Ive Officially been converted to Apple


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Mar 6, 2011
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You can load windows on mac I've heard using a virtual machine since mac went to using intel chipsets. Personally I'm a PC person but I'm writing this response on my iPad 2 :)

You can do it a couple of ways:
1) Bootcamp (included with the Mac) - This is basically where your drive is partitioned so that the machine is dual-boot. You can boot it as a Windows box or a Mac. The advantage here is that it is basically just like a Windows laptop with the same hardware specs, if you need maximum performance for things like games.

2) You can purchase some virtual machine software like Parallels or VMware Fusion which will run Windows apps right within OSX. Either of these apps can either launch a Windows window/desktop where you run your Windows apps, or they can just launch the windows app in a way where it just runs like your other OSX apps (not in a separate window).

So, if you're interested in a Mac, there is no reason to not do so because you still need to use a Windows app (or several Windows apps). At the last company I worked at, all the executives had Macbook Pros, even though they loaded them up with Windows and used them exclusively that way (a waste, IMO, to lose out on OSX, but even that can be done if one wants).


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Dec 10, 2011
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So after using my iPhone and falling in love with how easy it is to use and how reliable it has been I broke down and bought an ipad2. I used to think I would never own one after all I could buy a laptop for way cheaper and they did more stuff. Well I was bored in best buy and started playing in the tablet section after comparing all of them I could not believe how smooth and fast the ipad2 was compared to the rest, went home and did some research and decided to go for it and I will admit it is so much better than my laptop! I can use it for hours on end, it's light enough to use without feeling weighed down and it doesn't light my lap on fire like my laptop but the best thing I find is the screen is so clear and the perfect size you can read and watch videos comfortably. I am officially an Apple fan and I have never been happier!

Also I have the iPad2 in a hip street leather executive folio cover for now as soon as life proof releases their case that's where it will reside.

I totally agree with you. All it takes is one Apple product to win you over. I finally got myself an iPad 2 a couple days ago and I've been wondering why I waited so long. Im glad with the purchase I made.

Chase S

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Jan 3, 2012
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I too have been converted. I was previously an Android fan. Many of my friends from my old IT position laughed that I was buying an Ipad 2. I enjoyed modding the heck out of my Droid Incredible; however, I got bored with it. Not to mention it was SLUGGISH!

After buying my Ipad 2, I fell in love with it. Only after buying and returning four different Android tablets. They just couldn't compare! Finally, I broke down and traded in my Dinc and bought an Iphone 4S. Surprised I didn't buy one earlier. Now I'm working on saving up to get my wife a phone so we can Facetime when I'm at work. One of the best investments I've made.


Nov 1, 2011
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I bought an iPad, but I have a blackberry bold touch. I never wanted an iPhone, but the easy apple way has made me stop talking so much crap about the iPhone! Still love my berry, but if the iPhone 5 blows the socks off everyone I might jump ship. I love how every apple item syncs automatically, soon I think I will get a MacBook (but keep my berry)


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Feb 3, 2011
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I totally agree with you. All it takes is one Apple product to win you over. I finally got myself an iPad 2 a couple days ago and I've been wondering why I waited so long. Im glad with the purchase I made.

I agree totally. For me, like others have mentioned, I started my Apple slide with an iPod Touch (3rd Gen), then went to an iPhone on launch day with Verizon. I actually set my alarm to wake me so I could order my phone at 3 in the morning LOL. I liked my iPhone so much that I got one for my mother for Mother's day. Two converts for the price of one LOL

Anyway, this summer my laptop died, so I bit the bullet and bought a MacBook Pro, and have been loving it ever since. To finish the process, I received my iPad as a Christmas present.

I guess it's official :D


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Jan 4, 2012
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I too come from using BlackBerry. I can't believe I stuck with that dinosaur of a platform for so long!! Everything about the iPhone is light years ahead! I've had every generation of iPod Touch throughout the years & loved them so decided to get an iPhone! By far the best choice I've ever made! Now I have an iPad 2 on the way from Apple. She's all Apple here! The only thing I haven't changed is my two Windows PC's! Maybe that's next!

Loving all of the fellow BlackBerry "refugees". Makes me kind of sad too, because most BB's are very good devices, it just isn't a "smartphone" in the sense of what Apple has been doing since 2007.

