Why Apple let me down with the retina mini


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Aug 17, 2011
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Thank you for your input. I don't won the original mini but I do own the air and the new RdMini.

Honestly I haven't found issues with washed out colors. Maybe I haven't paid enough attention. I have found others but I'm going to look for what you said to see if there is a difference on my devices.

I think most won't notice a difference unless holding both side by side, similar to how if you never used a retina iPad you didn't notice the mini screen being that bad.


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Oct 26, 2004
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Most won't notice, I agree. I'd like to think though that most imore users aren't really a part of that "most" group. No, grandma won't see a difference but does this really make it ok for you or me? Is this the reasoning we will continue to use to justify shortcomings?

Let's hope awareness of this continues. Apple pays attention.


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Jan 14, 2011
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Exactly besides just buying the 5S last week I bought the regular iPad Mini because i could not see any difference and perfectly happy with it.


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Oct 27, 2011
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I did a short online search of the screen problem and couldn't find much
And when it was discussed, it seems like the reviewers were trying to say it wasn't that big of a deal - like cnet.com.

But when you're paying $700.00 plus for it, I would like for it to be excellent not mediocre.

Maybe, when more people have them in hand and more customers complain, Apple might do something - or at least admit that there is a problem.


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Nov 9, 2013
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I did a short online search of the screen problem and couldn't find much
And when it was discussed, it seems like the reviewers were trying to say it wasn't that big of a deal - like cnet.com.

But when you're paying $700.00 plus for it, I would like for it to be excellent not mediocre.

Maybe, when more people have them in hand and more customers complain, Apple might do something - or at least admit that there is a problem.

I paid $763.16 for the ipad mini with retnia and it's worth every penny. If you want "excellent" hardware than don't even bother with apple. Turn to android for they have the "best" specs but ****ty Eco system. The screen color range is taken way out of proportion and it's a way to lower apples stock. I've yet to see a complete and detailed comparisons of the screens resolution and it's color range compared with other tablets. The moment they run media when doing any media test, they've concluded it basically looks pretty much the same. The differences is so insignificant it's just plain silly people worry about what people have to say about a device rather than actually owning the device for a few days.


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Aug 26, 2011
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I think most won't notice a difference unless holding both side by side, similar to how if you never used a retina iPad you didn't notice the mini screen being that bad.

Actually I think it looks rather good to me. The screen, minus the dead pixel.

Greetings from an PlayBook user!


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Mar 9, 2009
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I paid $763.16 for the ipad mini with retnia and it's worth every penny. If you want "excellent" hardware than don't even bother with apple. Turn to android for they have the "best" specs but ****ty Eco system. The screen color range is taken way out of proportion and it's a way to lower apples stock. I've yet to see a complete and detailed comparisons of the screens resolution and it's color range compared with other tablets. The moment they run media when doing any media test, they've concluded it basically looks pretty much the same. The differences is so insignificant it's just plain silly people worry about what people have to say about a device rather than actually owning the device for a few days.

Yes it's still a very nice screen. Very clear. Apple makes superior products and I always expect the best. It's still a great screen but just not their best work. Yes most will still be completely satisfied. I went to return it to apple yesterday and found out I have until Jan 7th to return it due to holiday return period so I kept it for now. I'll see if it grows on me and I can look past the screen. It's just tough when I have a Air and trying to use the mini after that just doesn't work do well.


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Nov 25, 2013
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I have a series of photos from a flower festival that show the difference quite dramatically, when looking at a blue iris or a red rose. I think the rMini display is still a good thing - black and white, or non blue to red images actually look sharper, but I do notice it's colour reproduction. Not sure how successful I would be trying to photograph the 2 screens side by side with such images, but if I can get it to work, I'll post up in my own thread.

I don't want to discourage anyone from getting any iPad either, so if you're happy with your new rMini, then that is all that matters.
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Dec 9, 2010
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Garz, I respect your opinion completely. I was originally planning on purchasing the rMini, since I love my 1st generation mini. However, upon you saying the screen was not that great, I opted to get the Air instead. The average user might not mind having a screen that does not live up to a die hard Apple fans expectations, so there will be sales, but for a lot of us that are a part of iMore, it is not going to be the case.


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Mar 16, 2010
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I returned mine. I liked it. It was definitely faster and the screen was better than my original mini, but was it $500 better (I bought the 32 gb)? I decided to stick with my original mini until tax refund time and then I just might go with an Air. Once you are in for $500, what's another $100?


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Oct 15, 2010
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Sadly I share the same disappointment. I went in to Apple store today to see the r.mini for the first time with an intention to buy one. At first glance I had to question if it was the retina mini and not the first gen! The screen did not pop or looked vibrant at all. I compared it to the air and it was a disappointment in my opinion. It is definitely better than the first one but it did not hit me right away that it was retina. I really hope the Samsung screen batch is better. I am holding off for now and see how they turn out in few months. I am in the process of selling my new mba because I received an ultimate retina macbook pro for work. I was hoping to sell my mba then buy a retina mini instead to use along with my new macbook pro. Something is just not right with the screen. I wish it was as vibrant as the iPad Air.

Does anyone know if the r.mini uses IGZO for the screen? What about the iPad Air? Is this the reason for the difference? I thought if they were the same resolution that normally it should look sharper on a smaller screen.

