Will it be the iPhone 5 or 4G, or 4GS?

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Jul 31, 2011
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Just checked. I thought the Motorola Bionic was out as it is apparently going to be their first dual-core device, but it is not out yet. The Galaxy S2 will be the second one, and the one that I think will offer the iPhone 4GS the best competition. Motorola Droid Bionic Review - Watch CNET's Video Review

Well they already have dual core, just not dual core and LTE... but my confidence that the next iphone has LTE is growing and it's also pretty much guaranteed to be dual core so in the long run I'll probably stick with ios


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Aug 17, 2011
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I certainly hope you're right cause if it doesn't idk if I'll buy it... The two big things I'm looking for in a smartphone now are dual-core and LTE. And if the new iphone isn't then I might wait and get an android that does because there will probably be one soon.

I agree I am more concerned with lte than dual core per say. But I am hoping the next iphone has both of these.


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Jul 31, 2011
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I'm not just gonna come right out and tell you... jeremy sort of hid it for some reason and I'm not just gonna go give it away...


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Jun 23, 2010
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hank, you thought I was bad haha.... you're not looking in the right place ;)

What? I've known the answer for about 3-4 days now... I was commenting on the sleuthing skillz of the forum members in general... very much tongue-in-cheek.:rolleyes::eek:
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Mar 21, 2009
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What a terrible name.

I could care less about an iPhone 4 with LTE, not signing another contract for that! That would make me look elsewhere, but for now, my iPhone 4 is doing fine, it needs to be worth it if Apple wants me to upgrade.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
What a terrible name.

I could care less about an iPhone 4 with LTE, not signing another contract for that! That would make me look elsewhere, but for now, my iPhone 4 is doing fine, it needs to be worth it if Apple wants me to upgrade.

Dual core, better camera, LTE, and more memory is not enough for you? Better start looking elsewhere then.

*disclaimer - I'm not saying anything is 100% for sure as I'm not going to take heat from members here.
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Mar 21, 2009
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Dual core, better camera, LTE, and more memory is not enough for you? Better start looking elsewhere then.

*disclaimer - I'm not saying anything is 100% for sure as I'm not going to take heat from members here.

After waiting almost a year and a half? I'd have to say yes, my reasons are purely selfish, I know, but when I see other companies pumping new phones every month it makes me wonder why Apple can't do more in 16 months when they only make one phone. I also see Apple being leapfrogged by the competition, the 3GS was fine for 2009, doing the same thing to the 4 in late 2011 isn't gonna cut it this time around.

For one, this whole LTE hype seems pretty pointless to me, there are several things I want in a new phone, LTE isn't even on the list. Reason why is because probably 75% of the time I'm using data on my phone I'm on wifi, and I find 3G to be plenty fast, it's the phone could be a little faster (that's where the A5 comes in). I also know AT$T will probably charge a ridiculous rate per month if you actually want to use that LTE, if you actually live in an area that has it.

The top 3 things I wanted are a bigger screen (over time I've realized that for certain things, a bigger screen would be nice, I think 4" is perfect, and you know if Apple doesn't use that Toshiba 4 incher with the 367ppi, someone else will), the A5, and yes, a notification light.

I guess what I want is not a faster iPhone 4, I want an iPhone 5. Of course, I felt this same way on the eve of the iPhone 4 release:p So we'll see.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
After waiting almost a year and a half? I'd have to say yes, my reasons are purely selfish, I know, but when I see other companies pumping new phones every month it makes me wonder why Apple can't do more in 16 months when they only make one phone. I also see Apple being leapfrogged by the competition, the 3GS was fine for 2009, doing the same thing to the 4 in late 2011 isn't gonna cut it this time around.

For one, this whole LTE hype seems pretty pointless to me, there are several things I want in a new phone, LTE isn't even on the list. Reason why is because probably 75% of the time I'm using data on my phone I'm on wifi, and I find 3G to be plenty fast, it's the phone could be a little faster (that's where the A5 comes in). I also know AT$T will probably charge a ridiculous rate per month if you actually want to use that LTE, if you actually live in an area that has it.

The top 3 things I wanted are a bigger screen (over time I've realized that for certain things, a bigger screen would be nice, I think 4" is perfect, and you know if Apple doesn't use that Toshiba 4 incher with the 367ppi, someone else will), the A5, and yes, a notification light.

I guess what I want is not a faster iPhone 4, I want an iPhone 5. Of course, I felt this same way on the eve of the iPhone 4 release:p So we'll see.

I really don't mean to take this thread off topic like this but while I understand what you mean I also respect that there is not a new iPhone every few month like there are with Android devices. Not only is it easier on the wallet but you don't have to worry about having an outdated phone after a month. Rest be assured while the next iPhone may not be exactly what you are looking for, it will be worthwhile for sure.


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Apr 27, 2011
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^ I have to agree with you Jeremy about only having one iPhone each year being easier on the wallet. Before the iPhone I was getting a new Blackberry every 4 to 6 months. I've had my iPhone 4 for over a year now and I know my wallet feels like it weighs a ton because of it. :D


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Oct 7, 2009
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i have to admit not chasing the next greatest device has been a pleasure over the last couple of years. like IR said, i too seemed to have stock piled a little bit of cash that i otherwise would have spent. THIS is another reason why i will have no problem purchasing the "next" iPhone

i do not care what is called. i already know it is not going to have EVERYTHING i would want it to have. i'd be silly to think so. the fact of the matter is it is going to great. for anyone having doubts, as soon as the specs are released you will have everything you need to know right in front of you. if you do not like it then move on and continue chasing that next phone


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Jun 23, 2010
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Unfortunately, if I'm not buying a new phone every year, I am buying other gadgets/toys. I budget so much money each year for toys, and still have the "phone budget" available when the next phone is released.

But as BLiNK says, it's doubtful that any device will be 100% in line with what I think it should be. That's not to say that there are not awesome devices introduced... and devices that meet my needs, if not my wants. I expect the next iPhone to follow suite... but, as he said, as soon as Jobs & Co announce it, we'll know exactly what to expect, and we can all make our respective decisions. But my phone budget it burning a hole in my pocket... :)

Besides, if I don't spend it on toys, my wife will try to spend it on something stupid like jewelry or shoes :eek:


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2011
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What a terrible name.

I could care less about an iPhone 4 with LTE, not signing another contract for that! That would make me look elsewhere, but for now, my iPhone 4 is doing fine, it needs to be worth it if Apple wants me to upgrade.

It's apple what do you expect? They can't give you most of what you want because then that would screw up next years model. :rolleyes:
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