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Why do you think a lot of windows fans hate apple?


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May 16, 2013
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I know that this is sort of poking at pandoras box here , but I've honestly been wondering this for a while now. It seems like a lot of windows users , pundits , and fans have some kind of loathing hate for apple and anger at its users . I've heard them call apple users sheep, lemmings, brainwashed, entitled, and a number of other things. But what I don't get is WHY? Do they simply not comprehend that someone can use something not running windows? That there must be something wrong with them.

I've been keeping up with Microsoft and windows slot lately due to the fact that I think their new CEO is doing great things and it has sparked interest in me. So I'm reading different writers and pundits like Paul thirsty, who I think does offer done good info, but even he seems to have some vitreal hate towards apple, despite claiming he uses everything , not just windows stuff ( he often has a weird crack at apple or it's users in his articles)

So, I really don't get it. Is it jealousy? Is it insecurity ? Or what? Honestly , both are good companies. I could even do a 180. And ask why a lot of apple users seem to hate Microsoft , which I also don't get.


Mar 10, 2013
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I don't pay and use a device because of what someone else thinks. I use Apple devices because it works the best for me. If that offends others, maybe they should be asking themselves, why.


Dec 3, 2012
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Because people have an irrational need to believe they made the "right" choice, so they put down others' choices to make their choice more "right". Nonsense, of course, but no different really than fans irrational love of a specific sports team, their hometown, etc. people seem to think for them to be right, others must be wrong, rather than realizing right for someone else and right for themselves can be different. As I see it, people hate the other side mostly because they are insecure in their own choices.

I agree with Karen. It's so silly the way people feel they have to put the other guy down to feel better about their choices. They're all good companies. Be happy with what you have and enjoy it.


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Dec 26, 2012
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Did you contact Microsoft Tech Support first? If not, how/why are they contacting you? I'd be careful on this if you didn't initiate a request for help.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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I think this goes for a lot of companies. Apple users hate Android, and vice versa, Android users hate WP, and vice versa, Apple users hate WP, and vice versa. Like someone else said, I use Apple products because they work for me. Sure, Android and WP aren't my first OS choices, but for others they may be. Just pick what you like and stick with it, change if you so feel inclined. It's that easy. :)


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2013
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Because people have an irrational need to believe they made the "right" choice, so they put down others' choices to make their choice more "right". Nonsense, of course, but no different really than fans irrational love of a specific sports team, their hometown, etc. people seem to think for them to be right, others must be wrong, rather than realizing right for someone else and right for themselves can be different. As I see it, people hate the other side mostly because they are insecure in their own choices.

Bingo. I agree; it's sad that others have to denigrate others' choice to make themselves feel better about their own.

Sent from my Awesome iPhone 5!


Well-known member
May 16, 2013
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Did you contact Microsoft Tech Support first? If not, how/why are they contacting you? I'd be careful on this if you didn't initiate a request for help.

Lol, I was being sarcastic. The random call from some middle eastern guy claiming to be tech support for windows is a well known scam.
Jan 20, 2014
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Same reason why Android and BlackBerry fans hate Apple. It's simply just that they'll bash any product that isn't theirs. It's that brand loyalty that a lot of people have. I used to be one of those with android. Thankfully I've learned to just enjoy everything since I got my iPhone 5c.

Sent from the Pad using Tapatalk.


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Sep 19, 2012
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As I have said on many occasions, I will use whatever device fits my needs.

Hardware-wise, I build all my own computers and currently, my main desktop computer is a PC because nothing Apple can produce can come close to the home built system I have. That's just a simple fact.

Hardware aside, software is a different matter entirely. The problem I have is that after using Windows 8 for a period of time on a laptop, I absolutely hate it with a passion. Four of my PCs run Win 7 and it's great, two others run linux but I use those as my mail server/internet portal and NAS server. I will use Win 7 for as long as I can on those PCs because I dislike that Windows 8 is tailored primarily to the touchscreen market and also to those that don't like digging around under the hood. I have thought about a 'Hackintosh' dual boot OSX partition on one of my drives too and I may well explore that option.

I do however intend on buying a Macbook Air when I am next in LA though just to use whilst I am over there. I'll wait until Yosemite has been released and hopefully the next iteration of the Air too.

