Why do my iPhone 6 message apps keep crashing?


iMore Question

Iphone 6 messages app keeps crashing...

I woke up this morning and tried to open my message app and it immediately crashed without displaying anything (the screen was white when trying to open). I tried double tapping the home button and removing it from the apps in the background. Tried again, did not work. I tried holding down the lock/unlock button to restart my iphone, still did not work. I then tried holding down the home button and lock/unlock to restart the phone, still the message app crashed. However, I read to have siri read your texts, which she did. Still nothing worked. I tried to go through contacts to text someone, and it is now stuck on the one person I tried. I can open the message app, see my conversation with that person, but cannot go back to the 'home scree' within the messages app. I tried downloading the new 8.3 software and everything. Still did not work.
I then sync'd my phone with my PC and everything. Did not work.
Last thing I tried was restoring, and that still did not work.

Haseeb Rehman

Well-known member
May 5, 2013
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Re: Iphone 6 messages app keeps crashing...

Its a viral message bug which happens when someone texts you a malicious sort of text message which makes your iphone reboot once and won't let you open messages without crashing. You have following choices to fix it:
A) Texting the person back using siri who sent you that message. It will fix the issue instantly.
B) Sending a photo to that person through photos app.
C) Asking that person to text you again if that person is your friend.
D) Reset your iDevice.