A Windows Phone Fanboys Review of iOS 7 on the 5S


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Nov 12, 2012
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First of all, my name is Lance. I'm a junior developer at a firm that I won't reveal right now because I like making a mockery of others online and I'd rather my actions not be associated with them. I am a long time windows Phone user, I have been using it since the initial release of the HD7 that I waited in a very, very short line for in the busiest store in the Austin area. and am currently rocking a Lumia 1020 and a Surface RT to compliment it. I also have a Nexus 4 for Android purposes in development and an iPhone 4, well, that is until yesterday. We received 6 5s units from Apple for development purposes and our apple team is only four people so we had two in a raffle. I jokingly entered being the absolute hater of iOS I was. The boring UI, the static icons. It's only saving grace prior to iOS 7 in my eyes was the sheer number of games on the platform. My iPhone 4 had been reduced to nothing but a machine to play Infinity Blade on, even my two year old had lost interest in it and turned his eyes towards my Surface RT. I fully believe that iOS has not innovated since Slide to Unlock which was arguably released on a few select Windows Mobile phones prior to that. I thought there was no way Apple could make a redeeming quality OS and then I won. Okay, Craigslist fodder, yay. Or so I thought.

I'd like to say, I still don't feel Apple can innovate, they still have not brought anything new to the table. This time, they just stole well. Most everything on the new iOS is a bastardized version of something that another OS has had for awhile. The beauty of iOS is it's ability to stitch together this Frankenstein's monster of a phone and make it where it would be able to function and even impress at times. Hell, it's even somewhat appealing to the eye and that's something the iPhone has never had going for it on the software front. It really is quite impressive what the hipsters at Cupertino have been able to come up with. So, well, here goes my little half-assed review and bear in mind that I'm half-asleep writing this.

Honestly, the hardware brings nothing new to the table. Apple continues to fail at excelling on all fronts aside from the GPU in terms of specs which, as both they and Windows Phone have proven, are not necessary if you actually optimize your OS (I'm looking at you Android and I would be at BBOS but no one looks at BBOS) Don't think I am saying this is a low quality device by any means. It is an expertly crafted phone with quality materials and it truly feels like each individual iPhone was put together by hand (Likely in a sweat shop in a third world country) to make sure that each part fit together flawlessly. My only complaint is that I've seen two people already try scanning their finderprint as they pick it up grabbing it solely from the bottom and dropping the phone as it flips from the top. It's a beautiful piece of machinery that I think only Nokia can rival in terms of quality.

I cannot tell you how many people updated their iPhones and thought it was a joke. This is not the iOS that I originally toyed with back in 08, who knew they'd ever update their archaic and hideous design? Sure, the new OS looks a little cartoony but it is a phenomenal step in the right direction. I know the colors are a bit too soft pastel but don't let that dissaude you, the fact that the iPhone only has one button on it's face is now finally okay with all of the gestures. The fact that the eye tracking actually works unlike the gimmicky S4 is great too, I thought it was a bit funny when I heard about it but it really does add a whole new dynamic layer to the UI creating a more 3d effect than the 3d evo ever did. The new camera UI is actually usable and quite good. It doesn't have the array of options I'm used to and certainly doesn't hold a candle to my Lumia 1020 in terms of quality but the shots are solid, it has the best panorama feature I've ever utilized on a smartphone and overall it's certainly usable. The new music player and the new Siri UI were both a pleasure to use and finally felt like an extension of the OS rather than another app.

Where Do I Think It Can Improve?
First of all, offer some kind of option for people who don't want a feminine phone. I like the UI but it's certainly affeminite. Second, pretty much every old app needs to be reconsidered to create a more unified experience across the OS. It should be made easy for developers to transition from your awful old menu styles to something that feels like an extension of the OS. Third, I'd love some sort of activity on the screen. It's all so static and dull. And FINALLY, innovate. Apple has not done anything innovative in years and that is sad coming from the hipster and geek company rather than us nerds for Microsoft. I know Apple has it in them but please, just brind something new to the table.


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Jan 11, 2011
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Funny how people who hate things decide to give a review. It's not a biased review at all. Saying iOS is boring? 1) it's a phone 2) windows is pretty boring. Those tiles are ugly.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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Bro, you need help. Oh, and learn how to spellcheck, and "unit test" your work first before "checking it in".

Edit: and you've given enough details (if any of this is actually true), that someone from your company could easily deduce who you are. I wonder if they want a developer with your attitude towards others on their team?
I share this only because you have an innocent two year old (again if any of this is true). Way to set the standard for your child by "making a mockery of others online".
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2011
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So Apple is the first company to successfully implement a near-perfect biometric identification device into a mobile phone and the potential to revolutionize security, but the hardware "brings nothing new to the table". LOL

Ok then!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
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I tried windows phone and guess what. Skype just don't work on it. Had to switch back to iphone because Skype actually works on iphone. The email setup fails to work with corp gmail accounts on wp. The tiles are ugly, but at the same time so are apples. The main thing is I need my phone to work and android nor wp can do it.


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Apr 28, 2009
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I think those of you who made your decision prior to reading the OP's entire post need to go back and read it all. It was very well thought out and extremely complimentary towards Apple and iOS 7.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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I think those of you who made your decision prior to reading the OP's entire post need to go back and read it all. It was very well thought out and extremely complimentary towards Apple and iOS 7.

Everything after the OP's own words: I like making a mockery of others online is irrelevant to me because of those very words.


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Nov 12, 2012
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3 a.m. is not my optimal time but ultimately, I did enjoy iOS 7 as a whole. It finally brought some flavor to the table. I am a Windows Phone fanboy as it's the only one that really works for me. I understand the complaint about Gmail since Google is at a constant war with Microsoft and it shows in their lack of support for our OS, both 8 and WP8. Hopefully they'll have an anti-trust ruling on the way. I'm just waiting for something new and innovative to pull me away from Windows Phone. Sure, I'm a fanboy but for three years I was an Android fanboy and all it took was something new, something innovative and intuitive to change that. I think Apple fully has this potential but I'm waiting for something that is both innovative and useful. I'd also like better social networking integration as a whole but the new iOS 7 turned me from hating Apple products as a whole to only disliking the iPad (Never saw the point of a blown up phone as opposed to a smaller touch-friendly computer) and that is never anything that I thought was possible because I really disliked Apple.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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I think those of you who made your decision prior to reading the OP's entire post need to go back and read it all. It was very well thought out and extremely complimentary towards Apple and iOS 7.

... OR... is he mocking us? Hmmm? :)


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Nov 12, 2012
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Look, I'm not a blind follower who drinks the apple flavored kool-aid but I do admire the product finally. It's no longer some archaic OS on mid-rangey hardware. It's a perfectly functional OS that compliments the hardware excellently. My only problem is that it doesn't offer anything new or profound, everything I can do on it, I do on my Windows Phone now, usually in less swipes and with more uniformity across it. It's beautiful, just not revolutionary YET and I emphasize the word, "Yet" because I truly feel that it could be now.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Only in your mind... or are you mocking??

No, factually. It was an OS that hadn't received a significant UI upgrade since it was released in what? 07? 08? Now they finally brought it up to speed and made it intuitive. Prior to this it was a static sea of icons that was dependent on the apps to sell the device. Now, it's an OS to be reckoned with.

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