You know, I applaud you for being in college to advance your education, and I appreciate your interest in politics. Having said that, education and interest do not equate to wisdom and to being right. You lack life experiences to understand and/or accept many of the truths you are vigorously opposing. Many of us are already college educated. We've already had long and successful careers. We've already grown from being boys to men. We've already gone through the stage of thinking we knew it all just to learn later on how stupid we really were. I'm not saying these things to be mean or degrading, and I hope you don't take it that way, but I am trying to share just a bit of wisdom and offer a little bit of advice. If you only seek answers from places or sources you're comfortable with, how will you ever understand the viewpoint of those who are outside your comfort zone? Just a little food for thought. Enjoy your day.