Can an iPad be accessed remotely? Was I hacked?


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Oct 10, 2014
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Last night, I had a very strange experience with my wife's iPad (iPad Air 1). I was sleeping and she was in bed playing a game. She woke me to show me that her iPad had started to "act on its own". While in the middle of playing the game, a "sign into iTunes" prompt appeared and then the keyboard started typing in random gibberish (lots of Q's, W's and Z's). Never once was the password "submitted" but the password itself continued to change in the prompt box. This went on for about 30 seconds and then the "sign into iTunes" prompt disappeared to bring her game back up, and then her iPad started to open/close a menu in the game by itself. At this point, I attempted to turn off the iPad, but it would not shut down. I finally unplugged my wifi and was then able to shut the iPad down.

The game she was playing is a very well known and popular game, so I do not suspect there was an issue stemming from the game itself.

this morning, I changed our wifi password (our wifi password is always extremely complex). I also noticed that my wife's iPad had its name changed to "Unknown-Host". This spooks me more than anything, as previously it was named "Wife's Name iPad"

So, can anyone shed some light on what happened? Has anyone ever heard of such a thing happening?

We took some video of the experience with her phone and as soon as I can figure out how to blur out her email address/apple ID from the video I will be happy to post it.


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Oct 3, 2010
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Never heard of that unless someone had access to her iPad. The best thing to do is make sure she has a back up and wipe the iPad and restore.

To be safe I would wipe it and restore as new but you will lose some game stuff. And you will need to load everything back manually.

Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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I would do what zerog said. Erase and restore.

Either that or you may have to move houses, sounds like you may have a ghost haha :D


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Apr 20, 2015
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Never heard of that unless someone had access to her iPad. The best thing to do is make sure she has a back up and wipe the iPad and restore.

To be safe I would wipe it and restore as new but you will lose some game stuff. And you will need to load everything back manually.

Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk
I have had this problem need to restore her iPad or call apple they will have you buy a 149.99 program for one year to fix that or 348.99 for 5 years.


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Jun 15, 2016
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I have the same issue. I have no idea if I'm hacked or just something wrong with my iPad. Although my iPad isn't an IPad Air it's just a iPad mini. I changed my email I and always log out of my social media. What game was it? It might be through the game. If anything else has happened to your wife's iPad please let me know as we might have the same issue.

Tiana Flores

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Jun 27, 2016
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Samething happened to me its just been doing it everywhere i'm very scared. Its my I pad Mini and Im wondering if the apple store can do anything cause i really dont want to remove everything.... help


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Oct 29, 2013
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I have had this problem need to restore her iPad or call apple they will have you buy a 149.99 program for one year to fix that or 348.99 for 5 years.

I find that very interesting because it implies that Apple knows what the problem is.... have you asked them ? If true, the above mentioned prices seem a bit steep for what must be a flaw in the system.


Oct 2, 2013
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Samething happened to me its just been doing it everywhere i'm very scared. Its my I pad Mini and Im wondering if the apple store can do anything cause i really dont want to remove everything.... help

You could first try a hard reset.
Hold the top or side power/sleep button and the home button at the same time until the Apple logo appears, then release.

If the issue continues, I would first check with Apple. Go to a store or call Apple Support. They may have a solution without having to restore. But if a restore is neccessary, then do it. It's a bit of a PITA, but worth it. I would definitely restore as new. Not from a back up.

Julie Cross1

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Mar 1, 2017
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I have been reading several forums on this subject and it always comes back to "The Ipad can not be hacked" However I have a situation that someone has been able to control by iphone and now my ipad. I took a video with the people that were doing this and showed my mother. I tried to download to my computer and it said that I was not authorized to sync. So I thought I would watch the video again and the video is there but now it is totally black. I would like to add that this is a school issued Ipad and has strong security. This have frozen my sceen, turned my Ipad off, changed authorizations, etc. If this isn't possible then why is my Ipad and Iphone acting and doing this?


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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I have been reading several forums on this subject and it always comes back to "The Ipad can not be hacked" However I have a situation that someone has been able to control by iphone and now my ipad. I took a video with the people that were doing this and showed my mother. I tried to download to my computer and it said that I was not authorized to sync. So I thought I would watch the video again and the video is there but now it is totally black. I would like to add that this is a school issued Ipad and has strong security. This have frozen my sceen, turned my Ipad off, changed authorizations, etc. If this isn't possible then why is my Ipad and Iphone acting and doing this?

Mobile Device Management, (MDM) by your school administering your issued iPad is not hacking.