iPhone 5 or hold out for newer one?


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Apr 27, 2011
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I'm leaning toward waiting. I don't have any complaints with my Gnex. It is one from launch day in December 2011. I am one of the lucky few who got a good one. Although I want a new phone (you all understand I am sure) I think I will wait. Hopefully they pack the next one with fantastic specs and lots of goodies.

Thanks for the candid responses, especially Blink. I guess you never know...

I think waiting is an excellent idea given the fact that there isn't anything wrong with your Gnex. The next iPhone is sure to be packed with new things that will make you glad that you did wait. If nothing else, it will give you a chance to compare the 5 and 5S.

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Dec 3, 2012
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I'm leaning toward waiting. I don't have any complaints with my Gnex. It is one from launch day in December 2011. I am one of the lucky few who got a good one. Although I want a new phone (you all understand I am sure) I think I will wait. Hopefully they pack the next one with fantastic specs and lots of goodies.

Thanks for the candid responses, especially Blink. I guess you never know...

That's an excellent decision. Good luck to you.


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Sep 12, 2012
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I upgrade every year regardless. One of the perks of having too many lines on my family plan. One is always up for an upgrade around the newest Iphone coming out.


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Feb 2, 2013
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I was upgraded to the iP5 by default! My daughter ported her number to sprint and I got her iPhone (AT&T) since she couldn't use it. Since the phone is still attached to my third line I have my upgrade in waiting until dec., at least this phone will get ios7 to hold me over till then!


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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I was upgraded to the iP5 by default! My daughter ported her number to sprint and I got her iPhone (AT&T) since she couldn't use it. Since the phone is still attached to my third line I have my upgrade in waiting until dec., at least this phone will get ios7 to hold me over till then!

Enjoy in good health

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


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May 31, 2011
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Since you have until mid-August I would personally wait for the 5S. If you were looking now and needed a new phone, I would say to go ahead and do it.

Whether you go with the iPhone 5 or 5S either one will suffice for the next two years. Heck people are still rocking iPhone 4's!


Well-known member
May 30, 2013
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I think I might take the plunge and purchase an iOS product with my upgrade in mid August. My question is, would it be worth my while to wait for the new one or would I be okay with the 5? I want a "future proof" phone, in that I mean I don't want to get a phone that will no longer receive updates while I wait 24 months until I upgrade again. I currently have the VZW GNEX and, as everyone knows, was EOL'd very early and treated like crap by Verizon. I don't want to find myself in a situation where I am waiting and waiting on updates. The way I understand it is Apple releases updates to the OS, not Verizon. Is that right?

I want to make the correct decision on my new phone. I know I will probably not be happy with whatever I get because I am never satisfied. I just want to make sure I will have a phone that is fast, lag free and up to date for the entire length of my contract.

You have many of the same concerns I had. I bought my iPhone 5 last week, and I am extremely pleased with it.

The iPhone 5s will likely be released in September or October (if the rumors prove true). It may have more RAM, a faster processor, fingerprint scanner, and NFC. If any of those things are important to you, then you might as well wait. They are unimportant to me, so I decided to commit to the i5 for 2 years and then upgrade when the time comes.

I'm like you - I'm fickle when it comes to technology. I am never satisfied for very long. But I've grown tired of hopping from device to device, and the iPhone seemed like the only phone that had the potential to keep me happy the longest. Time will tell if I made the right decision. Good luck!

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