As for changing over from PC, I don't feel the need to do that. In 2000, it was still a big deal to be on Mac vs. PC. I feel like there's so much more compatibility now between the two, that I don't need my computer to be the same as my mobile devices. My PC runs iTunes just fine, and I use it for much different things anyway, like word processing or burning CD's.

BlackBerry and Android users love to slam Apple (for very different reasons), but I feel like it's a combination of sour grapes and everyone hating on the popular girl in school. This past year with what they've done with iCloud and purchased items just gives you so much more value and security in your purchases. Obviously, Android has SOME advantages, but when you look at what the whole ecosystem offers and the naysayers complain that you "can't make a weather widget", it just sounds pretty foolish.
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Dec 20, 2011
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I know, there's some Windows-only stuff. I've still got a Dell laptop. I backed up my old PC with Carbonite, and you can't restore a PC backup to a Mac, so I had to use the laptop as the bridge, and a thumb drive to move it over. Hassle but it works.
No they aren't cheap. But the eMachines PC that went toes up was about 17 months old, cost me about $600. Money down the drain. I hope this thing lasts, and I don't have to buy a photo editing, a cleanup program, antivirus software, music converting software, Microsoft Office, all that garbage.

that's my biggest complaint about my laptop is all the crap you have to do to keep it running at a decent speed. I have to spend about 30-45 minutes a week cleaning up the start up stuff, the defrag, etc. All I do with my iPad is charge the battery.

This 4 year old HP laptop is about to find itself in the junk pile or on Ebay


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Jan 23, 2012
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I have also gone from a BlackBerry and Windows PC to "all things Apple". My only issue with iPhone is missing my BerryWeather. My only adjustment issues with Macbook is my Microsoft Office and Adobe Web Premium Suite. I know I can buy Mac versions but why spend money when you already have them. I know I can partition the drive and run Windows but I'm afraid it will slow it down. I've bought Fusion 4 so I will probably go ahead and partition since I can always start over.


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Dec 10, 2011
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Fully converted Apple fanboy now since my purchase of my iPad 2 back on 12/9/11. I knew it would only be a matter of time before claiming and iPhone after navigating the most fluid OS on the market. So far I'm 2 weeks into my new iPhone 4S.

Gonna Apple-ize everything in my home. Next up is the AppleTV or a MacBook Air. But currently there are 2 iPhones (a 4 and a 4S), a 2010 Mac Mini, and an iPad 2 in my home. Best purchases ever.


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Jan 24, 2012
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Any one of apple's products is a gateway drug. Welcome you picked correctly.
Gateway drug is right...I thought I was wild and crazy with my 8gb nano and the next thing I knew I went back to the dealer for the touch which led to purchasing an iMac 21.5; which lead to purchasing the airport extreme, which led to slipping into Best Buy one late night and buying apple tv, have gone back numerous times for NECESSARY accessories and now I'm getting fidgety and jonesing for the iPad. I have these Apple Care band aids all over me and don't know where to go. AND NOW I'm posting on iMore...what the hell happened to me!!!! "MAKE THE APPLE MAN GO AWAY"
My first post here and look forward to the fun!
Anyone have any chocolate because I'm getting anxious? Or Jamison maybe?


Mar 16, 2012
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I really want to get a mac too but too expensive for me right now. I wish I can afford it. I heard they do not get viruses is that true?


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Feb 29, 2012
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CTFU @ gateway drug but ITA. I said, I would NEVER own an iPhone b/c it was too small. Well my first Apple drug was an iPod Classic then a MacBook Pro (13 inch; 4GB...3/2011). I was hooked and had to have everything on the same OS. I purchased my first iPhone (4S; 32GB--10/2011) and the iPad 2 (64 GB; wi-fi/3GB...last week). My 5 yr old loves Apple products, her first gateway drug is the iPod Touch 4G ...(2/2012). I've converted three co-workers. I'm truly an Apple Fangirl...I "try" not to look down on any other brands or offend others that unfortunately use other brands. LOL. :D


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
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from an iPod Classic to the original iPhone and on. I now own an iP4s, my wife an iP4, we share an iPad 2 and my daughter has an iPod touch. the only thing keeping me from converting my laptop to an Apple is it is literally hard to kill a toughbook. My Laptop still has a floppy drive built in and it just will not die.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2003
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Bought my wife an iPad 2 for Christmas.
Actually bought is on Black Friday so I had a month to play with it before Christmas Day.

Well now I have an iPhone 4S for myself as well as an iPad 2.

Got the fever.
Great devices.

Good Luck

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