Jun 20, 2013
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Hey all, I think I'm ready to take the iOS plunge after weighing the pros and cons. The Nexus 6 announcement was disappointing and I don't foresee any Android device changing my mind any time soon. I love the idea of TouchID, the A8 chip, and the awesome camera on the 6's. So, which one should I go for?

I WANT to like the 6 Plus but I'm not 100% sold on the screen size on the "phablets" yet. However, landscape mode is something I've been wanting for a long time on phones. IOS would also be nice to have (so awesome on my M7). But between the price and the availability is it worth the wait? Are there any drawbacks that I am missing? I don't care about that Bendgate nonsense and my hands are big enough to operate it one handed (at least when I tried it in the store).

So what about charge time? Battery life? Does the bigger screen cause any problems with apps? Anything else? Has anyone gone from a Plus back down to a 6? Or vice versa?


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Jul 27, 2009
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The choice between 6 and 6+ all comes down to personal choice. Are you insistent or reliant upon one-handed use? Do you wear skinny jeans or restrictive clothing? If yes to either or both, then the 6 may be the right device for you.

I wear "regular" jeans or khakis/Dockers to the office when I'm not in cargo shorts. The 6+ with the leather Apple case is easy to carry in the front pocket of jeans or business casual attire. I can sit in my desk chair with the phone in my pocket and it's not uncomfortable. Just situate the phone parallel to your thigh or femur and it should be OK. No discomfort, no bending :yes:

Battery life is outstanding, but a bigger battery = longer charging time. Just a fact of life. The screen is brilliant, and almost all the apps I use have been updated for iOS8 and the 6+ screen size. A few have not been updated, but the scaling does its job well. The apps not yet updated don't look gross and are still functional.

I was initially a bit startled at how big the 6+ is, and I had doubts for a day or so about keeping it long-term. All that disappeared within the first week, and now -- like many others -- I could not go back to a smaller screen device (even the 6) and I wholeheartedly believe the iPhone 6+ is as close to the perfect mobile device as there is available today.


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Jul 8, 2014
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If you haven't walked into an Apple store and played with each of them I highly suggest that you do. Me I thought the 6+ was going to be too big and opted for the 6 after trying out my friend's unit but after actually going to the Apple store and using a 6+ it wasn't as big as I thought it would be and changed my mind and ordered the 6+. So if you haven't tried either device in person I recommend you do. It might make or break your decision quicker.

Sent from my Space Grey iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2010
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I'm coming from the 6. Used it for 3 weeks, absolutely loved it and the size is perfect. But somehow felt it was not right, so sold it and got the 6 plus couple of days back. And let me tell you the display on this beast is beautiful. The extra screen real estate is absolutely amazing and as loyal iPhone users this is what we wanted for the longest time.
Give both a try but from my experience the 6 plus is the best experience so far.


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Jul 29, 2013
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Being a former Android phone user, I am so glad that I switched to iOS. I have the 6+ and it is not too big in my opinion. The size is really perfect.

As of charging, since I have an iPad 4, I am using the same charger and I notice the charge time is much faster than using the charger came with the phone. It might be because the iPad charger has higher capacity. If you don't have an iPad, I strongly recommend to get an iPad charger for your iPhone. You will love the quick charging.


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Sep 23, 2013
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I read alot of comics and manga on my phone. Aswell as well as watch alot of videos and movies. Very easy choice for me to go the 6 Plus. And I'd never go with a Iphone 6. Before I even realize the 6 Plus wasn't an april fools joke of sorts I was gonna stay with my iphone 5s.


Dec 26, 2011
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I never would have thought I can handle the screen size on the 6 Plus but after a week with it it's not bad at all. I have always been a two handed thumb typer so that might have helped.

I went from a 5s , 6 then 6 plus and I must say I am hooked. I picked up the 5s last night and couldn't believe I used that. It's night and difference on the screen size.

If you don't have a problem carrying it around go for the 6+

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