You mean it wasn't the Russians?


Feb 6, 2012
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Quis it has only been 100 days. Saying "I thought it would be easier is not displaying a lack of confidence. It's acknowledging that the challenge was more than anticipated. Has he quit? Did he say that he was stepping down? If not, then he's still up for the challenge.

Ok. You're right. It's only been 100 days. Maybe he should stop complaining then. Maybe even stop golfing? You know...since he bashed Obama for golfing and told us that when he's elected he probably wouldn't golf anymore because he'd be too busy "working his a** off for the American people".

Bush was too humble, and BHO didn't have to. The entire left was sprouting about him being all that. Wasn't it Barbara Walters who stated that they thought he was the next Messiah?

Why do we care what the "left" said? It's obvious you're not a fan of Obama or the "left". But I personally couldn't care less what they held him to. I'm talking about his words.

You mean like, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"? Or "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected"?

The difference between you and I is that I fully acknowledge everyones failure and mis steps rather than make excuses for them. I've already acknowledge Obamas lie about keeping your doctor. The world has in fact. It was rated the biggest lie of 2013 by Politifact. So I'm not sure why you continue to reference it when having these discussions with me. I don't care about any of that anymore. He's not the president. I'm glad you held Obama accountable when he was president. It's obvious you didn't like the man. But you willfully ignore Trump doing the same exact thing and the hypocrisy here is what is the most troubling. Trump told us Mexico was paying for a wall. Yet it's included in his budget which means WE the taxpayers are expected to fund it. Trump told us he would release his tax returns when the audit has he says nobody cares anymore. Where are you on these lies? I just want trump supporters to hold him equally accountable as they did Obama. But obviously that's too much to ask.

I do not follow the President on Twitter. Having said that, I do wish he would have someone else send out his tweets because far too many Americans are accustomed to politicians tickling their ears with smooth words than they are to them being upfront and direct like the President is.

Two problems here.
1. You don't follow him. So you really are "blind" to who he really is. And your stating he is of thicker skin than the previous presidents means less when you're not witnessing him complaining daily on Twitter.

2. You're placing the blame on Americans rather than on the PRESIDENT OF THE United States, lol. Americans now have to change what they are accustomed to because Trump can't keep his emotions in check? This is again, you defending Trump. But based on some of your statements, had Obama carried himself this way you would have definitely called him out.


Feb 6, 2012
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You liberals sure do love those personal attacks!

Remember when you said this?

You leftists have got to be some of the dumbest people I've ever seen!

Honest this an example of hypocrisy? Please...only answer THAT question. Don't deflect and point fingers. Just answer the question...

Is. This. Hypocrisy?


Feb 6, 2012
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Compared to obama, President Trump sure is a true gentleman! Also your party's criminal was no lady either, but you're too blind to see that.

Oh...I'm not too blind to see anything. Hillary was absolutely no saint. But why are we talking about her? SHE LOST!!! Remember?! Trump won!!! Hillary really shouldn't even be a topic of conversation anymore. Hopefully she's somewhere never planning on running for office again. How about we agree to leave her out of this?

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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Guys...the attacks. Even though this is the politics subforum we still need to respect each other.

I am NOT just talking to one of you.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Ok. You're right. It's only been 100 days. Maybe he should stop complaining then. Maybe even stop golfing? You know...since he bashed Obama for golfing and told us that when he's elected he probably wouldn't golf anymore because he'd be too busy "working his a** off for the American people".

Why do we care what the "left" said? It's obvious you're not a fan of Obama or the "left". But I personally couldn't care less what they held him to. I'm talking about his words.

The difference between you and I is that I fully acknowledge everyones failure and mis steps rather than make excuses for them. I've already acknowledge Obamas lie about keeping your doctor. The world has in fact. It was rated the biggest lie of 2013 by Politifact. So I'm not sure why you continue to reference it when having these discussions with me. I don't care about any of that anymore. He's not the president. I'm glad you held Obama accountable when he was president. It's obvious you didn't like the man. But you willfully ignore Trump doing the same exact thing and the hypocrisy here is what is the most troubling. Trump told us Mexico was paying for a wall. Yet it's included in his budget which means WE the taxpayers are expected to fund it. Trump told us he would release his tax returns when the audit has he says nobody cares anymore. Where are you on these lies? I just want trump supporters to hold him equally accountable as they did Obama. But obviously that's too much to ask.

Two problems here.
1. You don't follow him. So you really are "blind" to who he really is. And your stating he is of thicker skin than the previous presidents means less when you're not witnessing him complaining daily on Twitter.

2. You're placing the blame on Americans rather than on the PRESIDENT OF THE United States, lol. Americans now have to change what they are accustomed to because Trump can't keep his emotions in check? This is again, you defending Trump. But based on some of your statements, had Obama carried himself this way you would have definitely called him out.

You're missing the point. "You" are expecting the impossible. You expect the current POTUS to do everything he said he would do "right now" and if he doesn't, he's a liar or he's not as confident. Some of those things need Congressional approval. Furthermore, you're already judging the man as if he has had 8 years in the White House. As for my opinion of BHO, I did not like the man "as POTUS", but what I dislike more was how the media and the Democrat Party coddled and protected him, even when he screwed up royally. All of his interviews were gentle enough for a kindergartner and he stuck his business in matters that he shouldn't have. As a private citizen, he could very well be a very decent person, but I don't know him in that manner, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, I have to be up long before the sun rises. Take care and have a good night.


