iPhone 5 or hold out for newer one?


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2012
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I think I might take the plunge and purchase an iOS product with my upgrade in mid August. My question is, would it be worth my while to wait for the new one or would I be okay with the 5? I want a "future proof" phone, in that I mean I don't want to get a phone that will no longer receive updates while I wait 24 months until I upgrade again. I currently have the VZW GNEX and, as everyone knows, was EOL'd very early and treated like crap by Verizon. I don't want to find myself in a situation where I am waiting and waiting on updates. The way I understand it is Apple releases updates to the OS, not Verizon. Is that right?

I want to make the correct decision on my new phone. I know I will probably not be happy with whatever I get because I am never satisfied. I just want to make sure I will have a phone that is fast, lag free and up to date for the entire length of my contract.


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Jun 24, 2012
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I think I might take the plunge and purchase an iOS product with my upgrade in mid August. My question is, would it be worth my while to wait for the new one or would I be okay with the 5? I want a "future proof" phone, in that I mean I don't want to get a phone that will no longer receive updates while I wait 24 months until I upgrade again. I currently have the VZW GNEX and, as everyone knows, was EOL'd very early and treated like crap by Verizon. I don't want to find myself in a situation where I am waiting and waiting on updates. The way I understand it is Apple releases updates to the OS, not Verizon. Is that right?

I want to make the correct decision on my new phone. I know I will probably not be happy with whatever I get because I am never satisfied. I just want to make sure I will have a phone that is fast, lag free and up to date for the entire length of my contract.

If your upgrade is in Mid August I would advise waiting since the 5S or whatever it's called will be dropping a few weeks after your upgrade.

But if you absolutely need something I say go for the iPhone 5. That's the the great thing about getting an iPhone is the guarantee of receiving updates every year as long as Apple supports it. So if you do decide to get the 5 rest assured it will be updated through iOS 8 possibly iOS 9.

I know how you felt with the Galaxy Nexus. That's one of the annoyances with Android is the updates to the phones are at the mercy of the carrier and OEM.

What I absolutely love about Apple is every iDevice owner who has compatible hardware will get the update simultaneously the day it's released!

In conclusion LOL I would recommend waiting since your upgrade date is so close but whatever you choose good luck!

Sent from Jack Bauer's PDA.


Mar 10, 2013
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Welcome, as swarlos stated if you can wait for the newest version go for it, but if you can't the IPhone 5 is an awesome device and should be receiving updates for some time to come.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2010
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You won't go wrong with the iPhone 5, but if you can hold out for the next version, I'd urge you to do so - especially for the 'future-proofing' aspect.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
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As everyone has said, If you can hold out for the new 5S then thats what i would do... But take into consideration that when its released, you will most likely have to pre order and how long will it take to get it and how much better is it going to be from the 5????? The 5 will then have a big price drop to probably $100 or less and you can bet that the 5 will get a lot of future updates. Hell, IOS7 will still support the 4 from what i understand.

Just my thoughts.....


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2008
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Even if the next iPhone was slated for October, I'd still wait if my upgrade was in the middle
of August. Just wait if you can tolerate it. It's up to you.


Sep 13, 2012
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get the 5 now. you could be dead next week.

While my advice would be to hold out for the 5S since it very well could be a matter of weeks between the OP's upgrade and newest iphone release, I simply cannot argue with this logic and it made me laugh out loud!! HA!!


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Jan 14, 2011
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My upgrade is also in Mid August but I did not get my current 4S until Dec. 2011. I would personally rather wait until however long it takes to see what the new new iPhone is going to be and what the new form factor is going to be. I have had 1 4S and I mean 1 trouble free 4S for 20 months now so I can wait to see the specs of the new phone, How iOS 7 is going to impact with the new specs and form factor and what the first few months of the phone being out to the public to read comments like I did with the 4S.
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Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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While my advice would be to hold out for the 5S since it very well could be a matter of weeks between the OP's upgrade and newest iphone release, I simply cannot argue with this logic and it made me laugh out loud!! HA!!

Same here. I laughed, shook my head, and easily agreed with Blink's logic. I mean, seriously, you can't get any clearer....lol


Jul 23, 2013
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The 5 is a great piece of hardware and you really can't go wrong. But if having the latest and greatest is important I would wait.


Dec 3, 2012
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The iPhone 5 is an awesome device. It will get all the new updates. But if you can hold out a couple of months and then compare the 5 and the 5S/6 that's what I would do.


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2012
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I'm leaning toward waiting. I don't have any complaints with my Gnex. It is one from launch day in December 2011. I am one of the lucky few who got a good one. Although I want a new phone (you all understand I am sure) I think I will wait. Hopefully they pack the next one with fantastic specs and lots of goodies.

Thanks for the candid responses, especially Blink. I guess you never know...


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I'm leaning toward waiting. I don't have any complaints with my Gnex. It is one from launch day in December 2011. I am one of the lucky few who got a good one. Although I want a new phone (you all understand I am sure) I think I will wait. Hopefully they pack the next one with fantastic specs and lots of goodies.

Thanks for the candid responses, especially Blink. I guess you never know...

Whatever is best for you, my friend, is all that matters. Thank you for the update and have a great day...:)

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