Will it be the iPhone 5 or 4G, or 4GS?

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Aug 17, 2011
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I've had my iphone 4 for a while now and it's been dropped a few times and the glass never broke. It's surprisingly very very strong. So I'm not worried about the next one being glass. I think for the most part, that the glass survives just as well as any other phone when it's dropped.

Idk I have a number of friends who dropped their i4 once and it shattered. Compared to other phones it seems to be more prone to breaking. Maybe it was just their phone but from what I have seen with them and on various sites like this it doesn't seem to durable. Maybe they can improve the strength if they use glass on the i5 to make it stronger?


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2011
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Idk I have a number of friends who dropped their i4 once and it shattered. Compared to other phones it seems to be more prone to breaking. Maybe it was just their phone but from what I have seen with them and on various sites like this it doesn't seem to durable. Maybe they can improve the strength if they use glass on the i5 to make it stronger?

Yea they could.. but I agree with you and think it would better and simpler for apple if they just put on an aluminum back. Not to mention, it would be much nicer looking too


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Aug 12, 2011
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Definitely a good question of function vs. style...the glass looks nice I think, and I am careful enough to never drop it. I'm also a purist, so I prefer to have almost non-existent protection (if any). However, I have a friend who is accident prone to say the least, and despite reports about the iphone4's lack of durability, I have seen her drop it about ten times now. She has a fairly thin case, but I stand there in shock every time as she picks it up nonchalantly and carries on with her business. I guess the glass is fine with the right bumper/case?

oh, and the new model's name sounds fitting enough!
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Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Yea they could.. but I agree with you and think it would better and simpler for apple if they just put on an aluminum back. Not to mention, it would be much nicer looking too

I agree the 3gs looks very nice I like that style of aluminum back. Think it would look better than glass but thats just me.


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Jun 23, 2010
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I prefer the look of the glass... the metal back on my iPod is all scratched up just from setting it down and daily use. Perhaps if Apple went with a nice brushed aluminum finish like the iPad, it would be a nice middle point... but the glass back just looks nice and classy, IMHO.


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Jul 31, 2011
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I prefer the look of the glass... the metal back on my iPod is all scratched up just from setting it down and daily use. Perhaps if Apple went with a nice brushed aluminum finish like the iPad, it would be a nice middle point... but the glass back just looks nice and classy, IMHO.

Oh yea I definitely agree on the brushed aluminum... I absolutely hate the metal on the back of the ipod touch.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2011
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I'm good with whatever Apple decides to do with the back. I haven't broken the glass back on my iPhone 4 yet.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk.


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Aug 16, 2010
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Wow... you females really do stick together... :D

And don't you forget it, mister! ;)

The only "back" I didn't like was the plastic from 3G/s. I was so disappointed when they did that. To the extent that I held off until ip4 to buy my first one. Glass is still my favorite though.


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Oct 7, 2009
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The iphone 4 is already as powerful as the EVO 4G so there is no reason why the iPhone 5 wouldn't surpass it.Its possible that Sprint may get it but more doubtful at this point. It will be better as I said.iPhone 5 Release Date

lmao. love this part of your article!

Despite the claims of Verizon lovers everywhere, the iPhone on AT&T simply does not suffer from the supposed litany of dropped calls and massive dead zones which Verizon users somehow imagine AT&T iPhone users suffering from. Whether it?s a case of Verizon customers having spent so many years rationalizing their own decision to remain with Verizon despite wanting to jump to AT&T to get the iPhone, or whether it?s the nonstop drumbeat of headline-writing geeks with agendas who?ve decided that claiming Verizon?s network to be massively superior to that of AT&T was the best way to scare the mainstream out of buying an iPhone and into buying a Verizon Droid instead, Verizon users have a stunningly false perception of what life has been like on an AT&T iPhone over the year.


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Jul 3, 2010
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lmao. love this part of your article!

I actually had more dropped calls with AT&T than I ever have with Verizon, that is a simple fact. I have a signal booster to support both Verizon & AT&T at my home and AT&T still dropped far too many calls.

While I did enjoy my iP4, I could not keep it with the network coverage issues. Hopefully iP5 on Verizon meets my needs, if not I will have to wait until Apple catches up and puts LTE in an iPhone.


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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I actually had more dropped calls with AT&T than I ever have with Verizon, that is a simple fact. I have a signal booster to support both Verizon & AT&T at my home and AT&T still dropped far too many calls.

While I did enjoy my iP4, I could not keep it with the network coverage issues. Hopefully iP5 on Verizon meets my needs, if not I will have to wait until Apple catches up and puts LTE in an iPhone.

You're gonna be waiting til next year's model most likely to get lte.


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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The iphone 4 is already as powerful as the EVO 4G so there is no reason why the iPhone 5 wouldn't surpass it.Its possible that Sprint may get it but more doubtful at this point. It will be better as I said.iPhone 5 Release Date

The EVO 4g is older than the i4 so I would hope that the iphone is more powerful. And if the i5 did not surpass it then that would be a disappointment to say the least that a brand new phone cannot outperform a phone that is over a year old.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2011
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White "iPhone 4s" apparently shows up in AT&T's Internal system:

White ?iPhone 4s? apparently shows up in AT&T internal system | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

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