What Is The Logic Behind Lock Screen vs Notification Center


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Nov 4, 2017
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I've been using iOS since quite a while now, and basically get along well. However, I do not fully understand the logic behind why the lock screen and the notification center are being seen differently in iOS:
1. both the lock screen and notification center look the same.
2. even when I disable notification in notification center for a certain app (lock screen & banner still on), the notification will also still show in notification center, or......
3. ...in notification center (pull down from upper bezel on unlocked phone)/upper half, while further down the screen, it says 'notification center', with a bunch of other notifications following - does that mean this screen contains both content from the lock screen AND notification center? But when does it determine whether a notification shows in upper area of the screen or below, under 'notification center'???

This may sound highly confusing, and I agree, it is.
It is also not a big deal, as I can work notifications from both lock screen and notification center, like everybody else, I guess.
However, the logic behind this is completely not understandable (for me). Is there a notification center only (on unlocked phone)? but why does it say 'notification center' in the middle of the screen only? And why do notifications still show in notification center (above header 'notification center'), although notification for 'notification center' was set to OFF ?

To me this seems like a complete mess. What is the secret behind this?


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Nov 28, 2017
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Notifications are very logical. They have wide range of settings to enable you to fine-tune how individual events/reminders/Apps prompt you. You may not want sensitive information displayed on a locked screen or you may only want a preview - you may want just a quick reminder or a reminder that won’t go away without you deleting it. You just need to go through the settings to achieve what you want.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2017
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Notifications are very logical. They have wide range of settings to enable you to fine-tune how individual events/reminders/Apps prompt you. You may not want sensitive information displayed on a locked screen or you may only want a preview - you may want just a quick reminder or a reminder that won’t go away without you deleting it. You just need to go through the settings to achieve what you want.
Thank you, I'm very familiar with all these settings.
But this does not answer my questions.


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Sep 21, 2020
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Probably too late, but did you manage to understand the logic behind the iOS notifications? I cant believe nobody talks about this.
I just switched to iOS after several years of using Android, and the lock screen/notifications panel did make sense in Android, since you could choose whether or not to display a notification in the lock screen. I know iOS has kinda the same logic, but it is just weird.

If I disable a notification only in 'notification center' they are shown in my lockscreen (as supposed to be) but after unlocking the phone, the notification seems to remain in the 'notification center' above the header. Then if I lock the phone, and unlock it again, the notification is just gone.

Another strange behavior (having both lockscreen and Notif Center enabled) is that for new incoming notifications, they first appear at the top; above the notification center header, which doesnt make sense. If I dont open the notification and lock my phone, the notification will not show up in the lockscreen (?), and then you'll see that the notification was magically moved below the notification center header this time. It is just absurd.
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Dec 3, 2020
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Hi, I made an account just to reply since I think I figured it out.

The Lock Screen as apple calls it basically just means that it shows in the portion above Notification Center before being demoted to the Notification Center. A notification will be demoted to the Notification Center by signing in to the device in and then signing back out (eg going to the Home Screen, then locking your device) or by viewing the Notification. Until you do one of these two things, it will show on the screen when the device is locked, as well as on the pull down screen when the device is unlocked

Once a notification has been demoted to what apple calls the Notification Center, it will be visible from the pull down menu when the device is unlocked. It will only be visible on the Notification Center that’s seen on the Lock Screen when swiping up in the middle of the screen, if you have selected the notification should be visible on the Lock Screen AND the Notification Center. Basically in the settings, there should be another bubble that says show the notification on the locked screens Notification Center.

It’s very confusing since Lock Screen mostly just means it’s temporary placement above the Notification Center, but it does actually mean the locked screen when it’s used in combination with the notification bubble toggle in settings.

I thought I’d share since I was so annoyed not knowing how it works and iOS people say they understand it but don’t really when you ask them lol. I played with it a good hour to figure it out.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2017
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Hi, I made an account just to reply since I think I figured it out.

The Lock Screen as apple calls it basically just means that it shows in the portion above Notification Center before being demoted to the Notification Center. A notification will be demoted to the Notification Center by signing in to the device in and then signing back out (eg going to the Home Screen, then locking your device) or by viewing the Notification. Until you do one of these two things, it will show on the screen when the device is locked, as well as on the pull down screen when the device is unlocked

Once a notification has been demoted to what apple calls the Notification Center, it will be visible from the pull down menu when the device is unlocked. It will only be visible on the Notification Center that’s seen on the Lock Screen when swiping up in the middle of the screen, if you have selected the notification should be visible on the Lock Screen AND the Notification Center. Basically in the settings, there should be another bubble that says show the notification on the locked screens Notification Center.

It’s very confusing since Lock Screen mostly just means it’s temporary placement above the Notification Center, but it does actually mean the locked screen when it’s used in combination with the notification bubble toggle in settings.

I thought I’d share since I was so annoyed not knowing how it works and iOS people say they understand it but don’t really when you ask them lol. I played with it a good hour to figure it out.
I almost forgot about my own thread so thank you for dealing with the issue again.
I think you are right.
If you really want to understand the logic behind all of this, it is important to understand that lock screen ≠ notification center, although they look & feel the same and are located one below the other, while the notification center re-appears on the unlocked phone when swiping down from the top, and that there is 'demotion' of items from lock screen to notification center, and if and when that happens.
This also explains why, if you start 'deleting' items from the notification center (on the lock screen), sometimes a few remaining items on top of the list bizarrely can't be deleted by tapping an 'x', only by swiping left or right (because that's no longer notification center, but lock screen!).
I think the reason why I forgot and why not many users pay attention is because everybody somehow gets along, even without fully understanding the logic behind.
So it's OK-ish, once you dug into the concept, but for me, the question remains, why does it have to be so confusing? Also, this is one thing that Android does much better, imho: no quirky concepts to understand - you just operate it naturally.

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