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Sep 12, 2008
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You're missing the point. "You" are expecting the impossible. You expect the current POTUS to do everything he said he would do "right now" and if he doesn't, he's a liar or he's not as confident. Some of those things need Congressional approval. Furthermore, you're already judging the man as if he has had 8 years in the White House. As for my opinion of BHO, I did not like the man "as POTUS", but what I dislike more was how the media and the Democrat Party coddled and protected him, even when he screwed up royally. All of his interviews were gentle enough for a kindergartner and he stuck his business in matters that he shouldn't have. As a private citizen, he could very well be a very decent person, but I don't know him in that manner, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, I have to be up long before the sun rises. Take care and have a good night.
When you come back could you please acknowledge the last two points he made? Looks like you skimmed over it. I'm sure it wasn't intentional.


Feb 6, 2012
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You're missing the point. "You" are expecting the impossible. You expect the current POTUS to do everything he said he would do "right now" and if he doesn't, he's a liar or he's not as confident. Some of those things need Congressional approval. Furthermore, you're already judging the man as if he has had 8 years in the White House. As for my opinion of BHO, I did not like the man "as POTUS", but what I dislike more was how the media and the Democrat Party coddled and protected him, even when he screwed up royally. All of his interviews were gentle enough for a kindergartner and he stuck his business in matters that he shouldn't have. As a private citizen, he could very well be a very decent person, but I don't know him in that manner, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, I have to be up long before the sun rises. Take care and have a good night.

No...I knew that wall wouldn't be built immediately. But he told us all that Mexico would pay for it. Now it's included in a spending bill. That means taxpayers are funding that wall if/when it goes up.

Better question...since you frequently quote "If you like your doctor keep your doctor"...IF Trump doesn't get this wall built or IF Mexico doesn't pay for it and instead we do...will you change your quote to "Mexico will pay"? The original ACA bill isn't the one that got passed. Had it gotten passed as Obama imagined it would, I think there's a good chance his hopes and dreams of it would have happened. But it didn't...and now we call him a liar. Does Trump get that same treatment? Or will excuses be made for him although none are made for Obama?

Trump told us that he was letting the citizens of Syria decide how Syria would turn out...a week later he sends missiles over. By you definition of Obama...wouldn't that be a lie?

As far as the coddling and you truly believe that you aren't doing the same thing with Trump? You consistently avoid any points made about the obvious lies, half truths and "misquotes" of Trump. You've yet to hold him accountable. You continue to make excuses on his behalf and blame "the left" for misquoting him or misunderstanding him. No offense...but you come of as incredibly biased.

Case in point...

It was indeed intentional.

I give you your credit on points you make. Such as agreeing about Obama's lies. You willfully ignore points about Trumps. If that's how this next 4/8 years is going to go then I'm going to need more alcohol lol.


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Sep 12, 2008
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I give you your credit on points you make. Such as agreeing about Obama's lies. You willfully ignore points about Trumps. If that's how this next 4/8 years is going to go then I'm going to need more alcohol lol.

Says a lot about one's character. I commend you for giving credit where credit is due. Unlike some people in here who have a tough time admitting they're wrong, lol


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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I give you your credit on points you make. Such as agreeing about Obama's lies. You willfully ignore points about Trumps. If that's how this next 4/8 years is going to go then I'm going to need more alcohol lol.

I have serious doubts Trump will make it to the end of his 4 year term.


Feb 6, 2012
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Says a lot about one's character. I commend you for giving credit where credit is due. Unlike some people in here who have a tough time admitting they're wrong, lol

Is it really possible to get past differences when we choose to ignore valid points? What's the point in a debate then? Lol. This is why it's hard to change opinions on politics...because people choose what they want to believe despite evidence opposing it.


Feb 6, 2012
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I have serious doubts Trump will make it to the end of his 4 year term.

Despite me not liking his "I thought it would be easier" comment...I fully believe he will make it through his term. He'll push through and then he will sell us on how his presidency was the greatest one this country has ever seen, which it could potentially be. But he'll sell that story even if it isn't. His ego won't allow anything less.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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As I suspected. So you basically admit he is right in those points. Have a great rest.
(sigh)...No. That is not why I intentionally didn't respond. I was focused on stating what I wanted to state and then going to bed. Period.

Says a lot about one's character. I commend you for giving credit where credit is due. Unlike some people in here who have a tough time admitting they're wrong, lol

Sooooo you assumed to know the reason why I ignored his reply then you subtly attack my character because of it. Wow! I typically reply sentence by sentence, but not always. Some comments are overlooked, some are not worth replying to, and some gets pushed to the side.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Before people lose their minds, let me reply to these two comments.


Two problems here.
1. You don't follow him. So you really are "blind" to who he really is. And your stating he is of thicker skin than the previous presidents means less when you're not witnessing him complaining daily on Twitter.
You asked if I followed the President on Twitter of which I stated that I do not. You did not ask whether or not I read the President's tweets. I do read a good deal of his tweets, but not all of them so no, I am not blind to who he really is, especially if Twitter is the defining factor. His complaining daily on Twitter as you put it is him bypassing the media and stating what he wants to state directly to the general public.

2. You're placing the blame on Americans rather than on the PRESIDENT OF THE United States, lol.
In the sense that you're using it, no, I'm not. President Trump is not a politician. He speaks his mind. Americans are not used to that from elected leaders. That is a fact, and because of that, I think the President should get someone to tweet for him.
Americans now have to change what they are accustomed to because Trump can't keep his emotions in check?
Various Americans have changed how they handle the transfer of power from President to President and have gone into full hate mode with regard to POTUS. Why is it okay for them to change in that manner but not the other?
This is again, you defending Trump.
In this instance, you are absolutely right.
But based on some of your statements, had Obama carried himself this way you would have definitely called him out.
I don't think so. If he was treated in the same manner as President Trump, and opted to bypass the media and talk directly to the people then I would not have a problem with it.