Anybody regret upgrading from 6s plus to a 7 plus?


Jun 20, 2016
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I've been on the fence about upgrading my 6s plus to the 7 plus. Right now I'm on the att next plan and have a small amount left to pay off in order to upgrade. I've heard some friends say they had buyers remorse after getting the 7 plus feeling it wasn't worth the upgrade. I like the stereo speakers, dual camera on the 7 plus, and faster ram. Is it worth the upgrade? Please help! Haha :)


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Sep 18, 2016
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I upgraded from the 6s plus. Gimme it was well worth it. I love the 7 plus. I don't have any issues with it. Well. I have the static people are complaining about in the camera when recording videos. But guess what? My iPad Air 2 has it too. So did my 6s plus. And my fianc?es 6 has it. So as far as I'm concerned it's not an issues. But the water resistance and dust resistance was a big thing for me since I work in a wet and dusty environment. And the home button....I have wanted a home button like this since the iPhone 4 lol. I have absolutely 0 regrets about it. I will say that so far at least it feels the same as far as speed as the 6s plus. And obviously the form factor feels the same.


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Jan 17, 2011
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I was at an AT&T store the other day and wanted to see the camera on the 7+ It's still too big of a phone for my hand and day-2-day use.

Kevin Harvell

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Aug 23, 2012
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I had bought a used 6 from a friend of mine last year after going to an Apple store and holding each one and thought I would be perfectly fine with the smaller device. I soon realized I made a mistake because:

1) Battery life
2) The Google Keyboard was not available yet and I personally despise the stock keyboard due to it surprisingly still lacking swipe input

Sold it a few months later and then grabbed a 6 Plus earlier this year and was much happier with it, though I never felt it ran as well on iOS 9 as the 6 ran on iOS 8.

Will never make that personal mistake again.


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Apr 18, 2009
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heres what you have to ask yourself? are you a person like myself who upgrades every year? then sure get the 7 plus between the speakers water resistance camera and power i love the device. but if your going to keep it for a few years i would hold off because the 6s is a great device and this wasnt a huge upgrade.

Next year marks the 10th anniversary of the iphone and if there was an upgrade to get im going to bet that will be something special. maybe im wrong but if your not going to upgrade every year i would at least wait and see. thats just my .02


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Sep 14, 2012
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Yea I am still on the fence on whether or not I am going to upgrade to the 7 Plus or just get a 6s Plus. Two of my friends who now have the 7 Plus say they aren't that impressed with it considering both upgraded from the 6s Plus. And from A LOT of the reviews I have read about the Iphone 7 plus it just doesn't seem like a huge upgrade if you already have the 6s Plus (some reviews going so far as to say it's not worth it at all). The selling points is the camera, speakers, and water resistant but Samsung and others have been doing this for a while now (and better). The camera on the newest samsung phone is better than the 7 Plus camera according to Cnet and other sites. I am have a 4.7 inch iphone 6 which I have had for two years now. The battery has gotten pretty bad and some other weird issues that pretty much force me to upgrade.

And for all the die hard apple fans that upgrade every year, Its rumored the iphone 8 or 7s will be a major upgrade next year since that will be the 10 year aniversary for the iphone. Also, for those doing the upgrade plan and carrier plans you might want to read the fine print. If you don't make the payments in the allotted time that thing can REALLY screw you and your credit. I plan to just buy the phone straight up anyway but I thought I would warn some since I am sure there are some folks that didn't read the fine print with those upgrade plans. So If you do upgrade from the 6s Plus I would really consider asking yourself if the slightly upgraded camera and speakers, water resistant design, and no audio jack are worth it this year. Or even consider rival's like Samsung as the screen and pictures on their phones are slightly better than the 7 plus.


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Aug 22, 2016
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I have no regrets going from a perfect silver 6s Plus 128, to a perfect silver 7 Plus 256.

Silver, in case you are wondering, is my color of choice as I've always liked the white bezel as well as felt that if a scratch was to happen to the aluminum body of the iPhone, that it would not show up very much.

The improved camera, speakers, water resistance and haptics are all welcomed. Having said that, I was previously planning to stay with my 6s Plus another couple of years to wait for the 'S' version of the iPhone 8, if that is what it will be called.

An offer to buy my 6s Plus by a friend for good money at just the right time while I was busy reading the new reviews of the 7 series pushed me over the edge.

Maybe I'll wait for the iPhone 9s Plus next since this 7 Plus is likely going to go the distance.
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Trusted Member
Apr 14, 2016
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I've been on the fence about upgrading my 6s plus to the 7 plus. Right now I'm on the att next plan and have a small amount left to pay off in order to upgrade. I've heard some friends say they had buyers remorse after getting the 7 plus feeling it wasn't worth the upgrade. I like the stereo speakers, dual camera on the 7 plus, and faster ram. Is it worth the upgrade? Please help! Haha :)

I think absolutely NOT.. I see waterproofing as the only upgrade worth considering.. If your 6S+ is running well, keep it and enjoy the savings


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Sep 8, 2016
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totally worth it. The camera is superb. i have actually used the telephoto lens more than the normal lens to get pictures of my daughter at the park and pumpkin patch and what not. the thing is blazing fast and just seems to run so much smoother with iOS 10 than the 6s+. this may be my favorite iphone. it also helps that i went from 64gb to 256gb =]

Having said that. Has anyone been having service issues? i come out of being in wifi and i have 3g for a good 10 minutes before it realizes that its an LTE area. a little frustrating when trying to stream tunes once i leave work.


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Apr 14, 2016
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If you are one of those people that upgrade every year than there is nothing to discuss, but if you are one year into your 6S, I would keep it for another year to get more bang for your buck.

Not saying that it isn't a great phone, just questioning the value added for the cost

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