Do not take this the wrong way and not trying to discourage others. I still intend to buy one eventually because it is the perfect size for my use and I have owned an iPad before.
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Nov 15, 2010
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Huh? I'm very happy with the rMini and with Apple for releasing it without the same color as the Air because either they would have raised the price or waited to release when they could do it for the same price.

RMini is amazing to me.

And you're really upset with 'Apple' because 1 of the 2 iPads isn't ready for you yet because you had to suffer for a whole year without retina?

I'm glad Apple doesn't cater to only people that can afford 2 iPads at a time.


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Jul 12, 2012
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Sorry to dig up an older thread...

I agree 100% with Garz. I buy at LEAST one iPhone and one iPad every year, along with a Macbook every 2-3 years. I expect nothing but the best from Apple. We dealt with the original iPad Mini because it was a 1st gen product. We KNEW that Apple would release the retina mini, as they have done with previous devices, and we KNEW we would be blown away. Now the rMini shows up and its nice, but its not perfect. Its not the Apple that we know. We are used to Apple holding a product from release until its perfect, until we can't help but to get in line and gladly hand over our hard earned dollars. Its a strange occurrence to actually question what Apple has put in front of us in anytime in the past 5 years. Myself, I'm purchasing my Air today. The retina mini was not in play once I heard about display issues. Early next year when we replace my wife's original iPad Mini she will be going to an iPad Air. I just refuse to spend that kind of money on something that isnt going to meet my expectations. Call me spoiled, but thats just how I operate.


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Jul 2, 2013
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The retina Mini is absolutely amazing. The display is bright and clear and it is my most used device ever. I gave my Nexus 7 away because I have not touched it since buying the Mini. It is that awesome! Don't rule it out based on what others think when they haven't even seen one.

BlackBerry Guy

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Mar 4, 2011
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Next to my iPad 3, the colours on the retina mini are a noticeably muted. But for me, it doesn't take away from the generally good experience the iPad provides. Of course, if I'm not holding the two side by side and actively looking for differences and comparing, the narrower colour gamut doesn't even come to mind.


Mar 31, 2012
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Hearing all the thoughts expressed in this thread, I must say I'm glad to have waited with my original Mini and held out on the retina. I'm just too much in love with the Mini form factor to go for the Air, but now that I think issues on the retina Mini are far too many on a first try by Apple, and waiting for those issues to get smoothed out on a subsequent generation iPad mini seems to make sense.

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2013
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Hearing all the thoughts expressed in this thread, I must say I'm glad to have waited with my original Mini and held out on the retina. I'm just too much in love with the Mini form factor to go for the Air, but now that I think issues on the retina Mini are far too many on a first try by Apple, and waiting for those issues to get smoothed out on a subsequent generation iPad mini seems to make sense.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Don't base your opinion on what you read in forums. I bought a Retina Mini back in December and it had a perfect display. After two weeks, I exchanged it for a 128GB Retina Mini and it too was perfect.

People read about this supposed image retention and then try out a ten minute test and think they have image retention also and start exchanging iPad after iPad.

I have never exchanged an iPad or iPhone in all these years because the displays are always perfect.

If you let these forums scare you, you will never find a good time to buy an iPad.


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Jun 23, 2010
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Don't base your opinion on what you read in forums. I bought a Retina Mini back in December and it had a perfect display. After two weeks, I exchanged it for a 128GB Retina Mini and it too was perfect.

People read about this supposed image retention and then try out a ten minute test and think they have image retention also and start exchanging iPad after iPad.

I have never exchanged an iPad or iPhone in all these years because the displays are always perfect.

If you let these forums scare you, you will never find a good time to buy an iPad.

One more time, if you have to read along on a website and seek out directions for finding a flaw, is it really a flaw? IMHO, this is much ado about nothing.

Still SMH.


Jun 2, 2012
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Don't base your opinion on what you read in forums. I bought a Retina Mini back in December and it had a perfect display. After two weeks, I exchanged it for a 128GB Retina Mini and it too was perfect.

People read about this supposed image retention and then try out a ten minute test and think they have image retention also and start exchanging iPad after iPad.

I have never exchanged an iPad or iPhone in all these years because the displays are always perfect.

If you let these forums scare you, you will never find a good time to buy an iPad.

Fausty82 and you have words of wisdom...:)

But, as you don't seem to have issues in real life usage with your iPad, may I ask you if you performed the IR test on your rMinis and if yes, what was the outcome ?
Just curious...
Thank you


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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Fausty82 and you have words of wisdom...:)

But, as you don't seem to have issues in real life usage with your iPad, may I ask you if you performed the IR test on your rMinis and if yes, what was the outcome ?
Just curious...
Thank you

I guess my take on the whole image retention thing is "meh". I ran the test and after 10 minutes on that pattern, then switching to a solid grey screen, I did see the pattern for a few seconds. So what? I don't use my iPad that way. I don't use any device that way.

Try this test:
Print out a high res version of that screen. Stare at the page for 10 minutes. Now look at a white wall. What do you see? Do your retinas exhibit the same image retention phenomenon? Who are you going to complain to about that?

Still shaking my head about this whole issue.

Sent from a galaxy far, far away via Tapatalk.

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