I think it's a sweeping generalisation to say that a lot of Windows fans hate Apple. If anything, I would consider it a mild indifference at best. Although to quote Garth Algar, "We fear change" could be the reason many don't move over.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
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If you have access to the BBC, they have been airing a documentary series, 'The Men Who Made Us Spend', detailing how fear is used as a marketing device. Although the series has not focussed on MS( hello Apple!), the general techniques used by most companies to take advantage of comsumers anxieties is touched upon. Apple do not comment directly, but direct the BBC to interview a tech analyst on their behalf.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I wouldn't say that they "hate" Apple, especially those who've never used Apple products. Still, a lot of people are merely comfortable with their Windows products and don't feel the need to change. The same applies to users of other platforms including Apple. I'm just thankful for the options we have....:)

Illustrator Joe

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Jan 28, 2013
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No different than Apple fans hating on windows phone. Or android fans hating on Blackberry. Just traditional fanboyism. I have noticed that the smallest minorities seem to be the loudest, but that is just my observation. It seems as Blackberry dwindles they seem to get louder and angrier. And WP has never been huge, but they have always been a very vocal minority.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I didn't like Apple prior to the last couple years mostly because the people who used them in my College. They were mostly pretentious D-bags. My Macbook isn't my primary device these days because there's a lot of business applications that I can't use on it. It's fun for a casual but not as practical as a PC for most fields.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2012
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I don't get the whole platform wars bit. I've seen the most deplorable behaviour from "adults" in defence of their chosen platform. Some of the comments I have seen go beyond unspeakable.

Here is the thing....I've got three platforms right now and I love all three because as a tech geek I love the different approaches. It's fun to discover something my SGIII does that is different than my Q10 or my 5s. Now....what works for me best at the moment is the 5s. It's got the best ecosystem and integration/interoperability from the others I've used. That does not mean that I need to go trash BlackBerry and it certainly does not mean that I need to make degrading and insulting comments to the people who use BlackBerry. It certainly does not mean that I have to go from iMore to Crackberry to stir the pot, as I see happen in the reverse.

The behaviour I see around the platform wars is infantile. I've seen trolls open websites with the purpose of trashing another site or another platform. And they do this as if it were some honourable undertaking. It is atrocious, vile, immature, and frankly makes them into an embarrasing spectacle.

So in actuality, I don't believe most windows fans hate Apple. I believe that some immature people with passive aggressive personalities and little in the way of social skills get their frustration out by bullying others in the most cowardly manner possible - anonymously via the internet.


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Jul 7, 2014
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What I like about all of my Apple Products (2 iPhone 5, iPad Mini and iPad 2) is that when you take them out of the box "They just work" and upgrades are simple. When I upgraded my 2 (Dell and HP) computers to Windows 8.1 it became a nightmare which I got through. Windows Fans have not seen the simplicity of Apple.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2013
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I don't get the whole platform wars bit. I've seen the most deplorable behaviour from "adults" in defence of their chosen platform. Some of the comments I have seen go beyond unspeakable.

Here is the thing....I've got three platforms right now and I love all three because as a tech geek I love the different approaches. It's fun to discover something my SGIII does that is different than my Q10 or my 5s. Now....what works for me best at the moment is the 5s. It's got the best ecosystem and integration/interoperability from the others I've used. That does not mean that I need to go trash BlackBerry and it certainly does not mean that I need to make degrading and insulting comments to the people who use BlackBerry. It certainly does not mean that I have to go from iMore to Crackberry to stir the pot, as I see happen in the reverse.

The behaviour I see around the platform wars is infantile. I've seen trolls open websites with the purpose of trashing another site or another platform. And they do this as if it were some honourable undertaking. It is atrocious, vile, immature, and frankly makes them into an embarrasing spectacle.

So in actuality, I don't believe most windows fans hate Apple. I believe that some immature people with passive aggressive personalities and little in the way of social skills get their frustration out by bullying others in the most cowardly manner possible - anonymously via the internet.

That's true also. They really don't hate it. They want attention, and it makes them feel big to trash what they see the rich business people using; macs. They also-in a lot of cases- are hipsters and want to be different from people that make informed buying decisions(Apple users).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
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I have a windows PC that I use for gaming and I have an iPhone for calling, texting and mobile gaming. I get devices based on my needs, what ever device fits my needs best I get. I don't hate any company cause each device fits peoples needs differently. I think most windows fans that don't like Apple are people who haven't tried an Apple product.

Sent from my iPhone 5S or 5th gen iPod Touch (beta testing) using Tapatalk


Jul 7, 2014
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As a Windows Phone user and heavily embedded in the MS ecosystem, I don't hate Apple. In fact, I would be the first to agree that Apple probably has the most beautiful hardware out of the major players. The reason I don't choose Apple is 1) the price. My $700 6 year old 17" Gateway laptop is running very strong. There is nothing then or now that Apple offers that can compete with that. Apple products are premium hardware that I do not find worth it. And that is just my opinion. And 2) I'm not a fan of the design language and UI of iPad/iPhone. It's just not my bag. I like the customization, which Apple doesn't offer.

It does kill me though, going to the comments of an Engadget or The Verge and see the flame wars over tech. It makes me facepalm to read how much tech has become the new religion. "If you don't have what I have then you are the enemy and you should be outcast." It is total idiocy. It's just a COMPUTER, or just a PHONE. Who cares what you use.

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