luck. I have iphone 4 GSM Jailbroken as always.


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Mar 12, 2014
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For the past week or two, my facebook app has started freezing for 30-60 seconds every time I launch or return to it. This happens within a few seconds of bringing up the app. It eventually becomes responsive again, and seems to work fine until I switch to another app or return to the homescreen (i.e., it freezes again the next time I return to it). It's still usable, but it really taxes my patience when I have to look up something quickly.
Is anyone else having this problem? A forum search returned nothing, and I can't seem to determine if this is an app problem, a facebook problem, or if it's a symptom of something more serious with my phone itself.

Running the latest app rev on iPhone 4 iOS 4.1

I know this post is old. It is 2014 - but I've been having this problem with FB freezing ALL THE TIME for months! This is what worked for me - finally!! It worked on my iPad and will work on an iPhone as well.

Uninstall the Facebook app from your phone. (Or iPad)

Reboot your phone

Log into Facebook from your computer - not a phone or iPad

Change your Facebook login password

Make sure new password works and log out of Facebook.

Download and install Facebook app back on your iPhone.

Login with username and new password.

That's it! It worked for me - who knows why? I'm just glad it did!

Fernando Scheps

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Aug 23, 2013
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Thanks, Its August 2014 and I have exactly the same problem, but not only with Facebook but also with safari for example. It's very annoying and I usually close all apps running in the background. I hope iOS 8 comes with a definitive solution for this problem with at least a button to close all background apps at once. Thanks for sharing your experiences.


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Nov 8, 2014
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Date. 8th November 2014

Good advice from the forum.
face book freezing on my iPad, solution that worked for me was,

1) uninstall Facebook app on iPad
2) login to Facebook on computer, mine was a laptop.
3) change facebook login password.
4) make sure password works on computer and log out.
5) re download Facebook app on iPad.
6) login with user name and new password.

Janet Williams24

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Jul 5, 2015
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As soon as I click on the drop down menu to view my newest updates mine will freeze for about one minute. Then it will allow me to click on the updates. Very frustrating. This on,y happens on Facebook.