Tweaks needed Kindly help

Kashan Osama

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2014
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I am on 4s with 7.0.4 JB want some much needed tweaks on my phone.....which have

1. ability to take notes on lockscreen and then they can remain in Notification center

2. Ability to add reminders/events and then they remain in NC (not that they start to appear before the event,they just remain there as soon as i add them)

3. Ability to pin NC notes on lockscreen/homescreen OR if possible,to add " large snippets" to the Homescreen

4. Ability to pin reminders on my Lockscreen (slide to view/dismiss etc)


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Feb 12, 2013
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You defiantly need LockInfo just like me and most other people xD

The only thing which is now possible (as far as I know) are the stock reminder app with the reminder widget in NC and OmniFocus with the OmniFocus widget for NC.

With the OmniFocus widget for NC you can also tap on it to create entries and there's a flipswitch, that means you can create entries from anywhere with any Activator gesture. There is also the NoteCreator tweak for creating notes from anywhere.

DashboardX, Lockinfo and IntelliScreenX aren't updated :/

Kashan Osama

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Jan 3, 2014
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You defiantly need LockInfo just like me and most other people xD

The only thing which is now possible (as far as I know) are the stock reminder app with the reminder widget in NC and OmniFocus with the OmniFocus widget for NC.

With the OmniFocus widget for NC you can also tap on it to create entries and there's a flipswitch, that means you can create entries from anywhere with any Activator gesture. There is also the NoteCreator tweak for creating notes from anywhere.

DashboardX, Lockinfo and IntelliScreenX aren't updated :/

ahan :) so with omni focus or reminder widget for NC ? can we only create the Reminders or they are shown aswell (from our reminders app)


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Feb 12, 2013
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With the reminder widget you can't create entries but you can show them and also tick them off, so it's great to show your daily stuff which you do frequently.

The OmniFocus widget shows entries, but you can also create entries directly on the NC. Additionally you can also set an activator gesture to create an entry from everywhere, also lockscreen.
It's recommendable to set bigger and more important tasks here which should be ticked off accidentally.

Both widgets allow you to tap on the entries to get to the respective entry. (This feature is already implemented in the OmniFocus widget, but will we only available with the next update of the OmniFocus app for iPhone for version 2)
you can also just work with one of them, but I really like it to separate projects tasks and daily/routine stuff ;)


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Feb 12, 2013
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In your profile it's written that you have iOS 6 but you said your on iOS 7 in this thread. If you're on iOS 7, then you can just try the reminder app and its NC widget ;)

If you want to I can show you my NC with both widgets and how that works. Especially if you don't know OmniFocus then you shouldn't rush into it. ✔ OmniFocus is very overwhelming for most people at the beginning :eek:

Kashan Osama

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Jan 3, 2014
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In your profile it's written that you have iOS 6 but you said your on iOS 7 in this thread. If you're on iOS 7, then you can just try the reminder app and its NC widget ;)

If you want to I can show you my NC with both widgets and how that works. Especially if you don't know OmniFocus then you shouldn't rush into it. ✔ OmniFocus is very overwhelming for most people at the beginning :eek:

actually i have iOS 7 sorry for that mistake,and thank you for your reply btw..,oK i am fine with not being able to create reminders from NC,but atleast they would remain there

always as soon as I add them,good for me...I would use Notes for NC like widget to make quick short notes in NC,quite fine with it..

so what is the exact name of NC widget for reminder app,and can we pin notes to homescreen,in form of icons or if possibe,large snippets showing the Note on the first screen..

any developer you know who makes this sort of stuff?


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Feb 12, 2013
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The NC widget for the stock reminder app is part of iOS 7, just go to the NC settings and there toggle it on in "Today" view

On iOS 7 it's until now not directly possible to pin a notes field to the homescreen. On iOS 6 it was possible. I think I used iWidget to pin stuff to the homescreen on iOS 7 but it wasn't cool

Kashan Osama

Well-known member
Jan 3, 2014
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The NC widget for the stock reminder app is part of iOS 7, just go to the NC settings and there toggle it on in "Today" view

On iOS 7 it's until now not directly possible to pin a notes field to the homescreen. On iOS 6 it was possible. I think I used iWidget to pin stuff to the homescreen on iOS 7 but it wasn't cool

no no you are not getting me mate,the reminders only show when the alert is closing in and not "ALL" the time if I like to,there are things I need to setup to be shown all the time,how about that? thanks :)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Haha I don't know what you mean, all reminders which have a due date will appear in your NC in the today's view and stay there until you tick them off or delete them. I'm not taking about the reminder alerts, I mean the reminders.

Just like in this picture the reminders stay there all the time :p



Well-known member
Sep 6, 2010
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no no you are not getting me mate,the reminders only show when the alert is closing in and not "ALL" the time if I like to,there are things I need to setup to be shown all the time,how about that? thanks :)

Just set the reminder to remind you in 1 minute then leave it in notification.

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