Week 2 thread: Win the iOS device of your dreams in the TiPb holiday giveaway!

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Jun 16, 2008
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I would love to win one so I can start downloading more educational apps for my 9 month old. He is a future tech head. He already loves using my ipod touch and 4s. An iPad 2 would be perfect (I'd obviously have to get a Otterbox or something) ;)


Dec 12, 2010
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It would mean the world.

First of all, can I just say that I am an avid reader of the TiPb news and I enjoy each and every one of the podcasts?

I am quite ecstatic with this current competition that TiPb has going. This is, by far, one of the larger giveaways I have seen. The four chances to win and the selection of your own prize is quite the gift to give to the holiday shoppers.

I am a student that constantly assists others with their technology and as everyone is progressing and getting the latest and greatest, I am stuck behind with a 4 year old computer that cannot hold a battery charge and an old, no service iPhone.

My main uses for computers is for reading up on the latest tech news (like my daily TiPb readings :cool:) and composing documents and presentations for my advanced level classes. I don't expect a whole lot from a computer, just the ability to create my presentations, read my news, and mobility.

Frankly, my computer fails to live up to my simple standards by lacking the mobility issues and little power needed for document processing.

Today, with the technology behind the iPad 2 and the combined mobility of the new iOS 5 and iCloud, I would be able to manage my simple tasks and always stay connected. Since the announcement of the original iPad, I have been glued to computers everywhere literally drooling over its features. :eek:

I had previously entered the other giveaways that TiPb has done for such a device and I was without luck. Seeing as TiPb is going to such generous lengths to give away 4 of the $600 gift cards, I felt as if I should toss my name into the hat and hope for the best.

Having an iPad would mean a lot to me as it would definitely help me with school work and I could always be connected. I could also enjoy such features as the Facetime interaction and excellent speed and gaming.

In today's poor economy, no matter how many times I ask Santa :eek:, I doubt that I, or my family, would be able to afford such a device. (It would probably take a few decades of the elves' salaries to afford it seeing as they don't charge delivery fees!)

I would really be grateful if I were to win the gift card towards the device and I would really like to thank TiPb to the deepest of my abilities.

With very much appreciation, I would like to wish each and every TiPb[er] some joyous holidays.

- Brian


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Aug 20, 2010
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It says I could win my dream iOS device. So, I hope I win so I can get a laser equipped iPhone to shoot down all the android fanboys!


Trusted Member
Jun 12, 2011
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i would love to get an ipad because i bought a playbook thinking it was fast. from what i hear the ipad blows this out of the water but i just dont have enough money to buy one due to all the christmas shopping i have to do thanks to my wifes huge family.


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Jun 2, 2011
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Make Mine the iPad3!

My original iPad is beginning to seem passe. Hope they throw some wickud good, new specs on a "3" and that I win.
Thanks for it all TIPB!


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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I would love to get an iPad. I have been staying away from hubby's so I wouldn't want one so bad but I secretly do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Dec 10, 2011
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iPad 3

As a new iPad owner/old geezer I'm blown away by this new world. A new iPad 3 would, I suspect, be another quantum leap forward. thanks for the opportunity!

Curious D

Oct 16, 2010
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I revised my device to rule the world to accommodate an iPad or an iPhone 4S. It will be the final piece for completion. Still over budgeted and would appreciate the iPad (or iPhone 4S) to help subjugate the world. Thanks.


I would love to have an iPad 2 or 3 so that I can use this for reading to my kids. Tablets have one advantage over print in that looking up words is much easier. No more guessing what a word means in the context of its use. Besides that, my near vision is starting to go and an iPad would be helpful when reading. Thanks for the chance and Happy Holidays!
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Dec 10, 2011
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Winning an iPad to to help kids

I would be so thankful to win either an iPad or iPhone to utilize as a Mental Health Therapist. I am still an intern, and cannot afford to buy these incredible tools. I plan to use either item to help my clients (whom are kids!) with impulse control activities online and as a reinforcer for good behavior. I'm still using an old cell phone that is from 2008 and cracked...So ready to experience the touch screen phenomenon!


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2010
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Okay fine! I can't use Airplay on my iPad 1 so it looks like I need a new one! ;) I know just the person, who would loooove to have my original iPad.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
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Just bought my first iPhone (the 4S) and am considering a total switch to Apple. Would love to have the iPad as my next iOS device!


Feb 2, 2011
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I would like an iPad 2/3 because as someone that hasn't had a lot in life, TiPb makes contests like this so we can enjoys these great gifts. Having an iPad 2/3 would make my life, job, and since I travel a lot, my navigation so much better. Thanks TiPb!


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2011
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An iPad 2 would be great for surfing the web in bed and quick and easy task not to mention it'd be awesome to be able to take advantage of all those great dedicated iPad apps!
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